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Appendix (continued)

Birds of Glacier National Park

Key to symbols:

E — occurs on east side of the park (east of the Divide)
W — occurs on west side of the park (west of the Divide)
A — occurs in alpine areas
ab — abundant
c — common
u — uncommon
r — rare
u — introduced
a — accidental


* Common Loon E, W ab
Arctic Loon?
Red-throated Loon?


Red-necked Grebe E, W, c
Horned Grebe E, W, ab
Eared Grebe E, W, c
*Western Grebe E, W, u
Pied-billed Grebe E, W, r

Pelicans, Cormorants

White Pelican E, W, u
Double-crested Cormorant E, r

Herons, Bitterns

* Great Blue Heron E, W, c
Black-crowned Night Heron a
* American Bittern, W, r

Swan, Geese, Ducks

Whistling Swan E, W, ab
Trumpeter Swan E, W, r
Canada Goose E, W, c
Snow Goose E, W, c
Ross' Goose E, W, r
*Mallard E, W, ab
Gadwall E, W, r
Pintail E, W, c
Green-winged Teal E, W, c
Blue-winged Teal E, W, u
Cinnamon Teal E, W, u
European Widgeon E, W, c
American Widgeon E, W, ab
Northern Shoveler E, W, c
*Wood Duck E, W, r
Redhead E, W, c
Ring-necked Duck E, W, u
Canvasback E, W, u
Lesser Scaup E, W, c
Greater Scaup?
Common Goldeneye E, W, c
Barrow's Goldeneye E, W, ab
Bufflehead E, W, u
Harlequin Duck E, W, c
White-winged Scoter E, W, r
*Ruddy Duck E, W, c
Hooded Merganser E, W, u
Common Merganser E, W, ab
Red-breasted Merganser, E, W, u

Vultures, Hawks, Eagles

Turkey Vulture E, W, r
Goshawk E, W, c
Sharp-shinned Hawk E, W, u
Cooper's Hawk E, W, u
Red-tailed Hawk E, W, c
Red-shouldered Hawk a
Swainson's Hawk E, W, c
Rough-legged Hawk E, W, r
Ferruginous Hawk E, W, u
Golden Eagle, E, W, A, c
Bald Eagle, E, W, ab
*Marsh Hawk E, W, ab
Osprey E, W, ab
Prairie Falcon E, W, A, r
Peregrine Falcon E, W, r
American Kestrel E, W, c

Grouse, Ptarmigans

Blue Grouse, E, W, ab
Spruce Grouse E, W, ab
Ruffed Grouse E, W, ab
*Sharp-tailed Grouse E, r
White-tailed Ptarmigan A, c
Willow Ptarmigan ?
Ring-necked Pheasant E, W, r, i
Gray Partridge E, W, r, i


Sandhill Crane E, r

Rails, Coots

Sora E, W, r
*American Coot E, W, ab


Killdeer E, W, c
Black-bellied Plover E, r
Common Snipe E, W, c
Long-billed Curlew E, r
Upland Sandpiper E, r
Spotted Sandpiper E, w, A, ab
Solitary Sandpiper E, r
Willet, E, r
Pectoral Sandpiper E, r
Baird's Sandpiper E, W, r
Lesser Yellowlegs, E, W, r
*Greater Yellowlegs E, W, r
American Avocet E, W, u
Northern Phalarope E, W, r
Wilson's Phalarope E, W, u
Black Turnstone ?
Long-billed Dowitcher E, W, r

Gulls, Terns

*Herring Gull E, W, r
California Gull E, W, ab
Ring-billed Gull E, W, c
Franklin's Gull E, W, c
Bonaparte's Gull E, u
Forster's Tern E, W, u
Common Tern E, r
Caspian Tern a
Black Tern E, W, u

Doves, Pigeons

Band-tailed Pigeon E, W, r
* Mourning Dove E, W, c
Rock Dove E, W, r, i


Screech Owl E, W, r
*Great Horned Owl E, W, ab
Snowy Owl E, W, u
Hawk Owl E, W, u
Pygmy Owl E, W, ab
Barred Owl E, W, c
Great Gray Owl E, W, u
Long-eared Owl E, W, r
Short-eared Owl, E, W, c
Boreal Owl E, W, r
Saw-whet Owl E, W, u

Nighthawks, Swifts

*Common Nightawk E, W, ab
Black Swift E, W, u
Vaux's Swift E, W, ab
White-throated Swift W, A, r


Broad-tailed Hummingbird E, W, r
Rufous Hummingbird E, W, A, ab
Calliope Hummingbird E, W, A, ab
Black-chinned Hummingbird E, W, r


*Belted Kingfisher E, W, ab


Common Flicker E, W, ab
Pileated Woodpecker E, W, ab
Red-headed Woodpecker E, W, r
Lewis' Woodpecker E, W, c
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker E, W, ab
Williamson's Sapsucker E, W, u
Hairy Woodpecker E, W, ab
Downy Woodpecker E, W, ab
Black-backed Three-toed Woodpecker E, W, ab
Northern Three-toed Woodpecker E, W, ab


Eastern Kingbird E, W, ab
Western Kingbird E, W, u
*Ash-throated Flycatcher a
Say's Phoebe E, W, r
Willow Flycatcher E, W, c
Hammond's Flycatcher E, W, ab
Olive-sided Flycatcher E, W, ab
Western Flycatcher E, r
Western Wood Peewee E, W, c


Horned Lark E, W, A, ab


Violet-green Swallow E, W, A. ab
Tree Swallow E, W, ab
Bank Swallow E, W, ab
Rough-winged Swallow E, W, u
*Barn Swallow E, W, u
Cliff Swallow E, W, A, ab

Jays, Magpies, Crows

Gray Jay E, W, ab
Blue Jay E, W, r
Steller's Jay E, W, ab
Black-billed Magpie E, W, ab
Common Raven E, W, A, ab
*Common Crow E, W, ab
Clark's Nutcracker E, W, A, ab


Black-capped Chickadee E, W, ab
Mountain Chickadee E, W, ab
Boreal Chickadee E, W, r
Chestnut-backed Chickadee E, W, u

Nuthatches, Creepers

White-breasted Nuthatch E, W, u
Red-breasted Nuthatch E, W, ab
Brown Creeper E, W, ab

Dippers, Wrens

Dipper E, W, A, ab
House Wren E, W, u
*Winter Wren E, W, ab
Long-billed Marsh Wren a
Rock Wren E, W, u

Catbirds. Thrashers

Gray Catbird E, W, u

Thrushes, Bluebirds. Solitaires

American Robin E, W, A, ab
Varied Thrush E, W, ab
Hermit Thrush E, W, ab
Swainson's Thrush E, W, ab
Veery E, W, c
Western Bluebird E, W, r
*Mountain Bluebird E, W, A, ab
Townsend's Solitaire E, W, A, ab


Golden-crowned Kinglet E, W, ab
Ruby-crowned Kinglet E, W, ab


Water Pipit E, W, A, ab


Bohemian Waxwing E, W, ab
*Cedar Waxwing E, W, ab


Loggerhead Shrike E, W, r
Northern Shrike E, W, r


*Starling E, W, c, i


Solitary Vireo E, W, ab
*Red-eyed Vireo E, W, ab
Warbling Vireo E, W, ab


Black and White Warbler W, r
Tennessee Warbler E, W, r
Orange-crowned Warbler E, W, r
Nashville Warbler E, W, r
Yellow Warbler E, W, ab
Yellow-rumped Warbler E, W, ab
Townsend's Warbler E, W, ab
Northern Waterthrush E, W, ab
MacGillivray's Warbler E, W, ab
Common Yellowthroat E, W, ab
Wilson's Warbler E, W, ab
American Redstart E, W, ab
Yellow-breasted Chat ?

Weaver Finches

*House Sparrow E, W, r, i

Blackbirds, Orioles

Bobolink E, r
Western Meadowlark E, W, u
Red-winged Blackbird E, W, ab
Northern Oriole E, W, r
Brewer's Blackbird E, W, u
Rusty Blackbird E, W, r
Yellow-headed Blackbird E, r
Common Grackle E, r
Brown-headed Cowbird E, W, c

Tanagers, Grosbeaks

Western Tanager E, W, ab
*Evening Grosbeak E, W, ab
Pine Grosbeak E, W, ab
Black-headed Grosbeak E, W, r

Finches, Sparrows, Buntings

Lazuli Bunting E, W, c
Lark Bunting E, W, r
Snow Bunting E, W, c
Cassin's Finch E, W, A, ab
Gray-crowned Rosy Finch E, W, A, ab
*American Goldfinch E, W, u
Common Redpoll E, W, c
Pine Siskin E, W, A, ab
Red Crossbill E, W, ab
White-winged Crossbill E, W, u
Rufous-sided Towhee E, W, u
Green-tailed Towhee E, W, r
Savannah Sparrow E, W, c
LeConte's Sparrow E, W, u
Vesper Sparrow E, W, ab
Tree Sparrow E, W, r
Chipping Sparrow E, W, A, ab
Brewer's Sparrow E, W, r
Harris' Sparrow E, W, r
White-crowned Sparrow E, W, A, ab
Fox Sparrow E, W, A, ab
Lincoln's Sparrow E, W, A, c
Song Sparrow E, W, ab
Dark-eyed Junco E, W, c
McCown's Longspur E, c
Lapland Longspur E, W, c
Chestnut-collared Longspur E, c


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Last Modified: Sat, Nov 4 2006 10:00:00 pm PST