History and Prehistory
Early French-Canadian trappers, probably in search of
beavers, are credited with being the first white men to view the
badlands. They aptly described the region as "Les mauvaises terres à
traverser" because it was, indeed, "bad lands to travel across." The
Indians, too, had a name for it"Mako Sica" (mako, meaning land;
sica, bad).

A great thickness of rocks is now exposed in the
Although it was never heavily utilized as a
habitation area by prehistoric Indians, Badlands National Monument
contains ancient remains which indicate that Indians roamed over this
country, from time to time, for several thousand years. A lance-shaped
point, of a type used during the Archaic Period (about 2000 B.C. to A.D.
500), was found northeast of Dillon Pass a number of years ago.
On the west rim of Sage Creek Basin there is an
abundant supply of good water. Since this was presumably the only source
of water within many miles, it attracted groups of hunting or traveling
Indians. Stone chips and camp refuse at this site indicate that Indians
camped here periodically while they refreshed themselves and made
arrow-points, knives, scrapers, and articles necessary to the hunt.
Later Indians, probably late prehistoric Mandan and
Arickara, brought pottery into the area on their seasonal bison hunts.
Probably a few small groups lived in sheltered valleys and along the
White River in the badlands.

The "White River Badlands." Note the new cycle of
badlands forming at the base of the badlands wall
A little over a century ago (in 1846 and again in
1847), there appeared the first published accounts of a fossil animal
from the badlands. Dr. Hiram A. Prout, of St. Louis, was the writer. In
1849, Dr. John Evans, under the direction of Dr. David Dale Owen,
geologist of the General Land Office, explored and made fossil
collections in the badlands. Owen's report, containing fossil
descriptions by Dr. Joseph Leidy, may be considered the beginning of the
science of vertebrate paleontology in the United States. Other
expeditions soon followed, and many universities, museums, and
scientific bodies came to the area to gather a share of its scientific
treasures. The South Dakota School of Mines and Technology in Rapid City
is perhaps the institution most actively engaged today in research in
the area. Recent field explorations and studies have resulted in
numerous important discoveries, and the reports on them have enriched
the scientific literature of the region.
The badlands were off the principal early travel
routes and played only a minor role in western history. Only a few
events of general interest are known. Two of these are worthy of
Jedediah Smith, famous western explorer, is believed
to have followed the White River Valley through this region en route to
the Black Hills from the Missouri River in 1823. In 1890 the Sioux
Indian Chief, Big Foot, was moving his followers to what is now the Pine
Ridge Indian Reservation and was pursued by soldiers of the United
States Army. The latter expected to corral the Indians on the northerly
edge of the badlands, since the military were convinced that there was
no way in which the Indians could traverse the rugged country. Chief Big
Foot, however, had other ideas. He moved his entire band through a pass
and thus escaped the soldiers for a short time, to meet them later in
the famous Battle of Wounded Knee. Big Foot Pass is named for this
enterprising warrior. There are two known campsites of Big Foot and his
band within the monument.