This book is a simple account of the natural history
of Saguaro National Monument. It is intended to help you understand the
relationships between land, climate, plants, wild animals, and man in
the environment of a hot desert. While it includes brief profiles of
many representative species, it is not intended to serve as a guide to
the monument. It does indicate where the several distinctive natural
communities exist, and when and where to look for certain plants and
animals. For identification purposes, you will need field guides.
The present edition is my revision of the 1957 book
by Natt Dodge, then naturalist for the Southwest Region of the National
Park Service. The first five and the last two chapters are essentially
new; the central chapters on plants and animals remain largely as
written in the first edition.
The authors wish to thank former and present members
of the monument staff for their help and companionship, in both field
and office. We are particularly grateful to Chief Naturalist Harold T.
Coss, Jr., who devoted much time and effort to obtaining many of the
photographs and, with Park Biologist Warren F. Steenbergh, gave the
manuscript a thorough scrutiny. The cooperation and hospitality of
Superintendent Harold R. Jones have created the best possible climate
for work on the revised edition. National Park Service geologist Robert
H. Rose contributed in very great measure to the geological content.
Finally, our thanks go to the many students of desert life on whose
knowledge this book has been built, and to monument visitors who ask
questionsfor their concern gives hope for better relations between
man and nature.

(Photo by Harold T. Coss, Jr.)