the sonoran desert and the monument
Saguaro National Monument is at the northeastern edge
of the Sonoran Desert. Named for the state of Sonora, Mexico, in which
the greater part of it lies, this, one of four major deserts in North
America, is distinguished by differences in climate and vegetation. The
Great Basin Desert, mainly in Nevada and Utah between the Rockies and
the Sierra Nevada, has cold winters, sparse precipitation distributed
fairly evenly throughout the year, and rather simple vegetation
dominated by the low shrubs, sagebrush and saltbrush. Immediately to
the south, in southern Nevada and southeastern California, is the Mohave
Desert, with cool winters during which most of the year's precipitation
comes, and with plant cover consisting mostly of shrubs such as
creosotebush. At higher elevations grows the Joshua-tree, a giant yucca.
The Chihuahuan Desert, with cool winters and summer rainfall, covers the
broad plateau of north-central Mexico, extending into southern New
Mexico and west Texas. Its vegetation consists mostly of small cactuses,
spiny shrubs, and succulent-leaved plants such as yuccas.

The Saguaro Forest in the Tucson Mountain Section. (Photo by Harold T. Coss, Jr.)
Lying between the Mohave and Chihuahuan deserts, the
Sonoran Desert has both winter and summer rainfall, with spring and
autumn droughts. Its mild winters and bi-seasonal rainfall encourage a
vegetation far surpassing in lushness and variety that of the other
deserts. From west to east, the land rises and precipitation increases.
Yuma, in southwestern Arizona, lying at 141 feet above sea level, gets
about 3 inches a year. Tucson, in southeastern Arizona, is at 2,400
feet elevation and averages 11 inches a year. In the western part, where
plains are extensive and mountain ranges low and far apart, a very few
small-leaved species such as creosotebush dominate. Toward the east,
mountain ranges become more numerous, shedding material on which more
kinds of plants, particularly paloverde, mesquite, and cactuses, assume
leading roles in the vegetative cover. Both sections of the monument lie
within the eastern, wetter, more diversified part of the Sonoran Desert
known as the Arizona Upland. Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, to
the southwest, is in an area transitional between the Arizona upland
and Colorado River lowland phases of the Sonoran Desert.
But even between the two sections of Saguaro National
Monument there are differences. There is the obvious fact that the
Tucson Mountains are much lower and smaller in mass than the Rincons.
And there is the not-so-obvious fact that the Tucson Mountain Section
extends to lower elevations (2,200 as opposed to 2,700 feet). These
conditions are reflected in the somewhat warmer environment of the
western section. This helps to explain why certain Sonoran Desert plants
and animals here reach their northeastern limits; among them are
ironwood, desert iguana, desert horned lizard, western shovel-nosed
snake, sidewinder, desert kangaroo rat, and the Le Conte thrasher. The
Rincon Mountain Section, by virtue of its higher elevations, has plants
and animalssuch as ponderosa pine, Steller's jay, and whitetail
deernot found in the western section.

Desert Areas of North America.
On the geologic time scale the Sonoran Desert, like
all the earth's present deserts, is a recent development. Some 50
million years ago tropical forests grew here, as they did over most of
southern North America. As the Southwest gradually became drier, new
species adapted to the new conditions evolved; and the general type of
vegetation changedwith some retrogression during wetter
periodsfrom forest to savanna (grasslands with scattered trees)
to arid subtropical scrub (such as is now found in southern Sonora
State), and finally to the plant communities of today's Sonoran Desert.
The last stage has occurred only during the past few million years.
The assemblage of species from which most of our
present desert and lower mountain plants were derived is known as the
Madro-Tertiary Flora, to denote its center (Sierra Madre in Mexico) and
time (Tertiary periodone million to 65 million years ago) of early
development. Reflecting these origins, a majority of the species growing
below 6,000 feet elevation in the monument today are basically Mexican
or Central or South American in their distribution.
On the higher mountains of the Sonoran Desert,
however, exist species with an entirely different ancestry. Most of the
plants of the pine and fir forests of these high places, like the plants
of the Great Basin Desert, derive from the Arcto-Tertiary Flora, which
dominated the northern part of our continent during Tertiary times. As
climate changes, one or the other of these great plant assemblages will
benefit at the expense of the other. If cooler, wetter periods return,
as they did during the Pleistocene epoch, ponderosa pines, now found
above 6,000 feet, may again grow nearly as low down as today's cactus
forests. But if the present long-term drying trend continues, the
northern plants will eventually be squeezed off their mountaintops.
Animals, to some extent, reflect the same dichotomy
of origins we have seen in the plants. Thus, on the mountaintops
supporting pine and fir forests, a northern contingent of animals
predominates, while on the lower slopes and desert the fauna has a
Mexican character. The canyons and oak-pine forests of middle
elevations in southeastern Arizona are particularly exciting, because
in these biological islands, isolated by surrounding desert, live many
"Mexican" species of animals found nowhere else in the United States.
Naturally, mountain ranges nearest the bordersuch as the
Huachucas and Chiricahuashave the greatest number of
Mexican specialities; but the Rincons have their share too.
The wonderful diversity of plant and animal
life in Saguaro National Monument depends on a diversity of habitats.
These in turn owe their existence to a widely varying triumviragte of
environmental factorsclimate, soil, and topography. To understand
the biological interplay that goes on here, we first must knkow something
of the evnironmental conditions that circumscribe it.

Plant communities on Mica Mountain. (Photo by Harold T. Coss, Jr.)
Geological Time Table
Era | Period | Epoch |
Years before present time |
Major geological events |
Cenozoic | Quaternary |
Recent | 10,000 | Cascade Range and Sierra Nevada uplifted |
Pleistocene | 1,000,000 |
Tertiary | Pliocene |
12,000,000 |
Miocene |
26,000,000 |
Oligocene |
38,000,000 |
Eocene | 54,000,000 |
Paleocene | 65,000,000 | Rocky Mountains formed |
Mesozoic |
Cretaceous |
| 136,000,000 |
Jurassic |
| 195,000,000 |
Triassic |
| 250,000,000 | Appalachian folding |
Paleozoic | Permian |
| 280,000,000 |
Pennsylvanian |
| 320,000,000 |
Mississippian |
| 345,000,000 |
Devonian |
| 395,000,000 |
Silurian |
| 440,000,000 |
Ordovician |
| 500,000,000 |
Cambrian |
| 570,000,000 |
Precambrian |