desert plants
When you look out over the cactus forest, in either
part of Saguaro National Monument, you may think there's a sameness to
it in all directionssaguaros standing amid scattered shrubs. But
look harder, or walk about, and you will discover variations in the
scene. First, there is a gradual change in the vegetation from the
mountain foot down the bajada or pediment to the valley floor, as
saguaros and paloverdes (green) become sparser and creosote-bushes
(smaller and brownish) take over. (The monument itself does not extend
far enough from the mountain bases to include extensive creosotebush
communities, but these cover large areas in the lowest parts of the
valleys.) Then there is the luxuriant growth along washes, where
mesquites and paloverdes grow to tree size and there are more kinds of
plants. And if you are observant you may notice slight variations with
each change in slope on the rolling hillsfor example, more grass
growing on their north sides. On another scale, you can see separate
little communities of plants in special situations, as under shrubs or
on rocks.
These patterns are due to variations in the
environment. For the desert is hotter and drier in some places than in
others. The gradual downslope changes in vegetation reflect the decrease
in the amount of soil moisture available to plantsa condition
caused by the decreasing size of soil particles and consequent shrinkage
of water-holding space between particles. Desert washes encourage plant
growth because they channel water and cold air. Strangely enough, night
temperatures are often lower in a desert valley than farther up the
slopes. This "inversion" is due to drainage of cold air down
mountainsides, forming cold "pools" in valley bottoms, especially in
winter. Cold air is heavier than warm, and (since air flows much like
water) it is channeled down the drawsa fact that will strike you
if you walk into a wash near the mountains at night or early in the
morning. Add this phenomenon to the great amounts of moisture that lie
beneath the surface of washes, and you can see that desert drainageways
are really linear oases. More subtly, desert hills reflect in their
vegetation the differences in soil moisture from north slopes to south
slopes caused by increasing exposure to sunlight.

Saguaro Forest landscape from the scenic drive.
One controlling factor, then, is dominant in the
desert: the scarcity of water. This results not only in the unusual
forms and adaptations of desert plants, but also in a distinctive type
of plant community. In wetter climes, plants compete mostly for
sunlight. They can grow close together, as long as they receive adequate
illumination. During the regrowth of forests, several distinct sets of
plants appear, each succeeding group more tolerant of shade than the
last, as the forest canopy closes. In the desert, there is no such
succession. Clear a patch of desert vegetation, and the same species
will reappearspaced out, with bare ground between them as before.
For here sunlight is abundant (we might say overabundant), but there is
not enough water to allow plants to cover the ground.
Dr. Forrest Shreve, who was a botanist at the
Carnegie Institution's Desert Laboratory near Tucson and a master
student of deserts, defined a desert as "an area in which deficient and
uncertain rainfall . . . has made a strong impression on the structure,
functions, and behavior of living things." The distinctive
characteristics of desert plants and animals have evolved through
millions of years, in a trial-and-error process in which only the
better-fitted forms have survived. It would be enlightening to know how
many of the species and varieties of plants that developed during the
past 60 million years or so have failed to adapt to Sonoran Desert
conditions. It is fascinating to study the hundreds of forms that have
succeeded and to try to determine what structures they have perfected
and what methods they have originated that enabled them to maintain
themselves in such a harsh environment.
Desert plants can be classified as "escapers,"
"evaders," and "resisters," according to their means of adaptation to
water shortage. Escapers, such as the annuals, avoid the problem
entirely by waiting out the dry periods as seeds, to sprout and
reproduce only when the rains come. Evaders, such as the ocotillo,
reduce their water loss during droughts by such methods as dropping
their leaves or going into a state of dormancy. Resisters, however,
"hang in there" all year, taking the desert's worst. The cactuses, prime
examples of this group, rapidly soak up water from each rain and store
it for use during drought; the mesquite's deep roots tap a more constant
source of moisture.

(Photo by Freg E. Mang, Jr.)