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major plant communities of saguaro (continued)

The Desert Scrub Community occupies the lower parts of the monument, from about 2,200 to 4,000 feet.

The Grassland Transition begins at about 3,500 feet (overlapping in altitude with the Desert Scrub) and extends to 4,500 feet.

The Open Oak Woodland has scattered trees associated with many plants of the Grassland Transition.

The Oak-Pine Woodland, from 4,500 to 7,000 feet, occupying a slightly cooler, wetter environment than those below, is broken by open glades and grassy hillsides.

The Ponderosa Pine Forest, unlike the Oak-Pine "pygmy woodland," has tall trees growing in clear, open stands. It covers much of the Rincon Mountains above 6,000 feet.

The Douglas-fir Forest, limited to the higher northern and northeastern slopes of Mica Mountain and the north side of Rincon Peak, often contains aspens and white firs.

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Last Modified: Sat, Nov 4 2006 10:00:00 pm PST