animals and how they survive
Just as plants depend for their existence on soil,
water, and sunlight, so animals, including man, depend on plants. For
green plants are the basic food producers in nature, manufacturing
carbohydrates, proteins, and other essential compounds from minerals, air,
and water, with the help of chlorophyll and the sun's energy. Animals
get their food either by eating green plants or by eating animals that
have eaten plants. Microscopic decomposers complete this food chain,
breaking down dead plants and animals into substances that once again
can be used by plants. Since each link in the chain depends on the other
links, it's not hard to see that a change in one will cause a change in
the others. And because animals depend on plants for cover as well as
for food, their fortunes are doubly tied to the welfare of plants.
Animals and plants share some of the same basic
problemsparticularly, how to stay within tolerable temperature
limits, and how to maintain an adequate supply of water. Plants solve
these problems mostly by structural adaptations, animals mostly by
behavioral. In the desert, for instance, cold-blooded animals such as
snakes and lizards (which have no internal control over body
temperature) crawl underground or into shade during the midday heat of
summer, and come out to hunt food during the cooler hours. Birds and
mammals cool themselves through evaporation of water from their bodies.
This makes water conservation doubly critical for them; they too handle
it by staying in the shade or going underground during hot times. Desert
animals get much of their water from the plants and animals they eat,
but some species, such as mule deer and Gambel's quail, require large
amounts of drinking water as well.

Jerusalem cricket (of a different family from the true crickets) has
legs adapted for tunneling in sand.
Cold weather poses another problem. Most reptiles and
some mammals solve this one by hibernating underground or in rock dens,
where temperatures remain moderate throughout the year. Many birds and
some mammals migrate to areas where temperatures are warmer and food is
more abundant, which may mean going farther south or simply moving down
the mountainsides. And insects can survive in a dormant form, as eggs or
pupae, though many species remain active during the temperate Sonoran
If you want to see animals, then, go where the
vegetation is thickest and most varied, and go when temperatures are
moderate. During warm seasons in the desert, this means that walking the
washes early or late in the day will give you the best chances for
seeing wildlife. Coveys of Gambel's quail explode into the air,
peccaries snort through the underbrush, butterflies festoon flowering
shrubs, and coyotes stealthily hunt.
Insects are generally not bothered by excessive heat,
and many species are active during the hottest hours. This is especially
true when the plant blossoming season is at its height. Flowers of the
mesquite, paloverde, catclaw, saguaro, and other desert plants are
"alive" all through the day, as many species of insects seek nectar and
pollen or prey on other insects attracted to the blossoms. Insects are
fed upon by various species of birds; flycatchers flock to parts of the
desert where nectar-yielding flowers are numerous. Because of the
absence of extreme cold, the desert climate enables insects to be active
throughout much of the year and to support a considerable bird
Insects play a far more important role in the plant
and animal life of the desert than is usually realized. Many desert
flowers must be insect pollinated to produce viable seeds. Birds of many
kinds depend upon insects for food, and even the seed-eating birds,
during the nesting season, rely upon insects to provide the enormous
quantities of food and moisture required by their fast-growing
nestlings. Many other desert creatures, including certain
snakes and lizards and some spiders, depend upon
insects for food. The body juices of the insects provide the
all-important moisturewhich these creatures can get from no other
source. Bats, too, are insect eaters, spending the hours of darkness in
seemingly aimless and erratic flight while foraging for moths and other
night-flying insects that visit the light-colored blossoms of
night-blooming plants.

Despite its fearsome appearance and reputation, you have nothing to
fear from the tarantula. (Photo by Harold T. Coss, Jr.)
Some species of insects may become so numerous that
they threaten the very life of the plants on which they live. Pine bark
beetles annually damage or kill numbers of pinyons and ponderosas in the
Rincon Mountains, but have been kept sufficiently under control by their
natural enemies so that their ravages have not reached epidemic
Among the common spectacular insects is the TARANTULA
HAWK, a large blue-black, red-winged wasp that preys on large spiders.
Temporarily paralyzing the spider with its sting, the wasp lays a single
egg on its victim, thereby assuring an abundance of living food for its
young. The PRAYING MANTIS is another large insect, usually green and
inconspicuous among the foliage of desert plants, which it frequents in
search of small insects. Ants of many species are active almost
everywhere in the desert, harvesting seeds of various plants. Some
species construct mazes of underground nest tunnels and deposit the
excavated materials on the surface, forming conical, sometimes,
craterlike, anthills.

The small desert hairy scorpion is the only
scorpion in the monument that is dangerous to humans. (Photo by Harold T. Coss, Jr.)
Along with the insects, other arthropods (jointed-leg
creatures with exoskeletons) find their home in the desert. The
arachnids (eight-legged arthropods) include spiders and scorpions. Of
the former, the NORTH AMERICAN TARANTULAS are famous for
their large size and formidable appearance, which have given them the
wholly undeserved reputation of being dangerous to humans. The really
dangerous creatures are the SCORPIONS, whose long, flexible tails bear a
poisonous stinger at the tip. Several species are found in the monument;
but only the small, straw-colored scorpion has venom known to have been
fatal to humans. The other scorpions found in the area can inflict
painful stings, but with only localized and rarely serious effects.
As might be expected, amphibians are scarce in the
monument because of lack of permanent water. The few springs and seeps,
however, furnish excellent breeding places for several species of
amphibians. Best known among these are the RED-SPOTTED TOAD, LEOPARD
FROG, and CANYON TREEFROG, the latter common near Manning Camp. A
spectacular desert amphibian and the second largest toad in the United
States, is the huge COLORADO RIVER TOAD, sometimes found near residences
in the evening when outdoor lights attract swarms of insects.

The Colorado River toad is exceeded in size among
U.S. toads only by the giant toad of south Texas (and Mexico). (Photo by Harold T. Coss, Jr.)
Except for small lizards, reptiles are not much in
evidence in the monument. Nevertheless, they are present and are
important in the various plant-and-animal communities in which
they live. Almost all lizards are insectivorous, and along with birds
and other insect-eaters help to keep the number of insects within
bounds. A notable exception is the GILA (HEE-lah) MONSTER. (See
appendix for scientific names of reptiles) largest of the lizards found in
the United States. (It is one of the world's two poisonous lizards, and
the only one found in this country.) The gila monster is especially fond
of bird eggs, and also eats nestlings and small rodents, obtaining
necessary moisture from their body juices. These food habits are quite
similar to those of the several species of snakes found in the monument,
the majority of which are perfectly harmless to humans.

The short-horned more cold-tolerant than the
desert horned lizard, ranges from the foothills into the mountain
forests of Saguaro. (Photo by Harold T. Coss, Jr.)
Just as the lizards help to control the insect
population, the snakes are important in preventing the buildup of large
numbers of rodents that would result in widespread damage to vegetation.
Visitors to the monument rarely have the opportunity to observe snakes,
since they are in hibernation during winter and remain in the shade or in
underground burrows during the hot part of each summer day. Perhaps
those most frequently seen are the GOPHER SNAKE and the COACHWHIP. Many
desert snakes hunt only at night; others that are normally active during
days of moderate temperatures become night hunters during hot weather.
Although they are not abundant, there are several kinds of rattlesnakes
in the monument, the commonest desert species being the WESTERN
small, very rare, and secretive ARIZONA CORAL SNAKE, rattlesnakes are
the only poisonous snakes in the monument. Snakes, like other living
things in the national monument, are protected by law.

The Mojave rattlesnake prefers desert, grassland, and
open brushland to densely vegetated areas. (Photo by Harold T. Coss, Jr.)
Don't be surprised while following a desert footpath
to come upon a plodding tortoise. This bona fide desert dweller, the
DESERT TORTOISE, is a vegetarian, feeding on cactus, grass, and other
low-growing plants.