Higher Elevations, Botanically Unexplored
ACCESSIBLE BY ONLY a few unimproved trails, the
rugged upper slopes of the Ajo Mountains and Growler Mountains have been
visited principally by Indians, local stockmen, park rangers, and rock
climbersand not many of them. Reports regarding the vegetation are
correspondingly scarce and meager. The steep and rocky nature of the
terrain provides little opportunity for plant growth, and lack of
moisture further restricts the vegetative cover.
None of the mountain ranges are high. Santa Rosa
Peak, in the Ajos, highest mountain in the monument, rises to only 4,829
feet. Kino Peak, tallest in the Growlers, is only 3,057 feet high.
Elevation in the monument, therefore, although influential, does not
have as much effect on climate and hence on plant and animal life as it
would if the mountains were higher.
Occurring as scrubby individuals or in small
thickets, the common one-seed juniper is found on the slopes of higher
mountains in suitable locations.

Datil yucca (above) and Schott agave are two
interesting plants of the upper slopes. Desert Indians once used the
yucca's leaf fibers in weaving coarse fabrics, and they still eat the
roasted fruits. Below, a long-nosed bat sips nectar from agave
On dry, sunny benches of the Ajo Mountains around
3,000 feet are occasional colonies of the rather rare Schott agave, or
centuryplant, reaching here the western limit of its known range. One of
the leaf succulents, the centuryplant derives its name from the fact
that many years are required for it to store enough food in its thick
rootstock to produce a rapidly growing blossom stem and dense head of
flowers. Completely exhausted by this supreme effort, the plant dies
after the seeds have matured. This species is reported to be pollinized
by the long-nosed bat.
The Ajo and Growler ranges provide a variety of
habitats for groups of plants requiring special conditions of shade,
moisture, exposure, and slope that are found only in mountain canyons of
desert regions. One of the not uncommon associations of desert-mountain
plants is the oak-gooseberry-penstemon community.
Oaks in the monument include shrub live oak, gray
oak, and the rare Ajo oak. Gray and shrub live oaks, which are similar,
form thickets on moist, protected, usually north-facing canyon walls
along with the evergreen shrub, Torrey vauquelinia, or Arizona-rosewood.
Mingling with these is the lower-growing oakwoods, or yellow-flowered
gooseberry, which blooms from November to April. Taking advantage of
shade provided by thickets of either juniper or oak, the littleleaf
penstemon, or yellow beardtongue, brightens mountain slopes from March
to May.
On the more exposed higher slopes of the mountains,
the datil yucca occasionally may be found, often associated with scrubby
junipers. In April-May this wide-leafed member of the lily family
produces short robust stalks of creamy bell-like flowers. These mature
to large pulpy fruits, which are relished by rodents and other animals.
Because its roots contain saponin, the yucca is sometimes called
Five species of ferns have been recorded in the
monument: one each of lipfern, goldfern, and cliffbrake, and two species
of cloakfern. All of these are found in relatively dry, rocky locations
at elevations (except the cloakferns) from 2,000 feet to the tops of the
A host of shrubs grow in tangled profusion around
occasional seeps in the canyon bottoms. A variety of shrub species is
also found on the mountain slopes where there is enough soil to hold the
roots. Some furnish browse for deer and bighorn, while others provide
shelter for birds and small mammals. Among the common shrubs are
redberry buckthorn, Mexican condalia (bluewood), skunkbush sumac, Texas
mulberry, spiny hackberry, and desert-olive forestiera.