The Land and Its Forms
TIME AND CLIMATIC forces have long been at work here
sculpturing the earth to form today's scenery and providing soil, slope,
and exposure for plantlife. Topography within the monument, typical of
southwestern Arizona, is characterized by short, northerly trending
mountain ranges separated by wide, nearly level valleys, or basins.
Mountain slopes are rugged and precipitous, with surface rock bare or
covered with only a veneer of talus. There are few seeps and springs and
no permanent streams in the entire monument. Nevertheless, during
hundreds of centuries, intermittent streams caused by periodic rains,
particularly the sometimes torrential cloudbursts of summer, have carved
the mountains, molded alluvial fans, and built the gently sloping
outwash plains, or bajadas, spreading out along the mountain bases.

The Agua Dulce Hills (above) are the heavily eroded, granitic remnant of
a very old range. Thick layers of volcanic material compose the Ajo
Mountains (below).
The Ajo and Growler ranges are part of the extensive
Basin and Range physiographic province of western and southwestern
United States and northern Mexico. These ranges were caused by immense
block-faulting that created sharp, staggered ridges with deep valleys
between. The diagrammatic drawing below shows this original formation.
Valleys between ranges are not the result of wearing away by
stream-cutting but, on the contrary, they are troughs partly filled with
debris eroded from the mountains and deposited by sheet erosion and
ephemeral streams.

Now knee deep in the outwash of their own debris,
desert mountain ranges have built sloping alluvial fans of rocks and
gravel around canyon mouths. These fans join to form continuous,
slightly sloping aprons, or bajadas, of finer materials that have been
deposited farther out. Toward the centers of the valleys are wide,
nearly level plains of clay and silt which may be hundreds of feet deep
in places.
Sudden but brief storms drop a considerable volume of
water on the mountains within the monument. Most of this runoff passes
west and northward by means of a system of arroyos and sandy washes into
the usually dry bed of the Gila River. About one-fifth of the monument
area drains south into the Sonoyta River of Mexico, thence toward the
Gulf of California. These well-defined drainage systems indicate that a
long time has elapsed since the occurrence of earth movements that gave
rise to the present surface features.
Mountains in the monument are of two typesthe
mesas, with broad, nearly flat summits capped with lava; and the sierra
type, with knife-edge ridges and pointed summits. Slopes of the latter
are precipitous, and canyons are more open than those of the mesas.
Maturely eroded ranges are generally bordered with outwash aprons, while
the mesalike, lava-capped mountains are not.
Geologists tell us that at some time during the
Paleozoic era (180 to 510 million years ago) this region settled beneath
the sea and remained there until the beginning of Permian time. During
the following 120 million years of the Mesozoic era, this area was
probably land. About that time molten lavas invaded the deep buried
bedrocks, cooling slowly to form granite. (For ages of the geologic
formations and rock units, see table below.)
Ages of formations and rock units, Organ Pipe
Cactus National Monument1
Formation or rock unit |
Geologic age |
Approximate age
in millions of
years |
Alluvium fill | Recent and Pleistocene | Present to 1 |
Younger volcanics | Pleistocene and Pliocene | 1 to 10 |
Daniels conglomerate | Middle Tertiary | 10 to 40 |
Older volcanics | Middle Tertiary | 10 to 40 |
Intrusive rhyolite | Early Tertiary | 40 to 60 |
Younger "granite," and ore deposits ascribed to its influence. | Early Tertiary | 40 to 60 |
Older "granite" and schist | Middle and Late Mesozoic | 125 to 180 |
Sedimentary series | Paleozoic | 180 to 510 |
Cardigan gneiss | Precambrian | More than 510 |
1From Butler, B. S., and J. V. Lewis,
Mineralization in the Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument,
Arizona, 1940. Unpublished manuscript, available in open files at
National Park Service, Southwest Regional Office, Santa Fe, N.
Somewhat later, a new invasion of molten materials
pushed closer to the surface, forming "Tertiary granites." Cooling
magmas separated into solutions that produced the mineral deposits at
Ajo and elsewhere. Grayish-white rhyolite dikes and intrusions
associated with this early Tertiary activity are noticeable in the
Growler Pass area and include outcroppings of black, gray, and green
obsidian (volcanic glass).
During the middle and late Tertiary period, violent
volcanic activity took place in the vicinity. Surface eruptions resulted
in the formation of two great series of volcanic rocks (andesitic tuffs
and breccias, and lava flows), which are the dominant rocks composing
the major mountain ranges of the monument today. Earth movements ending
about the close of the Tertiary period (perhaps extending into the
Pleistocene) brought about the great displacement of earth blocks that
roughly outline the present mountain ranges, as well as the depressed
areas between them.
Geological history, then, recounts that the Sonoyta
Hills, the Quitobaquito Hills, and outcroppings along the southwestern
foot of the Dripping Springs Range and also near Growler Pass are
remnants of ancient schists, gneisses, and granites, more recently
uncovered by erosion. The granites resulted from slow cooling of
intrusive Precambrian or Mesozoic magmas. The schists and gneisses are
ancient rocks probably of varied types which have been changed, or
metamorphosed, to their present forms.
The Puerto Blanco, Growler, and Ajo Mountains are
composed of thick layers of volcanic materials that were poured out during
the series of great Tertiary lava flows and were later lifted by block
faulting. Erosion continuing since that time has worn down these
mountains, cutting canyons in their slopes and depositing the debris in
the depressions between ranges, thus forming the wide, nearly level Ajo,
Sonoyta, La Abra, and Growler valley plains.
A few small, widely scattered centers of
mineralization developed in connection with the early molten intrusives.
Silver, lead, and some gold were found along outcroppings of these very
old rocks in the southern and southwestern base of the Puerto Blanco
Mountains. Other mineralized pockets, principally containing copper,
occur in outcroppings of the old rocks near Growler Pass in the
northwestern part of the monument and at Copper Hill in the
northeastern part.
The only well-bedded sedimentary rocks recorded
within the monument are layers of shale (probably Paleozoic) sandstone,
limestone, and a bouldery limestone conglomerate which have been
generally metamorphosed by heat from the volcanics into phyllite,
quartzite, and marble, respectively. In the process of alteration,
these rocks were rendered more resistant to weathering, and hence their
outcrops form prominent ledges.
These very old sedimentary deposits occur along the
extreme northern border of the monument about 1 mile north of Growler
Pass and in low hills at intervals for 3 miles farther north. No fossils
have been found in rocks within the monument, those once contained in
them having been destroyed during the process of alteration. Some
fossils do occur in the limestone boulders of the Locomotive
fanglomerate outcropping in the Growler Mountains north of the
Rocks of the earlier volcanic action constitute the
greater part of the mountain masses. They form cliffs and precipitous
slopes even where they have been covered by flows of more recent lavas.
Within the monument, these volcanic rocks occupy some 90 square miles of
the surface. They make up the greater part of the Ajo and Dripping
Springs ranges, and also the northwestern part of the southern Growler
These older volcanics include a wide range of
eruptive materials, the most prominent of which are the andesitic tuffs
and breccias and the brown and purplish-brown flow-lavas which are
increasingly prominent toward the top of the series.
Younger flows of basaltic andesite and basalt cover
many of the older volcanic rocks. The most extensive and youngest lava
deposit within the monument is the capping that covers the greater part
of the southern range of the Growler Mountains, almost 30 square miles
in area. Generally, it rests on the eroded surface of earlier volcanics,
and in places it overlaps other old formations. Erosion has removed this
cover from earlier tuffs and lavas in a rugged, pinnacled area of 2 or 3
square miles immediately south of Bates Well.
Even the youngest volcanics have been faulted and in
some places deeply eroded. They are nearly everywhere tilted somewhat,
and at many places they are overlapped or buried by alluvium to depths
of several hundred feet. Much of the lava forming both the older and
younger flows probably rose to the surface through fissures, for no
volcanic plugs or other evidences of vents of former volcanoes have been
found within the monument.
Between the widely separated mountain ranges lie
broad alluvial plains, or valleys. These deposits, made up of enormous
quantities of material eroded from the mountains, vary in character with
the types of rocks from which they were derived. In general, the texture
of the alluvium changes with the distance that water has carried it
from the mountains. Large boulders are most numerous near the mouths of
canyons; smaller boulders and pebbles dominate farther out; and sand,
silt, and clay are found mainly in the lower and flatter central areas
of the plains. The coarsest material maintains the steepest slopes,
whereas the finer silts and clays have built up surfaces that are nearly
level. Much of the alluvium is thought to have accumulated during
Pleistocene times, but some of the deeper basin fills may date back even
to the Pliocene. The process of erosion which carries debris from the
mountains out into the valleys is, of course, continuing and will keep
on as long as there are mountains and running water to erode them.