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Appendix (continued)

Checklist of Trees

In the following checklist, the scientific names are as given in Checklist of Native and Natural Trees of the United States, Agricultural Handbook No. 41, E. L. Little, Jr. (1953).

"Tree" as used here is any plant reaching a minimum height of 12 feet and a minimum diameter (at 4-1/2 feet above ground level) of 3 inches, wherever it may occur naturally.

Localities refer to the main trails of the park, including Bear Lake Road, and are so indicated by their initials:

AT—Anhinga Trail.
GLT—Gumbo Limbo Trail—including the rough extension.
PT—Pinelands Trail.
PO—Pa-hay-okee Overlook.
MHT—Mahogany Hammock Trail.
MT—Mangrove Trail.
BLR—Bear Lake Road. Other locations as indicated.

If no location is given, tree is within the park but not convenient to any of the listed trails or roads.

PINACEAE: Pine Family

   Pinus eliotti var. densa: South Florida Slash Pine. (PT, MHT)
   Taxodium distichum: Baldcypress. (PO)
   Taxodium distichum var. nutans: Pondcypress.

PALMAE: Palm Family

   Roystonea elata: Royal Palm. (GLT, MHT)
   Sabal palmetto: Cabbage Palmetto; Cabbage Palm. (GLT, PT, MHT, BLR)
   Paurotis wrightii: Paurotis Palm; Saw Cabbage Palm. (MHT)
   Serenoa repens: Saw-palmetto. (GLT, PT)
   Thrinax parviflora: Jamaica Thatch Palm. (BLR)
   Coccothrinax argentata: Florida Silver Palm; Brittle Thatch. (GLT, PT)
   Cocos nucifera: Coconut. (Flamingo area)

SALICACEAE: Willow Family

   Salix caroilniana: Coastal Plain Willow. (AT, GLT, PO)

FAGACEAE: Beech Family

   Quercus virginiana: Live Oak. (G LT, PT)

ULMACEAE: Elm Family

   Celtis laevigata: Sugarberry; Hackberry. (AT, GLT, BLR)
   Trema micrantha: Florida Trema. (AT, GLT)
   Trema lamarckiana: West Indies Trema.

MORACEAE: Mulberry Family

   Ficus aurea: Florida Strangler Fig. (AT, GLT, PT, MHT, MT, BLR)
   Ficus laevigata: Shortleaf Fig. (PT)
   Morus rubra: Red Mulberry. (GLT)

OLACACEAE: Olax Family

   Ximenia americana: Tallow Wood; Hog Plum. (GLT, PT, BLR)
   Schoepfia chrysophylloides: Gulf Graytwig. (GLT)

POLYGONACEAE: Buckwheat Family

   Coccoloba diversifolia: Doveplum; Pigeonplum. (AT, PO, MHT, BLR)
   Coccoloba uvifera: Seagrape. (Flamingo Area)

NYCTAGINACEAE: Four-o'clock Family

   Torrubia longifolia: Longleaf Blolly. (PT, BLR)

MAGNOLIACEAE: Magnolia Family

   Magnoila virginiana: Sweetbay. (AT, GLT, PO)

ANNONACEAE: Custard Apple Family

   Annona glabra: Pond Apple. (AT, GLT, PT, PO, MHT)

LAURACEAE: Laurel Family

   Nectandra coriacea: Jamaica Nectandra; Lancewood. (GLT, MHT, BLR)
   Persea borbonia: Redbay. (AT, GLT, PT, PO, MHT, BLR)


   Capparis flexuosa: Limber Caper. (BLR)

ROSACEAE: Rose Family

   Chrysobalanus icaco: Icaco Cocoplum; Cocoplum. (AT, GLT, PT, PO, MHT)
   Prunus myrtifoila: Myrtle Laurelcherry.

LEGUMINOSAE: Legume Family

   Acacia farnesiana: Sweet Acacia. (GLT, PT, BLR)
   Lysiloma bahamensis: Bahama Lysiloma; Wild Tamarind. (GLT, PT)
   Pithecellobium unguis-cati: Catclaw Blackbead; Catclaw. (BLR)
   Pithecellobium guadalupense: Guadeloupe Blackbead. (BLR)
   Erythrina herbacea: Eastern Coralbean; Coralbean. (GLT, BLR)
   Piscidia piscipula: Florida Fish-poison Tree; Jamaica Dogwood. (BLR, park roadside)

RUTACEAE: Rue Family

   Amyris elemifera: Sea Amyris; Torchwood.
   Zanthoxylum fagara: Lime Prickly-ash; Wild Lime. (GLT, BLR)

SIMAROUBACEAE: Ailanthus Family

   Simarouba glauca: Paradise-tree. (GLT)
   Suriana maritima: Bay Cedar.
   Alvaradoa amorphoides: Mexican Alvaradoa.

BURSERACEAE: Bursera Family

   Bursera simarouba: Gumbo-limbo. (GLT, PT, MHT, BLR)

MELIACEAE: Mahogany Family

   Swietenia mahagoni: West Indian Mahogany.

MALPIGHIACEAE: Malpighia Family

   Byrsonima lucidum: Long Key Byrsonima. (PT)


   Hippomane mancinella: Manchineel. (BLR)
   Gymnanthes lucida: Oysterwood; Crabwood.
   Drypetes lateriflora: Guiana Plum. (GLT)
   Drypetes diversifolia: Milkbark.


   Rhus copaiina var. leucantha: Shining Sumac. (GLT, BLR)
   Metopium toxiferum: Florida Poisontree; Poisonwood. (GLT, PT, MHT, BLR)


   Ilex cassine: Dahoon. (AT, GLT, PT, PO)
   Ilex krugiana: Tawnyberry Holly. (GLT)

CELASTRACEAE: Bittersweet Family

   Maytenus phyllanthoides: Guttapercha Mayten.

ACERACEAE: Maple Family

   Acer rubrum: Red Maple.

SAPINDACEAE: Soapberry Family

   Exothea paniculata: Butterbough; Inkwood. (GLT, PT, MHT, BLR)
   Sapindus saponaria: Wingleaf Soapberry; Soapberry. (GLT, BLR)

RHAMNACEAE: Buckthorn Family

   Colubrina cubensis: Cuba Colubrina. (PT)
   Colubrina arborescens: Coffee Colubrina. (PT, BLR)
   Krugiodendron ferreum: Leadwood; Black Ironwood. (BLR)

MALVACEAE: Mallow Family

   Gossypium hirsutum: Upland Cotton; Wild Cotton. (BLR)

CANELLACEAE: Canella Family

   Canella winterana: Canella; Cinnamonbark. (BLR)

CARICACEAE: Papaya Family

   Carica papaya: Papaya. (GLT, BLR)


   Rhizophora mangle: Red Mangrove. (MT, BLR)

COMBRETACEAE: Combretum Family

   Laguncularia racemosa: White-mangrove. (MT, BLR)
   Conocarpus erectus: Button-mangrove; Buttonwood. (GLT, PT, PO, MT, BLR)

MYRTACEAE: Myrtle Family

   Eugenia myrtoides: Boxleaf Eugenia; Spanish Stopper. (MHT, BLR)
   Eugenia axillaris: White-stopper Eugenia; White-stopper. (GLT, MHT, BLR)
   Eugenia simpsonii: Simpson Eugenia. (PT, PO, MHT)
   Eugenia dicrana: Twinberry Eugenia.
   Eugenia bahamensis: Bahama Eugenia.
   Calyptranthes zuzygium: Myrtle-of-the-river. (GLT, MHT)
   Calyptranthes pallens: Pale Lidflower. (GLT, MHT)

MYRICACEAE: Wax Myrtle Family

   Myrica cerifera: Southern Bayberry, Wax Myrtle. (GLT, PT, PO)


   Tetrazygia bicolor: Tetrazygia. (GLT, PT)

THEOPHRASTACEAE: Theophrasta Family

   Jaquinia keyensis: Joewood.

MYRSINACEAE: Myrsine Family

   Ardisia escallonioides: Marbleberry; Mariberry. (GLT, PT, MHT, BLR)
   Rapanea guianensis: Guiana Rapanea. (GLT, PT, MHT)

SAPOTACEAE: Sapote Family

   Diphoils sailcifolia: Willow Bustic. (GLT, MHT)
   Achras emarginata: Wild Dilly.
   Bumelia celastrina: Saffron-plum; Antswood. (BLR)
   Chrysophyllum oliviforme: Satin Leaf. (GLT, PT)
   Sideroxylon foetidissimum: False Mastic; Mastic. (GLT, BLR)

EBENACEAE: Ebony Family

   Diospyros virginiana var. mosieri: Persimmon. (GLT)

OLEACEAE: Olive Family

   Fraxinus caroilniana: Carolina Ash; Swamp Ash.
   Forestiera segregata: Florida-privet. (BLR)


   Cordia Sebestena: Geiger-tree. (Royal Palm Hammock)
   Bourreria ovata: Bahama Strongbark. (BLR)

VERBENACEAE: Verbena Family

   Avicennia nitida: Black-mangrove. (BLR)
   Citharexylum fruticosum: Florida Fiddlewood; Fiddlewood. (GLT)

SOLANACEAE: Nightshade Family

   Solanum verbascifolium: Mullein Nightshade; Potato-tree. (BLR)

RUBIACEAE: Madder Family

   Cephalanthus occidentalis: Button bush. (AT)
   Guettarda elliptica: Everglades Velvetseed. (GLT)
   Guettarda scabra: Rough leaf Velvetseed. (GLT, PT, BLR)
   Psychotria undata: Seminole Balsamo; Wild Coffee. (GLT)
   Exostema caribaeum: Caribbean Princewood.
   Genipa clusiaefolia: Seven-year Apple.

COMPOSITAE: Composite Family

   Baccharis hailmifoila: Eastern Baccharis. (PT, PO, MHT, BLR)


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Last Modified: Sat, Nov 4 2006 10:00:00 pm PST