The Dinosaurs
Today, most of us would recognize a fossil bone for what it is, but
in the 1790's things were different. Isolated legbones, vertebrae, and
teeth of huge reptiles had been dug out of certain sedimentary rocks of
Europe and North America but their scientific importance was little
These specimens were found by people in all walks of life and it was
natural that their curiosity was greatly aroused. The finders took the
specimens to someone nearby whom they considered more competent to tell
them something about these strange bones and teeth. In nearly all cases
these "experts" were doctors of medicine. They studied the fossil
specimens and reported on them at regular meetings of the learned
societies of which they were members. It was customary to put the
fossils in the collections of these societies where they could be
studied by other members. In North America most reports of these early
discoveries are found in the Proceedings of the American
Philosophical Society in Philadelphia, Pa.
By 1842 accumulated knowledge of these large reptiles was sufficient
to show that they were distinct from any group then known. This was
first recognized by Sir Richard Owen of the British Museum. It was he
who named the group Dinosauria. The name is made up of two Greek
words: deinos (terrible) plus sauras (lizard).
As knowledge of these unusual reptiles increased through the
discovery of additional types and more complete and better preserved
specimens, it became evident that dinosaurs were neither a single group
of reptiles nor were all of them large. Actually the dinosaurs show as
much diversity in size, body form, and habits as any group of reptiles.
The smallest dinosaur walked on its 2 hind legs like a chicken and was
about the same size. The largest walked on all 4 legs, was about 80 feet
long, and weighed 30 to 40 tons. As examples of variety in body form
there are the two-footed, flesh-eating Antrodemus, the armored
Stegosaurus, the turtle-like Ankylosaurus, the horned
Triceratops, the huge Apatosaurus, the two-footed
vegetarian Camptosaurus, and the great variety of head forms in
the aquatic hadrosaurs. Although there were two distinct groups, we
still retain the term "dinosaur" as a convenient name for all of them
but qualify it by saying, flesh-eating dinosaur, plant-eating dinosaur,
armored dinosaur, etc., to indicate the particular type we are talking
about. Perhaps you are wondering how all these ancient creatures are
related to reptiles in general. Where do they fit in the classification
system devised to bring order to this mass of knowledge?
It seems there are several orders of reptiles similar to and closely
related to the dinosaurs. Remains of these reptiles are found in the
sedimentary rocks which contain the earliest known dinosaurs. A number
of them resembled the dinosaurs but do not quite meet the requirements
as far as details of the skeleton are concerned. In the scheme of
classification these orders of reptiles are grouped together into the
subclass Archosauria. This subclass includes the dinosaurs,
crocodiles, and the flying reptiles. The lizards, snakes, turtles, and
the tuatera of New Zealand belong to other subclasses of reptiles which
have been distinct from that of the dinosaurs as far back in geologic
time as we can trace them. The kinship between the dinosaurs and the
small lizards living in the monument today lies only in that both are
reptiles. The only living relatives of the dinosaurs are the alligator
and the crocodile.
The dinosaurs were so numerous, and so dominated the whole of the
Mesozoic Era, that this period of earth history is frequently referred
to as the Age of Reptiles.
The Mesozoic Era began some 200 million years ago and ended some 60
million years ago. Although many other animals lived during that era,
the dinosaurs were the dominant forms of animal life on land. The 140
million years of the Mesozoic are divided into geologic periods named
Triassic (the oldest), Jurassic, and Cretaceous (the most recent).
Continental deposits representing each of these periods have been found
in all parts of the world and on all continents. Dinosaur bones have
been found in these depositseven in such far away places as
Australia and the southern tip of South America. Only Jurassic dinosaurs
have been found at Dinosaur National Monument.
M. Colbert. Courtesy, American Museum of Natural History.)
The oldest known dinosaurs are found in rocks of the Triassic Period.
The smaller of these were chicken-size and the largest were about as big
as kangaroos. All of these Triassic dinosaurs were two-footed. They can
be divided into flesh-eaters and plant-eaters, although none are
believed to have been particularly specialized in their food habits. In
general the flesh-eaters were small, agile, and had sharp teeth for
seizing and overpowering active prey. The plant-eaters were larger with
rather long front legs and small blunt teeth suited only to cropping
vegetation. These plant-eaters are believed to be the Triassic ancestors
of the giant marsh-dwelling dinosaurs of the Jurassic and Cretaceous
A greater variety of dinosaurs lived during the Jurassic Period than
in the Triassic. Both two- and four-footed types were present. The
flesh-eaters remained two-footed but increased in size.
Antrodemus, perhaps the best known, was much bigger than a
kangaroo. The larger plant-eaters weighed from 30 to 40 tons and all
were four-footed. The largest land animals, they lived on dry land and
in the swamps that formed an important part of the Jurassic landscape.
The first of the armored plant-eating dinosaurs, Stegosaurus,
inhabited the dry plains. There were also some smaller, kangaroo-size
plant-eaters that were two-footed.
A wide variety of dinosaur fossils has been found in the rocks of the
Cretaceous Period, the last of the Mesozoic Era. The huge swamp dwellers
still thrived. The flesh-eaters had evolved much larger types and
included 40-foot Tyrannosaurus, the largest that ever lived. All
the flesh-eaters walked on their hind legs as did their predecessors of
the Jurassic and Triassic Periods.
New and interesting dinosaurs were present among the flesh-eaters.
Horned forms, somewhat similar to the rhinoceros but much larger, were
common. Also common were the turtle-like ankylosaurs. Perhaps the oddest
and most interesting dinosaurs of the Cretaceous were the two-footed
hadrosaurs. These excellent swimmers had weird head shapes with
complicated skull passages and openings. They were a very successful
group and at least 15 different kinds are known from the Cretaceous
rocks of North America.
Ideas about the external appearances of dinosaurs have been developed
after many years of work and study. They are a combination of the ideas
of several people who had studied different specimens of a single
species. Let us review briefly the materials and work necessary to
arrive at a reasonably accurate picture of the body form and external
appearance of these strange reptiles.
The first requirement for arriving at a good idea of the build and
physical attitude of an animal is a nearly entire skeleton. We cannot
have too much of the animal's skeleton missing or we may make a serious
error. But if the left hind leg is missing and we have the right, we are
not seriously handicapped. However, if both hind legs are missing we
must restore them according to a similar animal whose hind legs are
After the nearly entire skeleton has been found it must be collected
with great care. This is a rather involved process and, for some of the
large dinosaurs, 2 or 3 months work may be required. The specimen is
first uncovered and the fossil bone is treated with a preservative such
as gum arabic, shellac, or one of the plastics. An accurate diagram of
the specimen as it lies in the rock is made on cross-ruled paper. A
trench 2 or 3 feet wide is then dug around the specimen. The depth of
the trench is determined by the width of the specimen and the nature of
the rock.
If the specimen is too large to take out in one piece, as most
dinosaurs are, it is divided into sections which are numbered serially
as they are taken out. Each section is bandaged in strips of burlap
dipped in plaster of Paris. After the plaster has set, the section is
turned over and the bottom is sealed with burlap and plaster. The
section is labeled with the appropriate number and the section and
number are shown on the diagram.
When all of the sections have been bandaged and numbered they are
packed in strong wooden boxes and shipped to the laboratory.
The work in the laboratory is more involved than that in the field,
and extreme care must be exercised to be sure that the bones will be
undamaged. In most cases the bones have been broken by natural causes as
they lay in the rock before discovery. All the pieces of each bone must
be thoroughly cleaned and securely cemented together. This is a very
time-consuming task and for a large dinosaur like Apatosaurus it
requires 3 men 4 or 5 years to complete the task.
After all of the bones are cleaned and cemented together the
vertebral column is laid out in its proper sequence on a sand table.
Special care is exercised to be sure that the vertebrae fit correctly
with each other. In this way the correct curvature of the vertebral
column is determined. The proper relationships of the hip bones and ribs
to the vertebrae, the shoulder blade to the ribs, and elements of the
limb bones to each other are determined in the same manner. All of this
work is necessary to correctly fashion the steel framework which will
support the skeleton when it is placed on exhibition. The results of
this careful work must be the framework of an animal which could, if
living, easily go through the normal activities of life such as securing
food and escaping enemies.
Now that the framework of an animal has been set up so that it could
move about if it had muscles, skin, and life, how do we know how large
the muscles were and where they were placed? It is necessary to have a
thorough knowledge of the muscles of a recent animal similar to the one
we are restoring so that we will know what we are looking for in the
fossil. The areas at which muscles are attached to bones are called
muscle scars and are identified by their rough surfaces. Often the
necessary information can be obtained from publications which usually
represent the work done by graduate students for advanced degrees. At
other times we must make our own investigation. Thus if we know what
muscle we are looking for and the size and shape of its muscle scar, we
can determine whether the muscle is a spindle-shaped mass or a broad
(NOT FROM DINOSAUR QUARRY). (Courtesy, American Museum of Natural
After we have determined the size and position of the muscles which
operate the limbs, head, and neck, we have a reasonably accurate idea of
the external form of the animal, but we still know nothing of the nature
of the skin which covered the body. Since dinosaurs were reptiles, we
are obliged to assume that they were covered with a scaly skin in order
to preserve the body moisture. None of the modern reptiles possess sweat
glands in the skin. If they did not possess a waterproof covering of
scales they would die in a few hours as a result of the loss of body
moisture by evaporation through the skin. It is possible that some of
the marsh dwellers like Apatosaurus had naked skin which was, as
in the elephant, nearly an inch thick. The elephant does not possess
sweat glands but the outer half of its skin is composed entirely of dead
cells which form a covering as waterproof as the scales of today's
There have been only a few lucky finds of mummified dinosaurs which
show the impressions of the scales. We know that all lizards do not
possess the same type of scales, and therefore, by analogy, we cannot
assume that the dinosaurs did. Eventually, we will probably find that
the dinosaurs exhibited as great a variety of scale-types as do today's
lizards. As yet we have found nothing in the fossil record which
indicates the color of the dinosaurs. Again, we can only assume that
they exhibited as great a variety of colors as do our lizards. So also,
we assume their body functions were somewhat similar to the reptiles and
other related animals we know today.
Museum of Natural History.)
We know the body temperatures of reptiles vary with that of the air
or water in which they live, as they have no means of internal
temperature control. They are very sluggish when their body temperatures
are low and become more active as these temperatures rise, but only to a
certain point. If the body temperatures of reptiles become too high,
they die in a few minutes.
A group of physiologists from Columbia University spent nearly 2
months in southern Florida experimenting on reptiles. They determined
the rate of rise of body temperatures of large lizards and alligators of
all sizes during exposure to the midday sun. As was expected, the
smaller the reptile the more rapid the rise in body temperature.
Dinosaurs were reptiles so we can make two assumptions: That their
physiology was very similar to that of living reptiles; and that the
rate of rise of their body temperatures from exposure to the sun would
follow the principles found for living reptiles.
By applying these principles to the dinosaurs, this group of
scientists calculated that if the great bulk of an Apatosaurus
were exposed to the direct rays of the sun at an air temperature of
110°F. for 36 to 40 hours, its body temperature would rise only
1°F. Therefore, if these calculations are correct, it is probable
that the very size of the huge dinosaurs operated to maintain a fairly
constant body temperature. Consequently, daily and seasonal temperature
changes probably did not affect the activities of the large dinosaurs.
However, the activities of the small ones may have been affected by the
daily range in temperature.
For many years rounded stones with a very high polish have been found
in the sedimentary rocks which contain bones of extinct reptiles. The
polish on these stones is very much higher than could have been applied
by the action of water or wind. Some look as though they had been
polished by a jeweler. Since we cannot attribute this very high polish
to wind or water action, we must seek another agent.
Just as chickens swallow fine gravel for their gizzards to aid
digestion, so it is thought that some large dinosaurs swallowed stones
for the same purpose. There is some evidence to support this idea.
Several specimens of a group of swimming reptiles, called ptestosaurs,
which swarmed the Jurassic and Cretaceous seas, have been found with
highly polished stones inside the rib basket. Also a mass of highly
polished stones was found similarly associated with one dinosaur,
Protiguanodon, in the Lower Cretaceous rocks of Mongolia.
(Courtesy, American Museum of Natural History.)
On the other hand, no highly polished stones have been found
associated with the specimens in the Dinosaur Quarry or anywhere in the
quarry. A search of the many publications on dinosaurs has not turned up
any mention of highly polished stones being associated with any of the
many specimens found in North America. Thus the evidence which we have
does not permit us to say that the dinosaurs found in the quarry did or
did not possess gizzard stones.