What is a Tree?
The line of distinction between trees and shrubs is
not altogether clear-cut and therefore varies with different
authors. For our purpose a tree may be defined as a woody plant with a single
stem or trunk and a more or less definite crown, and attaining a
height of at least 12 feet.
Omitting the intricacies of strict botanical
classification, the tree species of the National Park System may be
divided, in a broad sense, into three categories. In the first two
listed below, growth in diameter is due to the addition of new layers of
wood inside the cambium, which lies beneath the bark. This growth
produces annual rings.
Conifers, or Cone-bearing Trees.These
trees are also known as evergreens and softwoods. Common examples of
this group are pines, firs, spruces, hemlocks, and junipers.
Broadleaf, or Deciduous, Trees.Also
termed hardwoods. Common examples are oaks, maples, sycamores, and
There are exceptions to these distinguishing
characteristics in both groups. For example, among the conifers the
larch and baldcypress are deciduous, shedding all their needles in the
fall; and some of the southern pines, which are conifers, have wood which
is harder than that of some of the so-called hardwoods. Furthermore, the
yew, an evergreen with leaves similar to those of conifers, has a fruit
which is a berry rather than a cone. In the broadleaf group are some
species which are evergreen, such as hollies, live oaks, and some
Palms, Yuccas, and Cacti.Palms have
their bundles of water- and food-conducting cells with strong fibers
scattered through the softer tissue, usually much closer together toward
the outer edge than in the center. The wood, especially in the outer
part of the trunk, may be very dense and hard. Palm trunks have no true
cambium, do not continue diameter growth from year to year by the
addition of new layers of cells, and are mostly unbranched. There is but
one main growing pointthe terminal bud.
The trunks of the Joshua-tree (a yucca) and the
saguaro (a giant cactus) become branched. Tree yuccas, with light and
fibrous wood, also have separate conducting bundles but these are
arranged in more or less concentric layers, new growth being laid down
by a special kind of cambium.
In the saguaro and other tree cacti, the wood
consists of elongated, somewhat latticelike, cylinders of dense fibers
occurring in circles, and imbedded in more or less fleshy pulp. Tree
cacti trunks enlarge their diameter yearly by laying down additional
layers of pulp and woody tissue. After the death of the plant, the pulp
decomposes, leaving a skeleton of woody cylinders.
These three types of trees are of limited occurrence
in the National Park System, but are of unique interest. The Florida
royalpalm and cabbage palmetto are found in Everglades National Park in
southern Florida; California washingtonia, or California-palm, and
Joshua-tree, in Joshua Tree National Monument in southern California;
and the saguaro, in Saguaro and Organ Pipe Cactus National Monuments in