Day/date: Thursday, August 7, 1986 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT Initial Report Date/time of incident: 8/1/86, p.m. Date/time received: 8/4/86 - Original 8/7/86 - Follow-up Park: N/A Location: Near Mexican Hat on San Juan River (out of park) Reported by: Dave Lennox, USPP/WRO Phone(s): FTS 556-1866 Received by: Bill Halainen, WASO Phone(s): 343-4874 Follow-up contact: RSD, WASO Phone(s): FTS 556-1866 Summary: Probable employee fatality. Former co-op student at Cabrillo, just hired by Grand Canyon as interpreter. He & several other GRCA employes & friends went to Utah to float down San Juan River last weekend (8/1-3). Evening of 8/1: group went swimming, except D.F., who stayed at campsite. When they returned, he was missing. Speculation: he was caught in river undertow & drowned. 1 GRCA & 1 GLCA ranger using Zodiac to assist local Sheriff in search. Next of kin advised. Visitors involved: Name Address DOB Sex D.F. Carson, CA unknown Anticipated developments: Search presently in progress & will continue. WRO will advise us.