Day/date: Tuesday, August 26, 1986 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT Date/time of incident: Monday 8/25/86 3:45pm Date/time received: Tuesday 8/26/86 11:00am Park: Devils Tower Location: Leaning Column Reported by: Tom McDonnell Phone(s): 776-8643 (FTS) Received by: Bob Zarger Phone(s): 343-4209 Follow-up contact: Phone(s): Summary: On Monday, August 25, 1986 at 0600 hrs, the below named subject went out for a free solo climb at Leaning Column. At 0800 hrs he was found at the base of the column. He fell & struck his head. He was transported to Spearfish South Dakota and pronounced dead on arrival. A physician & EMT were present at the scene of the accident & performed first aid. An autopsy will be performed to determine cause of death. The next of kin have been notified. Visitors involved: Name Address Age Sex S.H. Wright, Wyo. 17 M Anticipated developments: INFORMATION ALERT Office of Public Affairs National Park Service 202-343-6843 To: Director August 26,1986 Subj: Women's Equality Day Demonstration, Cape Cod National Seashore August 26 is recognized as "Women's Equality Day" since it is the anniversary of women's suffrage. At Cape Cod National Seashore, a group of fifty women set up a demonstration at Herring Cove involving a "Maypole" where the women are appearing topless. The demonstration is allegedly in support of "Women's Equality Day." Park authorities sought to avoid confrontation and chose not to act against the women as long as they remained at Herring Cove. Eleven members of the group, however, proceeded -- still topless -- to a nearby concession facility and then to the Service's fee collection station. Those eleven have been arrested and charged with violation of the Cape Cod nudity regulation (36 CFR 7.67(g)). No action has been taken against the remaining 39, but citations will be issued if another visitor is found who is willing to sign a complaint. Answers to questions: