Day/date: February 5, 1987 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT Log number: 87-10 Date/time of incident: 2/4, 500 pm Date/time received: 2/5, 1100 am Park: Gateway Location: North Beach, Sandy Hook Reported by: Len Bobinchock, RAD/NARO Phone(s): 835-8850 Received by: Dawn Dempsey, RAD/WASO Phone(s): 343-4874 Follow up: Phone(s): Summary: A 1920 vintage unexploded submarine torpedo was found on the beach by an NPS employee. The highly corroded shell was about 45" long and 12" in diameter and contained between 86 and 90 pounds of high explosives. A Department of Defense ordinance disposal unit was on scene at the time of the report, and the area had been secured and closed to the public. Military engineers will attempt to place two charges on the torpedo and blow it up in place, since it is too unstable to move. Follow-up, 1000 am, 2/6: The ordinance team used shape charges in an attempt to blow up the torpedo, but in actuality only blew open the shell casing. It was determined that the explosive materials within were stable enough to transport, and the team removed them from the area. Persons involved: Name Address DOB or age