Day/date: February 10, 1987

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Log number: 87-12
Date/time of incident: 2/9, all day     Date/time received: 2/10, 10 am
Park: Cape Cod                          Location: Parkwide
Reported by: Len Bobinchock, RAD/NARO   Phone(s): 835-8851
Received by: Bill Halainen, RAD/WASO    Phone(s): 343-4874
Follow up:                              Phone(s):

As a result of severe blizzard conditions on the 9th, Cape Cod National
Seashore was closed to the public. All power is currently out on the outer
cape (from Orleans to Truro), and the roads are impassable due to the 15"
snowfall and extensive drifting. Families are being moved out of their
residences into emergency shelters as soon as they can be dug out. The park
hopes to have generators on-line in the North District by noon so that they
can communicate with emergency organizations on the cape.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age