Day/date: August 12, 1987

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Incident type: Employee Suicide
Log number: 87-196
Date/time of incident: 8/11, pm     Date/time received: 8/12, 1015 am
Park: Grant-Kohrs Ranch  Location: Outside of the park
Reported by: John Chapman, Ranger Activities, RMRO
Received by: Bill Halainen, Ranger Activities, WASO

S.B., a seasonal ranger in interpretation, was informed by her supervisor
that she had not been selected for a permanent position in the park at 1:10
yesterday afternoon. When her husband returned home at 9 pm, he found her
dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. The county sheriff's office is

A call to the park for further information revealed the following: S.B.
and her husband had. been living at what is described as the "subsistence
level" on a ranch outside the park when they heard of a job opening for a
seasonal museum aide last summer. S.B. was selected for the position and
worked in it all last summer. During the winter, she and her husband did odd
jobs to get by. This year, they were both hired as seasonal interpreters.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age
S.B.                            Gold Creek, Montana       5/24/51

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Incident type: Follow-up; Search for Missing Ranger
Log number: 87-192B
Date/time of incident: 8/5                          Date/time received: 8/12, 11 am
Park: Blue Ridge Parkway  Location: Maupin Field Shelter
Reported by: Larry Hakel, CR, SHEN (via Supernaugh, HARD)
Received by: Bill Halainen, RAD, WASO

The search continues for Shenandoah seasonal interpretive ranger M.N.,
who has not been seen since August 5th. His car was found on the 8th at
milepost 13 on the Blue Ridge Parkway, and a major search has been in progress
since Saturday. Nobles was reported to be seriously depressed.

Early yesterday afternoon, searchers found M.N.'s pack and some personal
belongings 100 yards off the Appalachian Trail near Maupin Field Shelter.
The items found included clothing, a walking stick, running shoes, a canteen
which was 3/4 full and two empty over-the-counter drug containers. A
doctor was consulted on the two drugs; he has said that neither is dangerous
by itself, but that they would create hallucinations if taken together in
substantial amounts. Dogs were brought in shortly thereafter, but could
find no scent. At nightfall, searchers received a report of a "stench"
within a mile or so of the shelter and are going to check the area closely
this morning.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age
M.N.                                Not given            Early 20's