Day/date: October 8, 1987 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT Incident type: Looting of Shipwrecks Log number: 87-243 Date/time of incident: 10/4 Date/time received: 10/8, am Park: Channel Islands Location: Offshore waters Reported by: Tim Setnicka, CR, CHIS (via WRO) Received by: Bill Halainen, RAD, WASO Summary: Undercover park rangers discovered that divers had been engaging in unlawful removal of historical artifacts from federally protected shipwrecks in Channel Islands National Park and in Channel Islands Marine Sanctuary. Acting on this information, park rangers, National Marine Fishery Service agents and Santa Barbara Sheriff's Office deputies boarded the charter dive vessel Vision, owned by Truth Aquatics of Santa Barbara. They found that divers on the ship, which had been chartered for a three-day diving trip, had removed hundreds of artifacts from the wreck sites of the Winfield Scott and the Golden Horn, both of which sank in the 1800's. Investigators interviewed approximately 25 of the divers and crew aboard the Vision, and, as a result of their findings, about 20 cases will be referred for prosecution to the Southwest Regional Office of the General Counsel of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. An additional ten cases will be referred to the Santa Barbara County District Attorney for prosecution. Persons involved: Name Address DOB or age *** Not given ***