Day/date: October 19, 1987

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Incident Type: - Assist Other Agency (Marijuana)
Log number: 87-251                                Case Incident number 870369
Date/time of incident: 10/18/87 12:10pm Date/time received: 10/19/87 11am
Park: Big Bend                                 Location: Mule Ears View Point
Reported by: Capt. E.T. Hill                       Phone(s): 915/477-2251 ext. 224
Received by: Mjr. P.F. Zarger                      Phone(s): 343-4209

Forty-five pounds (20.4118 kg.) of marijuana was removed from a vehicle that
had been stopped by Ranger Kathy Hambley at the above mentioned location
within Big Bend National Park. The marijuana had been concealed inside
the interior portion of the vehicle. One subject was arrested in
connection with the case.

The contraband along with the arrested subject was turned over to
representatives of the Drug Enforcement Administration (D.E.A.) for

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age

                                 FIELD INCIDENT REPORT

Incident type: Fatality: Fall
Log number: 87-252
Date/time of incident: 10/18, pm     Date/time received: 10/19, am
Park: Mt. Rainier       Location: Naches Peak
Reported by: Mark Forbes, RAD, PNRO
Received by: Bill Halainen, RAD, WASO

J.A. was hiking the Pacific Crest Trail with his family. He parted from
them on the 17th in order to climb Naches Peak. On his way back down from
the ascent, he slipped on loose rock, fell 40', then rolled another 100'.
His family advised the park that he was missing on the 17th. A search
was initiated and his body was found the next day by Mountain Rescue Council
searchers and search dogs.

Persons involved:
Name                                 Address             DOB or age
J.A.                            Cheney, Washington           53