- Subject: NPS Morning Report - Monday, January 23, 1989
- Date: Mon, 23 Jan 1989
Attention: Directorate
Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
CC: RAD Information Net
Day/date: Monday, January 23, 1989
89-8 - Bryce Canyon - Follow-up on Structural Fire
An investigator from the Utah state fire marshall's office has determined
that an electrical short was the cause of the structural fire which burned
90% of the old superintendent's house on the 16th. (Carolyn Barker, BRCA).
89-9 - Hawaii Volcanoes - Death of Park Ranger
Ranger James "Kimo" Cabatbat died of cancer on the afternoon of the 18th.
He was 37. Kimo began his career in the NPS in 1979 at Haleakala, and was
the ranger at Kalapana in Hawaii Volcanoes at the time of his death. He was
also a member of the regional special events team for the last six years.
Kimo is survived by his wife, Non, and their three children, Trahern, 9,
Aislin, 6, and Cavan, 4. (Herb Gercke, WRO).
A new record was set in 1988 for the number of climbing attempts on Mount
McKinley. There were 916 such efforts during the year, up considerably from
the 539 recorded 10 years ago in 1978. Climbers logged about 18,000 user
days, which is about the same as on Mt. Rainier. Other stats: 36% of the
climbers were foreign; 562 climbers (61%) reached the summit; one climber
made a successful solo winter ascent which required 30 days; two helicopter
evactions requiring hoists were made at 18,000', the highest such hoists in
North America; 12 climbers were rescued, and two died. (Bob Seibert, DENA).
1) The OPM register in Boston for GS-025-5 LE rangers is open until February
15th. The notice number is PM-0025-N. Applicants should send a 171, OPM
Form 1170/17 or list of college courses, an SF-15 (veteran's preference) and
a PM-0001 (employment availability statement) to: Boston Area Office, GPM,
Thomas P. O'Neil Federal Building, 10 Causeway Street, Boston, MA 02222.
1031. Contact Boston NHP for further info at 617-242-5638. (Frank
Montford, BOST).
Memorandum: "Fire Coordinators Workshops", signed on January 18th by Don
Castleberry, Acting Associate Director, Operations, and sent on the 19th to
all regional directors. Informational copies sent to regional chief
rangers. Establishes the dates of the two regional fire coordinators'
meetings (2/13-17 and 3/20-24), transmits draft agenda for each, and
requests attendance of specified persons at each meeting.
Asterisks indicate new or revised entries:
February 13 - 17 - Regional Fire Coordinators Meeting, Seattle, Washington.
Servicewide. The focus of the meeting will be a discussion of the final
definition of FIREPRO III and common themes surfacing from the 1988 season
fire reviews. Contact Mark Forbes, PNRO.
February 20 - 25 - Eighth International Bear Conference, Victoria, British
Columbia, Canada.
February 21 - "Deer Management in the Urban Setting", workshop, Perm State
University, Media, Pennsylvania. $135. Call 215-565-8272 for further
February 22 - 25 - "Mountain Management - Mountains, People and
Environments: Conflicts or Challenges", conference, Red Lion Inn - Columbia
River, Jantzen Beach, Oregon. The conference is sponsored by the USFS, NPS
and REI. Registration costs $100 for the session or $40/day. One meal/day
is included in the fee. Additional information and registration forms can
be obtained from: Giffird Pinchot National Forest, ATTN: Wayne A. Parsons,
6926 E. Fourth Plain Blvd., PO Box 8944, Vancouver, WA 98668-8944.
March 8 - 11* - 7th Annual EMS Today Conference and Exposition, Town and
Country Hotel, San Diego, California. Sponsored by JEMS. See the magazine
for further information, or contact The Conference Corporation, 619-481.5267.
March 14 - 16* - 2nd Annual Department of Interior Aircraft Accident
Prevention Seminar, San Diego, California. Open to regional and park
aviation coordinators and safety officers. Contact Butch Farabee, RAD (FTS
343-4188) or Bob Lewis, GAS (FTS 554-9682).
March 14 - 17 - "Issues in Cultural Landscape Management", workshop,
Richmond, Virginia. Sponsered by MAR but open to all. Contact Kathy Jope,
FTS 597-5372, or Reed Engle, FTS 597-5028.
March 17 - 22 - North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference,
Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington, D.C.
March 19 - "National Park Research and Management Policy into the Next
Century: The Successor to the Leopold Report", symposium, Omni Shoreham
Hotel, Washington. D.C. Sponsored by the National Parks and Conservation
Association (NPCAJ. Contact Dave Simon, NPCA, 202-944-8530.
March 20 - 24 - Regional Fire Coordinators Meeting, Denver, Colorado.
Servicewide. The meeting will focus on revisions to NPS-18 directions
resulting from the Secretarial policy review teams. Contact Jim Reilly,
April 3 -7 - Southwest Region Resource Management Workshop, San Antonio,
Texas. Sponsored by SWRO , but open to all. Contact Deborah Pfenninger,
SWR-ONR, FTS 476-6412 or 505-988-6412.
April 17 - 21 - Regional Chief Rangers' Conference, El Paso, Texas
(tentative). Regional chief rangers' annual meeting, with attention on law
enforcement and resource management issues. Contact Tom Thompson, MWRO, or
Reed Jarvis, PNRO.
May 7 - 9 - Northeastern Fish and Wildlife Conference, Ellenville, New York.
Contact Frank Panck, Department of Environmental Conservation, State
university of New York, Building 40, Stony Brook, New York 11790.
July 16 - 20 - "Futureview: The 1990's and Beyond", conference, Sheraton
Washington, Washington, D.C. Sponsored by the World Future Society. Among
other topics, conferees will be discussing future biosphere trends and
issues. For further information, write the World Future Society, 4916 St.
Elmo Avenue, Bethesda, MD 20814 (301-656-8274).
(Calendar appears in each Monday's morning report. If you know of a
conference, meeting or training session with Servicewide interest and
implications, please provide the specifics to either Bill Halainen or Jon
Anglin in Ranger Activities).
Dabney and Belli at Mather Training Center.
Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities
FTS 343-4874/4875 or 202-343-4874/4875