MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           CC: RAD Information Net

Day/date:  Monday, January 30, 1989


No incidents reported.


Denali reports that interior Alaska has been suffering from severe cold
weather for almost two weeks, and that another week of such temperatures is
forecast. The minimum temperature at the park has averaged - 35 degrees for
the past 12 days, and the low on Thursday was - 52 degrees at the park power
house and -55 degrees at the park hotel. Temperatures in the surrounding
areas have reportedly reached - 60 degrees, and Ambler (south of the Brooks
Range) has had temperatures of - 70 degrees. The temperatures don't rise
much in the daytime. This is apparently the longest stretch of cold weather
in 15 years. One countermeasure: "An employee showed a few slides of Death
Valley's summer heat to help warm us up yesterday." (Tom Griffiths, CR,

Yosemite reports that California has recently adopted EMS regulations which
recognize Park Service medic certifications outside the park's jurisdiction.
These regulations eliminate the need for dual certification to transport
patients to a hospital or assist in mutual aid request. These regulations
will also assist in allowing NPS medics to function as medics in wildfire
suppression efforts in California. The park has also initiated an EMT-
defibrillation program in the park and has purchased a Heart Aid automatic
defibrillator. All EMT and ski patrol personnel in Wawona have been
schooled in its operation, and training will soon be expanded parkwide.
(Chief Ranger's Office, YOSE).


1) Rocky Mountain Region is hosting a basic SCUBA class from April 9th to
the 15th. Attendees will stay over for a regional refresher for one more
week. Expenses (excluding travel to Glen Canyon) will be $12/night for
lodging and $15/day for meals. Contact John Benjamin at Glen Canyon (602-
645-2471) for further information. The refresher itself is open only to
divers in Southwest and Rocky Mountain Regions. (Butch Farabee, RAD, WASO).

2) Major Healey ECD's today as the law enforcement specialist in RAD. He can
be reached at FTS 343-4209.


Asterisks indicate new or revised entries:

February 13 - 17 - Regional Fire Coordinators Meeting, Seattle, Washington.
Servicewide. The focus of the meeting will be a discussion of the final
definition of FIREPRO III and common themes surfacing from the 1988 season
fire reviews. Contact Mark Forbes, PNRO.

February 20 - 25 - Eighth International Bear Conference, Victoria, British
Columbia, Canada.

February 21 - "Deer Management in the Urban Setting", workshop, Perm State
University, Media, Pennsylvania. $135. Call 215-565-8272 for further

February 22 - 25 - "Mountain Management - Mountains, People and
Environments: Conflicts or Challenges", conference, Red Lion Inn - Columbia
River, Jantzen Beach, Oregon. The conference is sponsored by the USES, NPS
and REI. Registration costs $100 for the session or $40/day. One meal/day
is included in the fee. Additional information and registration forms can
be obtained from: Gifford Pinchot National Forest, ATTN: Wayne A. Parsons,
6926 E. Fourth Plain Blvd., PO Box 8944, Vancouver, WA 98668-8944.

March 8 - 11 - 7th Annual EMS Today Conference and Exposition, Town and
Country Hotel, San Diego, California. Sponsored by JEMS. See the magazine
for further information, or contact The Conference Corporation, 619-481.5267.

March 14 - 16 - 2nd Annual Department of Interior Aircraft Accident
Prevention Seminar, San Diego, California. Open to regional and park
aviation coordinators and safety officers. Contact Butch Farabee, RAD (FTS
343-4188) or Bob Lewis, CAS (FTS 554-9682).

March 14 - 17 - "Issues in Cultural Landscape Management", workshop,
Richmond, Virginia. Sponsored by MAR but open to all. Contact Kathy Jope,
FTS 597-5372, or Reed Engle, FTS 597-5028.

March 17 - 22 - North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference,
Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington, D.C.

March 19 - "National Park Research and Management Policy into the Next
Century: The Successor to the Leopold Report", symposium, Omni Shoreham

Hotel, Washington, D.C. Sponsored by the National Parks and Conservation
Association (NPCA). Contact Dave Simon, NPCA, 202-944-8530.

March 20 - 24 - Regional Fire Coordinators Meeting, Denver, Colorado.
Servicewide. The meeting will focus on revisions to NPS-18 directions
resulting from the Secretarial policy review teams. Contact Jim Reilly,

April 3 -7 - Southwest Region Resource Management Workshop, San Antonio,
Texas. Sponsored by SWRO , but open to all. Contact Deborah Pfenninger,
SWR-ONR, FTS 476-6412 or 505-988-6412.

April 17 - 21 - Regional Chief Rangers1 Conference, El Paso, Texas
(tentative). Regional chief rangers' annual meeting, with attention on law
enforcement and resource management issues. Contact Tom Thompson, MWRO, or
Reed Jarvis, PNRO.

May 7 - 9 - Northeastern Fish and Wildlife Conference, Ellenville, New York.
Contact Frank Panck, Department of Environmental Conservation, State
University of New York, Building 40, Stony Brook, New York 11790.

May 8 - 12* - North Atlantic Region Chief Rangers' Conference, Cape Cod NS,

July 16 - 20 - "Futureview: The 1990's and Beyond", conference, Sheraton
Washington, Washington, D.C. Sponsored by the World Future Society. Among
other topics, conferees will be discussing future biosphere trends and
issues. For further information, write the World Future Society, 4916 St.
Elmo Avenue, Bethesda, MD 20814 (301-656-8274).

(Calendar appears in each Monday's morning report. If you know of a
conference, meeting or training session with Servicewide interest and
implications, please provide the specifics to either Bill Halainen or Jon
Anglin in Ranger Activities).


Loach at I-520 at Marana through February 10th; Belli and Hodapp will be in
the officer intermittently over the next few days.

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities
FTS 343-4874/4875 or 202-343-4874/4875