MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           CC: RAD Information Net

Day/date:  Thursday, March 2, 1989


89-30 - White House - Demonstration

At 7:30 on the morning of February 17th, approximately 135
demonstrators associated with the "Committee for a Free
Guatemala" began demonstrating on the sidewalk in front of the
White House. Ten of the demonstrators chained themselves to the
White House fence. Park Police officers removed them, placed
them under arrest and charged them with disorderly conduct. The
remainder of the group continued to demonstrate until 8:30, then
dispersed without further incident.

89-31 - Suitland Parkway - Rescue from Burning Vehicle

Just after 1 a.m. on February 23rd, the Park Police was notified
of a vehicle fire on the median on Suitland Parkway near Branch
Avenue. When officer Charles Garrison arrived on the scene, he
discovered a burning Chevrolet Monte Carlo with two people still
inside. Garrison and a passing motorist were able to remove one
occupant and were attempting to remove the second when the
vehicle exploded. Preliminary investigation indicates that the
Monte Carlo had been heading westbound on the parkway at an
excessive speed when it left the roadway, entered the median
strip and struck several trees. There were three occupants in
the vehicle at the time of the accident, but the third was thrown
clear. All three had been attending a party prior to the
accident, and it appears that drug intoxication was a
contributing factor in the accident.


Although there have been a number of fires in Florida over the
last few days, most of them have been on state lands and not in
the parks. Everglades reports five starts over the past week,
with all fires less than an acre. Fire danger there is high, but
the park received rain on Tuesday and was expecting more
yesterday. Extra detection flights have been initiated. Big
Cypress had a half dozen ignitions over the last week, all less
than two acres. Prescribed burning (hazard fuel reduction) was
suspended last Thursday; up to that point, the park had burned
25,000 acres, about half its annual goal. The fire danger is
moderate to high, but this does not reflect the exceedingly low
water levels in the park - levels not usually seen until April or
May. A light killing frost last week has lead to some fuel load
increases. Some rain was received yesterday. Big Cypress has
also increased detection flights over the park. (Sue Husari,
EVER; Kevin Kacer, BICY).


1) Correction: The proper number for the incident report on the
search at Grand Canyon yesterday was 89-29, not 89-21. (Bill
Halainen, RAD, WASO).

2) Lieutenant Michael Blankenship has been selected as the new
regional law enforcement specialist for Pacific Northwest Region.
(Mike Healy, RAD, WASO).

3) We're going to be busy in various arenas answering questions
and presenting further justifications for the $2.7 million and 25
FTE's that have been requested in the FY90 budget for drug
enforcement activities. We would very much like to have slides
and photos of some typical drug cases that park rangers encounter
in the field. If you've got any spares, we'd sure appreciate
your mailing them to us as soon as possible to help us with our
presentations. (Andy Ringgold, RAD, WASO).


All here. Walt Dabney will be on leave and travel from March 3rd
to March 20th. Andy Ringgold will be acting chief of RAD in his

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities
FTS 343-4874/4875 or 202-343-4874/4875