- Subject: NPS Morning Report - Monday, March 20, 1989
- Date: Mon, 20 Mar 1989
Attention: Directorate
Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
CC: RAD Information Net
Day/date: Monday, March 20, 1989
No incidents reported.
1) Fire Situation
a) National Park Service
- Big Canyon Fire, Guadalupe Mountains (3,215 acres) - This fire,
erroneously reported as the McKittrick Fire last Friday, has been
controlled. About 830 acres of the fire burned within the park.
McKittrick Canyon did not burn due to the efforts of the Carlsbad and
Guadalupe handcrews, along with some well-placed air retardant drops.
- Halfmile Fire, Big Cypress (1,200 acres) - This human-caused
fire burned 1,200 acres in the park before being contained on
Thursday. It was predicted that the fire would be under control
by Friday. No further information is currently available.
b) Other Agency
- Steel #2 Fire, Daniel Boone NF (375 Acres) - The fire has
been contained.
2) Analysis - Fire activity decreased over the weekend. Due to extreme fire
danger in the southwest, regional resources are being prepositioned in key
3) Prognosis - Only minor fire activity is expected.
Sources: Judi Zuckert, BFM, Boise; Fire Management Situtation Report, 6 pm,
Sunday, 3/10/89.
Asterisks indicate new or revised entries:
April 3 -7 - Southwest Region Resource Management Workshop, San Antonio,
Texas. Sponsored by SWRO , but open to all. Contact Deborah Pfenninger,
SWR-ONR, FTS 476-6412 or 505-988-6412.
April 3 -7 - Midwest Region Chief Rangers1 Conference, Pipestone NM,
Minnesota. Contact John Townsend, MWRO, for further information.
April 4 -6 - "Interpretation in Urban Areas", workshop, Lowell Hilton,
Lowell, Massachusetts. Sponsored by the NPS and local organizations. The
objectives are "to examine the nature and expectations of urban audiences,
techniques necessary to reach these audiences and the particular concerns of
employees in urban areas." For further information, call 617-565-8860. The
registration deadline is February 17th.
April 24 - 28 - Regional Chief Rangers' Training Session, El Paso, Texas.
Training session focusing on law enforcement (particularly drug interdiction
and enforcement) and resource protection issues. Contact Tom Thompson,
MWRO, or Reed Jarvis, PNRO.
May 2 - 4* - Mid-Atlantic Region Chief Rangers' Conference, Oglebay, West
Virginia. Contact Chris Andress, FTS 597-5348.
May 7 - 9 - Northeastern Fish and Wildlife Conference, Ellenville, New York.
Contact Frank Panck, Department of Environmental Conservation, State
University of New York, Building 40, Stony Brook, New York 11790.
May 8 - 12 - North Atlantic Region Chief Rangers' Conference, Cape Cod NS,
May 8 - 12 - "Practical Approaches to Riparian Resource Management",
educational workshop, Billings Plaza Holiday Inn, Billings, Montana.
Jointly sponsored by several Federal and state land management agencies.
For further information, contact Andrea Darling at 406-652-5197.
May 18 - 20 - "High-Intensity Fire in Wildlands: Management Challenges and
Options", conference, Ramada Inn North, Tallahassee, Florida. For further
information, contact Tall Timbers Research Stations, Route 1, Box 678,
Tallahassee, FL 32312 (904-893-4153).
May 23 - 26 - "Fire Policy and Strategies in Wilderness and Parks, Past and
Future", symposium, Bozeman, Montana. Sponsored by the NPS and USFS.
Contact Paul Weingart (403-586-8625) or Jim Saveland (912-744-0252).
May 31 - June 5* - WASO/Regional Chiefs of Interpretation Workshop,
Yellowstone, Wyoming. Tentative. Topics will include Servicewide
interpretation and education and Yellowstone fire interpretation for the
summer of 1989. Contact Mike Watson, Interpretation, WASO, for further
June 19 - 22 - "Our National Grasslands", forum, Kirkwood Motor Inn,
Bismarck, North Dakota. Topics include review of historical and economic
importance of national grasslands. Keynote speaker will be Dale Robertson,
Chief, US Forest Service. Conference celebrates the 50th anniversary of
national grasslands. Contact Joe Sainas, Forest Service, 1824 N. 11th
Street, Bismark, NC 58501.
July 16 - 20 - "Futureview: The 1990*s and Beyond", conference, Sheraton
Washington, Washington, D.C. Sponsored by the World Future Society. Among
other topics, conferees will be discussing future biosphere trends and
issues. For further information, write the World Future Society, 4916 St.
Elmo Avenue, Bethesda, MD 20814 (301-656-8274).
(Calendar appears in each Monday's morning report. If you know of a
conference, meeting or training session with Servicewide interest and
implications, please provide the specifics to Bill Halainen in Danger
Belli in Denver all week with NPS-77 grazing work group; Loach at COLO
on Monday on NPS-53 and on AL remainder of week. Dabney back in the office.
Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities
FTS 343-4874/4875 or 202-343-4874/4875