MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           CC: RAD Information Net

Day/date:  Wednesday, March 29, 1989


89-58 - Cedar Breaks - Landslide

A massive mudslide closed the main road to Cedar Breaks and stripped off a
half-mile section of pavement on the 27th. Mud and boulders cascaded across
State Road 14 sometime during the night, and the slide was discovered Monday
morning. No injuries were reported, and no one was stranded at the monument
because other roads lead from Cedar Breaks back to main highways. Although
the slide was still moving slightly on Monday, the Utah Highway Patrol
reported that it did not appear to constitute any further threat. The
entire area had received significant precipitation over the previous
weekend. (Associated Press)


1) Fire Situation -

a) National Park Service:

- No significant fire activity.

b) Other Agency:

- Collier County 2 Fire, State of Florida (2,800 acres) - Containment
  was expected yesterday evening.

- Graphite Complex Fires, NF's in North Carolina (390 acres) - Contained.

2) Fire Activity - 152 fires for 5,623 acres in last 24 hours.

3) Analysis - Cooler weather in the southeast continues to moderate the fire
situation there.

4) Prognosis - No significant fire activity anticipated.

5) Notes - An Ohio Civilian Conservation Corps enrollee was fatally injured
while fighting a 40-acre fire in steep terrain and flashy fuels on the
Wayne-Hoosier NF on Monday. Another enrollee remains in critical condition
with severe burns. An investigation is underway.

(NIFCC Fire Management Situation Report, 3/28, 1630 MST)


1) Larry Belli of this office has been selected as the new superintendent of
Chaco Canyon. His ECO there will be April 9th.

2) On March 15th, the Associate Directors for Natural and Cultural Resources
released the final guidelines for resource management plans. The final
version is similar to the draft released in May of 1988. The new guideline
calls for plans to be updated every four years. RMP's that have recently
been rewritten do not need to be redone until four years from now, but parks
are urged to computerize their project statements as soon as practicable.
RMP's currently in need of revision should use the new format. Software to
computerize the RMP project statements has been developed by Southeast
Region. A program to produce four of the required charts and tables
directly from the project statements is being finished. This software will
be distributed when it is available, probably within the next month.
Updates on those tables will not be due to WASO until February of 1990.
There will be no call for updated information this year in order to allow
time for computerization. For further information, contact your regional
natural or cultural RMP coordinator or contact Margaret Osborne in WASO
Division of Wildlife and Vegetation at 202-343-8125 (FTS 343-8125). (Larry
Belli, RAD/WASO).


Loach in Las Vegas at NPS-53 training session, Hodapp heading for San
Francisco this afternoon for meeting on aircraft studies.

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities
FTS 343-4874/4875 or 202-343-4874/4875