MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           CC: RAD Information Net

Day/date:  Tuesday, April 4, 1989


89-59 - Kenai Fjords - Follow-up on Oil Spill

As of yesterday afternoon, the leading edge of the oil slick was stationary
at a point three miles off the Chiswell Islands in Alaska Maritime NWR and
ten miles off the mouth of Resurrection Bay. There's also a body of oil
about 15 to 25 miles wide roughly 20 miles offshore from the park which
formed from patches of oil coming out of Montague and Bainbridge passages.
Winds and freshwater flows are presently keeping the oil offshore. Booms
have been placed in Humpy and Thumb Coves outside the park and in Aialik Bay
inside the park; more oil booms - totalling about 25,000' in length - are en
route to Seward, and the park has established priority protection areas for
their use in conjunction with local and state officials. The incident
command team (ICT) has sent boats and aircraft along the coast for resource
assessments. Assignments include wildlife evaluation, coastal land
evaluation, recreation impacts, and intertidal zone evaluations.
Photographs and descriptions are being recorded for before and after use if
needed. There are 46 people now assigned to the ICT, and another 20 people
are working full or part-time on the spill in the Alaska Regional Office.
(Dave Ames, Acting Regional Director & John Quinley, Public Affairs, ARO).

89-61 - Sequoia/Kings Canyon - Rape Conviction

On July 30, 1988, a female visitor from the Netherlands reported to park
dispatch that she had been raped near Potwisha Campground in Sequoia.
Rangers began an investigation and eventually arrested 32-year-old R.R.E.,
an illegal alien from Mexico. R.R.E. was subsequently
indicted for aggravated sexual abuse and pleaded guilty. On March 27th, he
was sentenced to nine years imprisonment. At the conclusion of his term in
prison, he is to be deported. (Pete Allen, LEO, SEKI).

89-62 - Biscayne - Search, Presumed Drowning

On the evening of April 1st, G.V., 18, was cruising in a boat in
the park with some friends. The group had been drinking, and G.V.
jumped overboard twice, apparently just in fun. The boat ran aground after
G.V.'s second plunge, however, and his friends were unable to return to
the point where he entered the water to retrieve him. The Coast Guard
eventually arrived on scene, towed the boat free, then joined park rangers
in an intensive search for G.V.. No trace of him has yet been found,
and it is believed that he drowned and his body was carried out to sea. A
limited search for him is continuing. (Wayne Landrum, CR, BISC, via Bill
Springer, RAD/SERO).


1) Fire Situation -

a) National Park Service:

No new fires. The "Midland Fire Situation Report" for the NPS for the
month of March has been completed and follows:

- Fire Danger:

MAR Mod-High
SER Mod-High
SWR Low-High Extreme: Amistad, Big Bend, Carlsbad Caverns,
             Guadalupe Mtns, Lake Meredith, Shiloh
WR Low

- Wildfire Occurrence:

Region             Park                 # Fires        # Acres
Mid Atlantic    Delaware Water Gap        1               4
                Fredericksburg            1               1
Midwest         Indiana Dunes             4               9
Southeast       Big Cypress               9           2,579
                Chickamauga               1               1
                Natchez Trace             2               2
Southwest       Big Bend                  8             617
                Buffalo River             2             140
                Carlsbad Caverns          2              50
                Guadalupe Mtns            1             830
                Lake Meredith             1               0.5
                Pea Ridge                 4              31
                                         ----          ----
Total                                    36           4,264.5

- Prescribed Natural Fire Occurrence:

No prescribed natural fires are being allowed, pending review and
revision of area fire management plans.

- Prescribed Burn Occurrence:

Southeast       Everglades                1              71
Southwest       Buffalo River             2              31
                Lyndon B. Johnson         1              44
                                         ----          ----
Total                                     4             146

- Fire Occurrence, Year-To-Date:

Fire Type                  # Fires           # Acres

Wildfires                     60              5,000
Natural Outs                   5                  4
Prescribed Natural Fires       0                  0
Prescribed Burns               8             13,000
False Alarms                  10                  0
Mutual Aid by NPS             13              1,746
Support Actions               13                  0

b) Other Agency:

- No significant new fires.

2) Fire Activity - 106 fires for 620 acres in last 24 hours.

3) Fire Weather - No weather systems expected which will
exacerbate fire situation in any area.

4) Analysis - Only minor activity occurring in the southeast.

5) Prognosis - No problem activity expected.

(NIFCC Intelligence Section, 1630 MDT, 4/3/89; Judi Zuckert, BFM, NPS,


1) Walt will be on the Hill today at the Senate appropriations hearings
to testify on drug interdiction and fire-related matters.


Butts in Denver at meeting with USFS all week.

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

FTS 343-4874/4875 or 202-343-4874/4875