- Subjecat: NPS Morning Report - Friday, April 14, 1989
- Date: Fri, 14 Apr 1989
Attention: Directorate
Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
CC: RAD Information Net
Day/date: Friday, April 14, 1989
89-59 - Kenai Fjords - Follow-up on Oil Spill
A storm on Monday broke up large areas of oil; on Tuesday, Coast Guard
reconnaissance discovered oil along the east sides of all points of land
extending toward the Gulf of Alaska from Resurrection Bay to Gore Point, but
found little or no visible oil sheen in the bays. Coast Guard skimmers were
working east of Cape Resurrection and west of Montague Island. A barrier
and deflection boom was placed in McArthur Pass between Pye Islands and
McCarty Fjord on Wednesday. (Boyd Evison, Dave Ames, John Quinley, ARO).
89-68 - Indiana Dunes - Body Discovery
The partially clothed body of an unidentified 40 to 50-year-old female was
found on the Central Avenue Beach on the morning of the 10th. The cause of
death is unknown, but there is no evidence of foul play. Toxicological
tests were to be conducted yesterday. (J.J. McLaughlin, FAD/MWRO).
No new fires reported.
1) This is Larry Belli's last day in RAD. He departs for his new position
as superintendent of Chaco Canyon tomorrow.
2) There's a meeting between the DOI and bureau enforcement and ADP staffs
regarding the future direction of incident reporting systems. Details on
Monday. (Andy Ringgold, RAD/WASO).
Memorandum: "El Paso Intelligence Center (EPIC)", signed April 10th by the
Acting Associate Director, Operations, and sent yesterday to all regional
directors. Transmits MOU with EPIC and asks for completion and return of
forms on authorized users by May 19th.
Memorandum: "Drug Incident Reporting Requirements", signed April 11th by the
Acting Associate Director, Operations, and sent yesterday to all regional
directors. Establishes new DOI drug incident reporting requirements and due
dates for reports.
Kreis on lieu day.
Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities
FTS 343-4874/4875 or 202-343-4874/4875