- Subject: NPS Morning Report - Monday, April 24, 1989
- Date: Mon, 24 Apr 1989
Attention: Directorate
Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
CC: RAD Information Net
Day/date: Monday, April 24, 1989
89-72 - Lake Mead - Motor Vehicle Fatalities
A motor vehicle accident on East Lake Mead Boulevard in the early hours of
the 18th claimed the lives of two Las Vegas youths - K.M., 23,
and J.L., who turned 24 that day. The driver, D.B., also of Las
Vegas, was ejected from the vehicle during the accident and was not injured.
D.B. evidently lost control of the vehicle due to excessive speed. (Lila
Roybal, LAME, via Herb Gercke, RAD/WRO).
Here's the Service's wildland fire situation report for the first two weeks
of April, as prepared by Judi Zuckert, Branch of Fire Management, Boise:
- Wildfire Occurrence:
Region Park # Fires # Acres
Midwest Indiana Dunes 6 88
Rocky Mountain Bryce Canyon 1 60
Southeast Big Cypress 5 176
Big South Fork 1 30
Blue Ridge Pkwy 1 4
Cumberland Island 1 1
Everglades 3 1
Southwest Big Bend 1 450
Buffalo River 2 800
---- ----
Total 21 1,610
- Prescribed Natural Fire Occurrence:
No prescribed natural fires are being allowed, pending review and revision
of area fire management plans.
- Prescribed Burn Occurrence:
Rocky Mountain Wind Cave 1 1,700
Western Grand Canyon 1 110
---- ----
Total 2 1,810
- Fire Danger:
MAR Low-Mod
MWR Low-Mod
NCR Low-Mod
NAR Low-Mod
RMR Low-Mod
SER Low-High
SWR Low-High Extreme: Big Bend, Carlsbad Caverns, Lake Meredith
Very High: Buffalo River, Chickasaw, Pea Ridge
WRO Low-High Extreme: Chiricahua
Very High: Grand Canyon
- National Situation:
Florida was the most active section of the country for wildfires in
the first half of the month, with numerous human-caused and arson
fires reported. Everglades has been experiencing the driest winter season
in 40 years of record-keeping. Personnel and equipment from both Everglades
and Big Cypress were dispatched to an 18,000 acre fire on state land that
threatened, but did not reach, Everglades. Several squads of NPS
firefighters remain in south Florida.
Below normal precipitation and above normal temperatures continued in
the Southwest. 75,000 acres are reported to have burned in a county
adjacent to Big Bend.
- Fire Occurrence, Year-To-Date:
Fire Type # Fires # Acres
Wildfires 81 6,580
Natural Outs 7 49
Prescribed Natural Fires 0 0
Prescribed Burns 10 13,000
False Alarms 11 ---
Mutual Aid by NPS 18 2,135
Support Actions 17 N/A
Asterisks indicate new or revised entries:
May 2 - 4 - Mid-Atlantic Region Chief Rangers' Conference, Oglebay, West
Virginia. Contact Chris Andress, FTS 597-5348.
May 7 - 9 - Northeastern Fish and Wildlife Conference, Ellenville, New York.
Contact Frank Panck, Department of Environmental Conservation, State
University of New York, Building 40, Stony Brook, New York 11790.
May 5 - 15 - Western Region Chief Rangers' Training Workshop, Clarion Hotel,
San Diego, California.
May 8 - 12 - Resource Threats Workshop, Rocky Mountain NP, Colorado. The
workshop will focus on the National Environmental Policy Act, but will
include other legislation that can be used to influence federal, federally-
licensed or private undertakings that potentially impact NPS resources.
Contact Frank Buono, Albright (602-638-2691) or Jake Hoogland, Environmental
Compliance, WASO (FTS 343-2163).
May 8 - 12 - North Atlantic Region Chief Rangers' Conference, Cape Cod NS,
May 8 - 12 - "Practical Approaches to Riparian Resource Management",
educational workshop, Billings Plaza Holiday Inn, Billings, Montana.
Jointly sponsored by several Federal and state land management agencies.
For further information, contact Andrea Darling at 406-652-5197.
May 18 - 20 - "High-Intensity Fire in Wildlands: Management Challenges and
Options", conference, Ramada Inn North, Tallahassee, Florida. For further
information, contact Tall Timbers Research Stations, Route 1, Box 678,
Tallahassee, FL 32312 (904-893-4153).
May 23 - 26 - "Fire Policy and Strategies in Wilderness and Parks, Past and
Future", symposium, Bozeman, Montana. Sponsored by the NPS and USFS.
Contact Paul Weingart (403-586-8625) or Jim Saveland (912-744-0252).
May 31 - June 5 - WASO/Regional Chiefs of Interpretation Workshop,
Yellowstone, Wyoming. Topics will include Servicewide interpretation and
education and Yellowstone fire interpretation for the summer of 1989.
Contact Mike Watson, Interpretation, WASO, for further information.
June 12 - 16 - Aviation Management Workshop, Boise, Idaho. Contact Butch
Farabee, RAD/WASO (FTS 343-4188 or 202-343-4188).
June 19 - 22 - "Our National Grasslands", forum, Kirkwood Motor Inn,
Bismarck, North Dakota. Topics include review of historical and economic
importance of national grasslands. Keynote speaker will be Dale Robertson,
Chief, US Forest Service. Conference celebrates the 50th anniversary of
national grasslands. Contact Joe Sainas, Forest Service, 1824 N. 11th
Street, Bismark, NC 58501.
(Calendar appears in each Monday's morning report. If you know of a
conference, meeting or training session with Servicewide interest and
implications, please provide the specifics to Bill Halainen in Ranger
Ringgold and Healy at regional chief rangers' meeting in El Paso through
Friday, Hodapp in Denver through Friday, Loach in Atlantic City at MARO NPS-
53 training course through Friday. Butch Farabee is acting chief, Branch of
Resource and Visitor Protection.
Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities
FTS 343-4874/4875 or 202-343-4874/4875