MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           CC: RAD Information Net

Day/date:  Tuesday, May 9, 1989


89-59 - Kenai Fjords/Katmai - Follow-up on Oil Spill

Overview - On the 6th, Admiral Robbins of the USCG visited the Katmai coast
to view oil impacted areas. On the 7th, Congressman Bruce Vento visited
Kenai Fjords and Katmai with Regional Director Boyd Evison.

Katmai - Air operations were hampered on the 6th and 7th due to poor weather
in the area. A fishing boat working off Cape Douglas reported retrieving
more dead birds, with about 20% to 30% having been scavenged. More mousse
was reported on the east and south shores of the cape on the 6th, and dead
birds were seen floating in the oil. A second fishing boat off Hallo Bay
reported seeing three bears eating dead, oiled birds. The crew picked up 55
dead birds from a beach in the bay and 33 more from a nearby island.

Kenai - Cleanup operations continue on the Pye and Chiswell Islands. The
park has provided the Coast Guard with lists of shoreline areas where
cleanup is authorized. The work involves picking up oiled kelp, tar balls
and other debris. Excavation of sand and gravel by mechanical means is not
authorized. (John Quinley, PA/ARO).

89-83 - Whiskeytown - Accidental Shooting

On the evening of the 4th, a group of six California State Parks and
Recreation rangers were conducting a training exercise on a range in the
park when ranger R.T. accidentally shot himself in the leg while
drawing his weapon. R.T. was taken to the Redding Medical Center, where
surgeons removed most of the fragments of the bullet from his leg. He is
reported to be doing well. R.T. was participating in a drill which
required the rangers to quickly draw and fire at a target three yards away.
Preliminary investigation indicates that he was using a top draw holster
with an unshielded trigger guard, and that he inserted his finger into the
trigger while drawing and discharged the weapon before pointing it down
range. No NPS rangers were on the range at the time. An investigation into
the incident continues. (Ann Betus, RAD/WRO; supplemental information from
Ray Faust, Superintendent, WHIS).




* Topeka Fire -- Grand Canyon - 246 acres:

The fire acreage has been revised down from 300 acres to 246 acres based on
better mapping. The fire was declared controlled at 5 p.m. on the evening
of the 7th. About 110 acres of the fire burned outside the original burn
block, but inside the planned and scheduled burn, which is to be completed
by this September. Control forces included three Type I handcrews, a strike
team of engines and air attack. The prescribed burn unit being blacklined
was completely surrounded by roads. Conditions were within prescription, as
verified by PAWS station values and collected fuel samples processed by
Computrac. When the fire escaped, the burn was in the process of being shut
down in response to a spot forecast for Thursday indicating the probability
of strong winds, thunderstorms and lightning. Although it escaped intoa
unit planned for burning, conditions were moving outside of the prescription
and the fire was suppressed.

* Tamiami Fire -- Everglades - 400-500 acres:

From Steve Smith SERO 05-09089 0815 MDT

Everglades NP

Tamiami Fire

Arson start in PM of 05-08-89 along Tamiami Trail west of Shark Valley.
Currently 400-500 acres.

Resources: on incident  60 misc workers
           on order     Type II crew
                        Type II copter

IC: Mark Spear

Status: Humidity up this AM but have wind forecast for PM

Currently have threat to Shark Valley facilities slowed but may have to
burn out to ultimately protect Shark Valley.

Been burning out under powerlines along Tamiami Trail.

Fire Behavior: 20 foot flame lengths - head
                6 foot flame lengths - flank


* No fire report from NIFCC this morning.

(Report on Topeka Fire from Rod Norum, BFM, NPS, Boise).


1) Reminder: The filling of the FIREPRO positions for 1989 is being held up
by delays in receipt of the announcements from the regions for consolidation
and release from Washington. Donna Mills in WASO Personnel needs to receive
the necessary info for the Weekly Vacancy Information List by close of
business on Thursday. (Dave Butts, RAD/WASO).


Loach in Taos at ARPA conference, Hodapp at resource threats workshop in
Rocky Mountain, Butts en route to North Atlantic chief rangers' conference
at Cape Cod.

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone: FTS 343-4374/6039 or 202-343-4874/6039
Telefax: FTS 343-5977 or 202-343-5977