MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           CC: RAD Information Net

Day/date:  Wednesday, May 17, 1989


89-95 - Blue Ridge Parkway - Motorcycle Fatality

S.V., 26, of Montreal, Canada, and. his passenger, H.S.,
were motorcycling on the parkway near Ashville, North Carolina, on the
afternoon of May 16th. Despite the fact that the pavement was wet,
witnesses said that S.V. was driving at a very high rate of speed. He
lost control of the motorcycle on a curve, crossed the centerline, hit the
left front quarter of a motor home head on, and slid underneath it.
S.V. was pronounced dead at the hospital; H.S. is in very critical
condition. (Steve Smith, RAD/SERO).




* Margaret Basin Fire - Big Bend - 2,500 acres:

The fire has been remapped, and it now appears that it is on private land
owned by the Nature Conservancy. It is reported to be backing toward the
park, but the state of Texas has declared it in control status.

* The Service's Wildland Fire Situation Report has been completed for the
period from May 1st to the 12th:

- Fire Danger:

ARO  Low
MAR  Low-Mod
MWR  Low-High    Very High: Scott's Bluff
NCR  Low-Mod
NAR  Low-Mod
PNR  Low
RMR  Low-Mod     Very High: Bryce  Canyon
SER  Low-High    Extreme: Everglades
SWR  Low-High    Very High: Bandelier
                 Extreme: Big Bend, Carlsbad  Caverns, Lake Meredith
WRO  Low-Mod     Extreme: Grand Canyon, Saguaro

- Wildfire  Occurrence:

Region               Park                   # Fires          # Acres
Midwest         Scott's Bluff                   1                 80
Southeast       Big Cypress                     1                  0.5
                Everglades                      3              2,000
Southwest       Big Bend                       10              1,253
                Canyon de Chelly                1                 15
Western         Grand Canyon                    1                110
                                              ----              ----
Total                                          17              3,458.5

- Prescribed Natural Fire Occurrence:

No prescribed natural fires are being allowed, pending review and
revision of area fire management plans.

- Prescribed Burn Occurrence:

Western         Grand Canyon                    1                136

- Fire Occurence, Year-To-Date:

Fire Type                         # Fires                # Acres

Wildfires                             91                  9,500
Natural Outs                           9                     50
Prescribed Natural Fires               0                      0
Prescribed Burns                      24                 30,104
False Alarms                          16
Mutual Aid by NPS                     21                  2,915


* West End Fire - Loxahatchee NWR - 38,000 acres:

The fire was contained on Monday.

* Camp Fire - Lincoln NF - 1,010 acres:

The fire is now 80% contained.

2) FIRE ACTIVITY - 56 fires for 262 acres reported on Tuesday. Year-to-date
totals for 1989: 19,641 fires for 505,063 acres.

3) ANALYSIS - No problem activity reported.

4) PROGNOSIS - Favorable weather conditions forecasted for the next few days
should slow activity in the southwest. No resource shortages anticipated.

(NIFCC Intelligence Section, 1630 MDT, 5/16/89; NFS fire report from Judi
Zuckert, BFM, Boise).


Halainen in meeting with R&R Uniforms all day.

Prepared by TASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone: FTS 343-4874/6039 or 202-343-4874/6039
Telefax: FTS 343-5977 or 202-343-5977