MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           CC: RAD Information Net

Day/date:  Tuesday, May 23, 1989


83-100 - Canaveral - Drowning

A.R., 29, of Hyattsville, Maryland, was swimming with her husband at
an unguarded beach in the park's Apollo District when she was swept out to
sea by a strong current and drowned. Canaveral has no guarded beaches.
(Report via phone from Steve Smith, RAD/SERO).

89-101 - Cape Hatteras - Probable Drowning

O.J., 18, of Plymouth, North Carolina, and a friend were swindling at
an unguarded beach near Oregon Inlet when a strong undertow pulled then both
underwater. Rangers were summoned and were able to pull O.J.'s friend
from the surf, but O.J. could not be found. His body has not yet been
recovered. (Report via phone from Bill Sturgeon, RAD/SERO).




* Ingraham Fire - Everglades - 55,000 acres:

The fire is comprised of three fires - the Tomato, Pineglades and Ingraham
Fires - which burned together; a fourth blaze - the Deer Fire - burned
itself out. The fire is under full suppression, using minimum impact
tactics, i.e. burning out from developments to protect structures and from
park boundaries to prevent escape from the park. Last night, the fire
entered the Shark River Slough, and is expected to reach the Everglades -
Big Cypress boundary within the next 24 hours. Control problems are being
experienced due to smoldering hammocks, dense tree areas, high temperatures
and low relative humidities. The extended forecast calls for winds shifting
from the southeast to northwest, which should cause smoke problems in the
Miami area. A Type II team and about 150 personnel are currently assigned
to the fire.


* Black Fire - Roswell District, ELM - 3C0 acres:

Firefighters are having control problems due to windy conditions.
Containment was predicted for last night.

* Alkali Fire - Montrose District, BLM - 220 acres:

The fire has been contained.

2) FIRE ACTIVITY - 108 fires for 745 acres reported on Monday. Year-to-date
totals, 1989: 20,065 fires for 612,939 acres. Year-to-date totals, 1988:
43,979 fires for 507,004 acres.

3) ANALYSIS - Increased fire activity is occurring in the southwest and

4) PROGNOSIS - Fire activity is expected in continue in the southwest and
southeast, with no resource shortages anticipated.

(NIICC Intelligence Section, 1630 IDT, 5/22/89; information on Ingraham Fire
via phone from Scott Erickson, CR, EVER).


Memorandum: "National Park Service Use of Aircraft, FY 86-88", signed May
17th by the Acting Associate Director, Operations, and sent today to all
Regional Directors. Contains information on hours flown and costs incurred
for each of the last three years by the 101 NPS areas which employed


Hodapp in Denver on aircraft studies contract, evaluation.

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone: FTS 343-4874/6039 or 202-343-4874/6039
Telefax: FTS 343-5977 or 202-343-5977