- Subject: NPS Morning Report - Tuesday, May 30, 1989
- Date: Thurs, 30 May 1989
Attention: Directorate
Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
CC: RAD Information Net
Day/date: Tuesday, May 30, 1989
89-105 - Canyon de Chelly - Shooting Incident
We have received very preliminary information regarding an incident in the
park yesterday evening in which a ranger apparently shot a car-clouter who
was assaulting him. Further information will be transmitted as soon as we
have a complete report. (Rick Smith, AFD/Ops, SWRO, via phone call to Walt
Dabney, RAD/WASO).
89-106 - Yosemite - MVA with Two Fatalities
On May 28th, a car containing five French nationals collided with a tree on
the Tioga Road approximately three miles east of Crane Flat junction.
J.B. and M.-P.M. were killed in the accident.
The driver, D.B., suffered major injuries to his chest and lower
extremities and was transported by Mediflight to Memorial North Hospital in
Modesto. F.B. was also medivaced to Modesto with head
lacerations and multiple fractures of both legs. S.K. was
treated for minor rib and hand injuries at the Yosemite Medical Clinic and
later released. (Roger Rudolph, CR, YOSE, via CompuServe message to RAD/WRO
and RAD/WASO).
89-107 - Glacier - Follow-up on Sniping Incident
C.S., who was arrested for shooting at and hitting several
vehicles and one employee in Glacier in October of 1987, has been convicted
of the kidnapping, sexual assault and first-degree murder of a ten-year-old
girl by a jury in Jefferson County, Illinois. C.S.'s conviction was
based on information developed by the NPS during the investigation of the
Glacier incident. The entire murder case rested upon the legality of an
inventory of property which a seasonal commissioned ranger had conducted of
C.S.'s abandoned vehicle. The property was allowed as evidence in the
trial because of the Service's mandatory requirements for inventorying the
contents of impounded vehicles. C.S. has been serving a term of 15
years in federal prison for the offenses committed in Glacier. (Tom
McDonnell, RAD/RMRO, via CompuServe massage to all regions and WASO).
* Ingraham Fire - Everglades - S5,2Q0 acres:
The fire has been contained.
* Walk-in Fire - Big Cypress - 11,000 acres:
The fire has been contained.
* Miami Canal Fire - State of Florida - 30,000 acres:
There's no estimate as to when the fire will be contained, nor any further
information on it.
* Coward Lake Fire - State of Georgia and U5FWS - C00 acres:
The fire is burning in the Okeefenokee swamp and on private land. The fire-
is threatening a visitor use facility and an historic structure. There's no
estimate of containment.
* West Fire - St. John NWR - 400 acres: There's no estimate for containment.
* Ferguson Fire - Imperial NWR - 1,800 acres:
Two boats, an engine and one crew lave been committed. The fire is
threatening refuge headquarters. There's no estimate of containment.
* Laguna Dam #2 Fire - Yuma District, BLM - 3,000 acres:
A Type I Team is en route. Eight engines, a helicopter and a single-engine
airtanker have been committed, and four crews are on order. One powerline
has been damaged, and the fire is threatening a housing development.
There's no estimate of containment.
* Gardner Park Fire - Routt NF - 100 acres:
"The fire is burning in heavy bug kill and logging: slash. Containment is
estimated for Wednesday.
2) FIRE ACTIVITY - 235 fires for 26,806 acres reported on Thursday.
3) ANALYSIS - Extreme conditions continue in the southwest. Numerous starts
have resulted in the heavy commitment of initial attack forces in the
southwest. Fire activity is continuing in the southeast.
4) PROGNOSIS - Activity is expected to continue in the southwest and
southeast, with orders for additional resources from outside these areas
expected. No resource shortages anticipated.
(NIFCC Intelligence Section, 0530 MDT, 5/30/89).
Asterisks indicate new or revised entries:
May 31 - June 5 - WASO/Regional Chiefs of Interpretation Workshop,
Yellowstone, Wyoming. Topics will include Servicewide interpretation and
education and Yellowstone fire interpretation for the summer of 1989.
Contact Mike Watson, Interpretation, WASO, for further information.
June 5 - 9 - Wilderness Management School, Teton Valley Ranch Camp, Kelly,
Wyoming. Sponsored by the Student Conservation Association. The objective
of the school will be to "bring together wilderness managers from many
agencies with diverse experience to exchange ideas and field techniques
relevant to current issues in wilderness management." Topics will include
campsite assessment, monitoring trail conditions and water quality, managing
and monitoring special uses and managing and monitoring the wilderness
recreation experience. There will also be presentations and discussions on
wilderness management matters. Cost: $325, which covers instruction,
materials, tools, lodging and meals. A 15% tuition discount is available to
parties of three or more registering together. For more information,
contact Missi Booth Goss at 206-547-7380.
June 6 - 8 - GIS Conference, Towson State University, Towson, Maryland.
Contact John Morgan, College of Liberal Arts, Geography and Environmental
Planning, Towson State University, Towson, MD 21204 (301-321-2964).
June 12 - 16 - Aviation Management Workshop, Boise, Idaho. Contact Butch
Farabee, RAD/WASO (FTS 343-4188 or 202-343-4188).
June 19 - 22 - "Cur National Grasslands", forum, Kirkwood Motor Inn,
Bismarck, North Dakota. Topics include review of historical and economic
importance of national grasslands. Keynote speaker will be Dale Robertson,
Chief, US Forest Service. Conference celebrates the 50th anniversary of
national grasslands. Contact Joe Sainas, Forest Service, 1824 N. 11th
Street, Bismark, NC 58501.
July 23 - 26 - "Meeting Global Wildland Fire Challenges", Boston,
Massachusetts. Contact National Fire Protection Association, 1 Batterymarch
Park, Quincy, MA 02269 (617-770-3000).
July 30 - August 2 - "Making Conservation Happen - Together", annual meeting
of the Soil and Water Conservation Society, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. The
meeting includes sessions on international soil and water conservation
issues, water quality, watershed management, wildlife management and
conservation during mining and reclamation. Contact SWCS, 7515 NE Ankeny
Road, Ankeny, Iowa 50021.
September 11 - 17 - "Managing America's Enduring Wilderness Resource",
conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Sponsored in part by the National Park
Service. Contact David W. Lime, College of Forestry, 110 Green Hall,
University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55108 (612-624-2250).
September 17 - 22 - Annual conference, American Water Resources Association,
Tampa, Florida. The themes will be water laws and management and wetlands
concerns and successes. Contact AWRA, 5410 Grosvenor Lane, Bethesda, MD
20814 (301-493-8600).
November 5 - 10 - "Homespun to High Tech: Interpreting for Urban Audiences",
workshop, National Association of Interpretation, St. Paul/Minneapolis,
Minnesota. Contact NAI, PO Box 1892, Fort Collins, CO 80522 (303-491-6434)
(Calendar appears in each Monday's morning report. If you know of a
conference, meeting or training session with Servicewide interest and
implications, please provide the specifics to Bill Halainen in Ranger
All hands on board.
Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities
Telephone: FTS 343-4874/6039 or 202-343-4874/6039
Telefax: FTS 343-5977 or 202-343-5977