MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           CC: RAD Information Net

Day/date:  Wednesday, June 7, 1989


89-120 - Great Smokies - Fatality

Just before 11 p.m. on the night of the 5th, 19-year-old K.R. of
Piney Flats, Tennessee, was riding in the passenger seat of a pickup truck
on the Gatlinburg spur of the Foothills Parkway when the truck swerved and
hit a rock outcropping. K.R., who had been leaning out the window, was
killed immediately. The driver drove all the way through Gatlinburg with
the victim hanging from the window before stopping to call for assistance.
He has been charged with driving under the influence and unsafe operation of
a motor vehicle; charges of vehicular homicide are pending. (Pete Hart, CR,
GRSM, via phone report from RAD/SERO).

89-121 - Big Bend - Drug Arrest

On the afternoon of the 4th, a park ranger observed two pickup trucks parked
across the Rio Grande from each other - one in Mexico and one in the park -
near Santa Elena. When checking the latter, he found a drug transaction
taking place, and arrested a 38-year-old Texas man for possession of a pound
and a half of marijuana. The suspect's 1985 Ford pickup truck was seized.
A check of records revealed that the man had been operating out of Big Bend
campgrounds while in the area. (Phone report from RAD/SWRO).




* Unnamed Fire - Padres Islands - 465 acres:

This human-caused fire began on June 5th and was controlled early yesterday
morning. The fire was apparently started by accident in beach dunes. It
was suppressed by local resources.


* Miami Canal Fire - State of Florida - 48,000 acres:

There's no current information available on the fire.

* Bruno Fire - Sitgreaves NF - 328 acres:

The fire was contained yesterday.

* Saddle Camp Fire - Wenatchee NF - 200 acres:

A regional overhead team has been committed. The fires is burning in slash
and timber.

* Canada - Two Type I crews have been mobilized to a fire in British
Columbia. No further information is currently available on the fire.

2) FIRE ACTIVITY - 267 fires for 1,184 acres in past 24 hours.

3) ANALYSIS - Scattered lightning activity is continuing throughout the
Great Basin and Rocky Mountain areas. Very high to extreme indices continue
in the southwest and portions of Colorado, Utah and Florida.

4) PROGNOSIS - No change from current conditions has been forecasted.
Activity is expected to continue in the southwest. No resource shortages

5) NOTES - The fire danger in parks in south Florida continues to range from
high to extreme. Water levels continue to drop there, although increases in
relative humidity are a positive sign. Two interagency hotshot crews are
prepositioned in the area - one at Big Cypress, the other at Canaveral.

(NIFCC Intelligence Section, 0530 MDT, 6/7/89; reports on Padre Island and
situation in south Florida from Judi Zuckert, BFM, Boise).


1) The vacancy announcement for the special park uses coordinator (GS-025-
11/12/13) in Ranger Activities will be issued on June 9th and will close on
June 30th. The special park uses coordinator will be responsible for
coordinating programs related to non-recreational special park uses (rights-
of-way, commercial filming, special events, First Amendment activities),
grazing and commercial fishing.


On June 7, 913, the first successful ascent of Mt. McKinley was completed by
the Hudson-Stark Expedition.


Hodapp in Denver, Butts in Boston at NWCG meeting.

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone: FTS 343-4874/6039 or 202-343-4874/6039
Telefax: FTS 343-5977 or 202-343-5977