MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           CC: RAD Information Net

Day/date:  Wednesday, June 28, 1989


89-158 - Upper Delaware - Drowning

At approximately 2 p.m. on the 26th, 28-year-old R.B. of
New Brunswick, New Jersey, was swimming off a raft below Mongaup Island when
he drowned for unknown reasons. R.B. was with a group of
McDonald's employees from the New Jersey area. Three area diving units and
a New York state helicopter are currently searching the river for his body.
(Glen Voss, CR, UPDE, via CompuServe report from Ginny Paci, RAD/MARO).


1) FIRE SITUATION (Planning Level II)


* No significant fires.


* Ortega Fire - Cleveland NF (California) - 3,000 acres:

A Type I team (Boggs) has been assigned to the fire. Several communities
near the fire have been evacuated. Heavy brush and steep terrain are
hampering control efforts. There's no estimate of containment.

* Shelley Fire - Gila NF (New Mexico) - 11,840 acres:

A Type I team (Carson) is managing the fire. Full-scale demobilization is
underway. Expected containment: 6/28.

* Gray Fire - State of New Mexico (New Mexico) - 25,560 acres:

A Type II team (Humphrey) is managing this fire, which has been contained.

2) FIRE ACTIVITY - 138 fires for 6,278 acres in last 24 hours.

3) ANALYSIS - Extreme conditions and moderate fire activity continue in the
southwest. Five Type I crews are currently en route from the northwest to
the Ortega Fire.

4) PROGNOSIS - Moderate activity is expected to continue in the southwest
and southern California. No resource shortages expected.

5) NOTES - The Service's Wildland Fire Situation Report has been completed
for the period from June 19th to the 26th:

- Fire Danger:

MWR Low-High Very High: Scotts Bluff NE
             Extreme:   Agate Fossil Beds NE
PNR Low-Mod
RMR Low-High Extreme:   Bryce Canyon UT, Zion UT
SER Mod-High
SWR Mod-High Very High: numerous areas in AZ, NM, and TX
             Extreme:   numerous areas in AZ, NM, and TX
WRO Low-High Very High: Lava Beds CA, Sequoia-Kings Canyon CA
             Extreme:   Chiricahua AZ, Grand Canyon AZ,
                        Saguaro AZ, Whiskeytown CA, Yosemite CA

- Wildfire Occurrence:

Region                  Park                    # Fires           # Acres

Rocky Mtn           Grand Teton WY                 1                    1
                    Zion UT                        1                    0.1

Southeast           Everglades FL                  1 carry-over     1,580

Southwest           El Malpais NM                  1                    0.1
                    Guadalupe Mtns TX              4                   21
                    Wupatki AZ                     1                    5

Western             Grand Canyon AZ                1                    0.1
                    Joshua Tree CA                 1                  690
                    Sequoia-Kings Cany CA          4                    3
                    Yosemite CA                    2                    0.2
                                                 ----               -------
Total                                             17                2,300.5

- Prescribed Natural Fire Occurrence:

No prescribed natural fires are being allowed, pending revision and approval
of area fire management plans.

- Prescribed Burn Occurrence:

Western             Sequoia-Kings Canyon           1                   34
                    Yosemite                       1                  100
                                                 ----               -----
Total                                              2                  134

- National Situation:

The large fire which burned last week in and adjacent to Everglades National
Park, DOF #457, was contained at 43,700 acres. Of the total acreage, 15,600
were within the park. The turning point in the south Florida suppression
effort was the apparent onset of the "overdue" summer weather pattern, with
frequent wet thunderstorms and higher humidities.

Successful prescribed burns were conducted in giant sequoia groves in
Yosemite and Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Parks. The Yosemite burns, which
took place in the Mariposa Grove, were expected to total 200 acres upon

Personnel from the Southeast Region worked in Everglades, in the Southeast
Interagency Coordination Center, on two national forest fires and in the
dispatch office in Southwest Region. Due to the extreme fire danger,
Southwest region crews were once again staged at Big Bend and Carlsbad

- Fire Occurrence, Year-To-Date:

Fire Type                           # Fires                  # Acres
Wildfires                             248                     191,373
Natural Outs                           29                       1,348
Prescribed Natural Fires                0                        ---
Prescribed Burns                       64                      30,996
False Alarms                           28                        ---

(NIFCC Intelligence Section, 0530 MDT, 6/28/89; wildland fire report by Judi
Zuckert, BFM/Boise).


Farabee on aircraft evaluation in WRO.

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone: FTS 343-4874/6039 or 202-343-4874/6039
Telefax: FTS 343-5977 or 202-343-5977