MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           CC: RAD Information Net

Day/date:  Monday, July 3, 1989


89-162 - Rocky Mountain - Aircraft Accident

On June 29th, rangers located a single-engine aircraft which disappeared on
April 5th while en route from Steamboat Springs to Fort Collins. Earlier
air and ground search operations in and around the park had been
unsuccessful. The body of the pilot, T.B., 48, of Steamboat
Springs, was recovered at the 13,000 foot level of Hagues Peak. FAA and
NTSB investigators are conducting a joint investigation of the incident with
park rangers. (Dave Essex, CR, RCMO, via CompuServe message to RAD/RMRO and

89-163 - Olympic - Missing Person

W.V., 20, of Buffalo, New York, was registered at the Lochaerie
Resort at Lake Quinault and was due to check out on the 29th. When he
failed to do so, the resort removed his belongings from his room; when he
failed to claim them by late afternoon, the resort reported his absence to
rangers. A search was begun, and rangers were able to follow a trail of his
clothing to the lake. They also found wine bottles along the way, and
learned that W.V. had been drinking heavily the night before in several
area bars. Rangers also have reason to believe that W.V. had consumed an
unknown quantity of drugs. The park's dive team was to search the lake for
him. (Chuck Janda, CR, GLYM, via CompuServe message from Mark Forbes,

89-164 - Great Smokies - Arson

Just before midnight on the 28th, the line to a diesel fuel storage tank in
the Occonoluftee Job Corps Center was cut and the leaking fuel was ignited.
The subsequent fire scorched several trees, but did no other damage.
Following an investigation by park rangers, three Job Corps employees -
B.H., 18, J.C., 18 and a juvenile - were arrested and charged
with arson. (Pete Hart, CR, GRSM, via phone report from Steve Alscher,


1) FIRE SITUATION (Planning Level II)


* No significant fires reported.


* Ortega Fire - Cleveland NF (California) - 7,800 acres:

A Type I Team is managing the fire, which has been contained.

* Corcoran Fire - Grand Junction District, BLM (Colorado) - 800 acres:

The fire has been contained.

* Clark Wash Fire - Grand Junction District, BLM (Colorado) - 680 acres:

A Type II Team has been assigned to the fire. One home has burned and a
dozen more are threatened. The fire is burning in heavy pinion-juniper
fuels. Estimated containment: 7/2.

* Moberly Fire - Arapaho-Roosevelt NF (Colorado) - 275 acres:

A Type II Team is working the fire. Estimated containment: 7/3.

*  Gordon Creek Fire - Fort Niobara/Valentine NWR - 900 acres:

The fire is burning in ponderosa pine. Estimated containment: 7/2.

* Rough Canyon - Ashley NF (Utah) - 275 acres:

A Type II Team is managing the fire. Estimated containment: 7/4.

*  Three Mile Two Fire - Vernal District, BLM (Utah) - 400 acres:

Estimated containment: 7/3.

2) FIRE ACIVITY - 83 fires for 4,082 acres on Saturday.

3) ANALYSIS - New starts have decreased across the West due to diminished
lightning activity. Extreme conditions persist in the southwest and
portions of Colorado, Utah and Nevada.

4) PROGNOSIS - The potential for significant activity remains high
throughout the Great Basin and the Southwest due to the continuing
threat of human-caused fires over the holiday weekend. No resource
shortages anticipated.

(NIFCC Intelligence Section, 0900 MDT, 7/2/89).


Asterisks indicate new or revised entries:

July 23 - 26 - "Meeting Global Wildland Fire Challenges", Boston,
Massachusetts. Contact National Fire Protection Association, 1 Batterymarch
Park, Quincy, MA 02269 (617-770-3000).

July 30 - August 2 - "Making Conservation Happen - Together", annual meeting
of the Soil and Water Conservation Society, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. The
meeting includes sessions on international soil and water conservation
issues, water quality, watershed management, wildlife management and
conservation during mining and reclamation. Contact SWCS, 7515 NE Ankeny
Road, Ankeny, Iowa 50021.

September 11 - 17 - "Managing America's Enduring Wilderness Resource",
conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Sponsored in part by the National Park
Service. Contact David W. Lime, College of Forestry, 110 Green Hall,
University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55108 (612-624-2250).

September 17 - 22 - Annual conference, American Water Resources Association,
Tampa, Florida. The themes will be water laws and management and wetlands
concerns and successes. Contact AWRA, 5410 Grosvenor Lane, Bethesda, MD
20814 (301-493-8600).

October 22 - 27 - Rendezvous XIII, joint meeting. Association of National
Park Rangers and Employee and Alumni Association, Arlington Resort Hotel and
Spa, Hot Springs, Arkansas.

October 24 - 27* - "The Scientific Challenges of NEPA: Future Directions
Based on 20 Years of Experience", symposium, Knoxville, Tennessee.
Sponsored by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Address inquiries to Dr.
Stephen Hildebrand, Environmental Sciences Division, Oark Ridge National
Laboratory, Post Office Box 2008, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-6036 (615-574.7329).

November 5 - 10 - "Homespun to High Tech: Interpreting for Urban Audiences",
workshop, National Association of Interpretation, St. Paul/Minneapolis,
Minnesota. Contact NAI, PO Box 1892, Fort Collins, CO 80522 (303-491-6434)

(Calendar appears in each Monday's morning report. If you know of a
conference, meeting or training session with Servicewide interest and
implications, please provide the specifics to Bill Halainen in Ranger


Halainen and Loach on AL.

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone: FTS 343-4874/6039 or 202-343-4874/6039
Telefax: FTS 343-5977 or 202-343-5977