- Subject: NPS Morning Report - Friday, July 28, 1989
- Date: Fri, 28 Jul 1989
Attention: Directorate
Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
CC: RAD Information Net
Day/date: Friday, July 28, 1989
89-198 - Bryce Canyon - Serious Lightning Injury to Concession Employee
At about 3:15 p.m. on the afternoon of the 26th, a severe thunderstorm
struck the area around park headquarters. During the storm, a lightning
strike hit a tree in Sunset Campground, then jumped to lodge employee C.L.B.,
who was holding a tent pole as she helped her visiting parents
set up their tent. A campground host responded immediately, reported the
incident and began CPR. Rangers responded within two minutes and continued
CPR. A Garfield County advanced life support unit soon arrived and added
its assistance. C.L.B. began to breathe shallowly, and a thready heartbeat
returned. She was transported to Garfield Memorial Hospital, then airlifted
to another hospital in Salt Lake City. Her condition in not good. (BRCA
report via CompuServe to RAD/WASO).
Planning level III.
State Agency Area Fire Acres Contain
ID USFS Nez Perce NF Jnsn. Butte - T2 2,300 7/30
USFS Nez Perce NF Cape Horn - T2 300 7/27
USFS Nez Perce NF Silver Dome - T1 196 None
USFS Boise NF Red Mountain - T2 160 Yes
USFS Boise NF *Brownlee 600 7/28
USFS Boise NF *Lowman - T1 ? None
USFS Boise *Warm Springs - T1 ? None
BLM Boise Lockman 3,000 Yes
BLM Boise Syrup Creek 400 None
BLM Boise Nichols 500 None
BLM Boise Black Mesa 400 Yes
BLM Boise Decker 100 Yes
BLM Boise *Deer Creek 600 None
CO NPS Dinosaur NM Pearl Park 218 7/27
OR USFS Malheur NF Glacier - T1 400 None
USFS Wall.-Whit. NF *Dooley Mt. - T1 1,500 None
USFS Wall.-Whit. NF *Tanner Gulch 155 7/29
BLM Vale Phipps Creek 300 Yess
BLM Vale Tub Mountain 500 7/28
BLM Vale Wildhorse 1,800 7/27
BLM Vale ABC Misc. 590 None
NV State - Chicken Creek 560 7/28
BLM Elko *Big Draw 5,000 7/28
CA CDF Salinas Fiver/
Santa Clara RU *SLU 2050 1,200+ 7/28
WA USFS Okanogan NF Lodgepole - T2 1,066 None
- Agencies - All BLM areas are districts; CDF is California Department of
- Fires - Asterisk indicates new fire.
- Areas - T1 and T2 indicate assigned Type I and Type II Teams.
- Contain - Containment dates are estimates; "none" means no estimate;
"yes" means the fire has been contained.
* Dinosaur:
The 218-acre, lightning-caused fire is burning in the south-central
section of the park near Pearl Park. The fire is being managed by a local
Interagency Management Group, and is burning in pinion-juniper and
sagebrush on a steep slope. Two interagency hotshot crews, two engines,
and one helicopter are supporting the suppression effort there. The fire
is 65% contained.
* Grand Teton:
Many lightning strikes hit the park on the night of the 26th. One small
fire was detected and controlled within a few hours. The park will be
flying aerial detection flights for the next couple of days to seek out
any other strikes.
* Yosemite:
A man-caused fire was burning behind Half Dome yesterday morning. The
fire was reported to be four to five chains in size, and personnel were
being flown to the scene.
* Nez Perce NF:
Line construction is going ahead slowly on the Silver Dome Fire due to
heavy fuels. Meuchel's Type I Team is managing the fire. Burnout
operations on the Johnson Butte Fire are going slowly due to difficult
* Boise NF:
Type I Teams have been assigned to the Bowman Complex (Raddatz) and
Warm Springs Complex (Williams) fires, but no information is yet
available on them.
* Malheur NF:
The Glacier Complex consists of approximately 20 fires burning in
lodgepole pine arid mixed conifers 22 miles east of John Day, Oregon.
Reinhart's Type I Team is managing the fire.
* Canada:
Approximately 23,000 people have been evacuated from at least 23
different, communities as a result of fire activity. Some travel
restrictions are also being considered. The area burned to date
makes 1989 the worst year on record in terms of fire losses.
4) FIRE ACTIVITY - 894 fires for 12,199 acres in last 24 hours.
5) ANALYSIS - Widespread lightning activity has resulted in multiple
fires throughout eastern Oregon and central Idaho. A number of
these have not yet been staffed. Efforts are now centered on
assigning resources to these fires. Initial attack resources
continue to be in critical demand.
6) PROGNOSIS - Fire activity is expected to increase as hot and dry
conditions continue. Numerous holdover fires are anticipated, with
increasing competition for limited initial attack resources.
7) NOTES - The National Park Service's wildland fire situation report for
the period from: July 19th to the 25th has been completed:
- Fire Danger:
ARO Low-Mod
MAR Low-High
MWR Low-High Very High: Scotts Bluff NE
PNR Mod-High
RMR Low-High Very High: Rocky Mountain CO, Zion UT
Extreme: Bryce Canyon UT, Dinosaur CO
SER Low-Mod
SWR Low-High Very High: Aztec Ruins, Bandelier, Chaco Culture, El
Malpais, El Morro, Salinas KM, Fort Davis, Guadalupe
Mtns TX, Canyon de Chelly, Hubbel, Navajo, Sunset
Crater, Wupatki AZ
Extreme: Big Bend TX
WRO Low-High Very High: Hawaii HI, Pinnacles, Sequoia-Kings Canyon,
Yosemite, Whiskeytown CA, Great Basin NV
Extreme: Grand Canyon AZ, Lava Beds CA
- Wildfire Occurrence:
Region Park # Fires # Acres
Midwest Indiana Dunes IN 1 0.3
N. Atlantic Acadia ME 1 0.3
Pacific NW Coulee Dam WA 1 0.1
North Cascades WA 2 0.5
Rocky Mtn Bryce Canyon UT 3 40.0
Dinosaur CO 3 150.0
Glacier MT 2 1.0
Grand Teton WY 3 0.1
Yellowstone WY 4 0.4
Zion UT 1 0.1
Southeast Cape Hatteras NC 1 70.0
Everglades FL 1 15.0
Southwest Big Bend TX 11 2,112.0
Guadalupe Mtns TX 1 2.0
El Malpais NM 3 47.0
Western Grand Canyon AZ 5 3.0
Great Basin NV 3 0.6
Sequoia-Kings Cany CA 6 3.0
Yosemite CA 3 0.3
---- -------
Total 53 2,443.7
- Prescribed Matured Fire Occurrence:
No prescribed natural fires are being conducted, pending revision and
approval of area fire management plans.
- Prescribed Burn Occurrence:
Southeast Everglades FL 1 800
- Fire Occurrence, Year-To-Date:
Fire Type # Fires # Acres
Wildfires 400 194,000
Natural Outs 41 2,090
Prescribed Natural Fires 0 ---
Prescribed Burns 71 34,019
False Alarms 37 ---
Mutual Aid by NPS 71 8,000
Support Actions 121 ---
(NIFCC Intelligence Section, 0530 MDT, 7/28/89; NPS National Wildland Fire
Summary, 0430 MDT, 7/28/89).
Hodapp on travel, Kreis on lieu day.
Prepared by WASO Division of Banger Activities
Telephone: FTS 343-4874/6039 or 202-343-4874/6039
Telefax: FTS 343-5977 or 202-343-5977