MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           CC: RAD Information Net

Day/date:  Tuesday, October 10, 1989



89-310 - Federal Hall (New York) - Drug Arrests

During the three days between September 27th and 29th, US Park Police
officers conducted an undercover operation at Federal Hall. Officers
dressed as business persons and laborers made ten arrests as a result of
attempts made by persons to sell them either cocaine or marijuana. All ten
were charged under Title 21, US Code (the Drug Abuse Prevention and Control
Act), and are being prosecuted by the US Attorney's Office. All of those
arrested had lengthy criminal records for drug-related offenses, and at
least three had recently been released from the state penitentiary at
Ryker's Island. The operations were coordinated by park managers, the
regional office, and the USPP's New York Field Office. (Telephone report to

89-311 - Great Smokies (North Carolina/Tennessee) - Drug Arrests

Late on the evening of the 29th, two rangers came upon a Lincoln in the
Sugarlands Visitor Center parking lot. No one was inside, but the rangers
could see open containers of alcohol and the remains what appeared to be
marijuana joints in the car. A man and woman, each aged 20, soon appeared
and admitted that the car was theirs. During questioning, the man escaped
into the woods; despite assistance from local police during the subsequent
search, he was able to escape. It was soon learned that there was a warrant
outstanding for the man for aggravated assault with a lead pipe, bail
jumping and destruction of county property. The woman was arrested and
charged with underage possession of alcohol and possession of a controlled
substance. The Lincoln was impounded. The man will be charged under Title
21 and the US Attorney is considering seizure of the car because evidence
discovered in the inventory of the vehicle indicated that the subject is
probably a dealer. (CompuServe message from Bob Marriott, GRSM).

89-312 - Gettysburg (Pennsylvania) - VIP Visit

General Dmitriy Timofeyavich Yazov, the Soviet Minister of Defense, made an
official visit to the park with Defense Secretary Cheney on October 3rd.
General Yazov, his wife Emma and other senior Soviet military leaders are
visiting the United States at the invitation of Secretary Cheney. Their
itinerary included a tour of the park. (Telefax report from RAD/MARO).

89-313 - Yosemite (California) - Motor Vehicle Accident with Fatality

On October 5th, T.E., 32, of Albany, California, was driving on
Tioga Road west of May Lake Junction when his car was hit head-on by a
vehicle in the wrong lane of traffic. Elkins was killed instantly; his
passengers, A. and J.S., are hospitalized in, respectively,
critical and serious condition. J.M., the driver of the second
vehicle, sustained a spinal injury; his wife and two small children, aged
five and six, received nunor injuries. J.M. was driving under the
influence of alcohol and will be charged with felony manslaughter. (Lee
Shackleton, YOSE, via CompuServe report from Herb Gercke, RAD/WRO).


The NIFCC situation report is not available this morning. The NPS wildland
fire situation report has been completed for the period from September 28th
to October 4th:

- Fire Danger:

MWR Low-High Very High: Scotts Bluff NE
PNR High
RMR Low-High Very High: Bryce Canyon UT
SER Low-Mod
SWR Low-High Very High: Guadalupe Mountains TX
             Extreme:   Big Bend TX, Carlsbad Caverns NM
WRO Low-High Very High: Lava Beds CA, Chiricahua AZ

- Wildfires:

Region                 Park            # Fires                # Acres
Pacific NW         Olympic WA            1 + 1 carry-over         3.0
Western            Grand Canyon AZ       1                        0.1
                                       ----                      -----
Total                                    3                        3.1

- Prescribed Natural Fires:

NO prescribed natural fires are being conducted pending revision
and approval of area fire management plans.

- Prescribed Burns:

Southeast          Everglades FL         1 + 3 carry-over     3,000.0
Western            Grand Canyon AZ       1 carry-over             0.0
                                       ----                      -----
Total                                    5                    3,000.0

- National Situation:

Everglades successfully conducted a 3,000-acre prescribed burn during the
week. There have been more acres burned on NPS lands using the technique
of prescribed burning in 1989 than in any previous year. Mast of the
acreage is a result of the prescribed burn programs at Everglades and Big
Cypress. To date, over 46,000 acres have been managed as prescribed
burns; the previous maximum yearly acreage was 43,770 acres back in 1981.

No significant wildfires were reported, although Hawaii Volcanoes reported
small brush fires ignited by lava within 1/4 mile of their blackline.

No personnel movements were reported. Many seasonal firefighters have
been laid off for the year, as many western parks' official fire seasons
have come to a close.

- Fire Occurrence, Year-To-Date:

Fire Type                         # Fires              # Acres

Wildfires                             695              173,600
Natural Outs                           69                2,103
Prescribed Natural Fires                0                 ---
Prescribed Burns                      101               46,830
False Alarms                           61                 ---
Mutual Aid by NPS                     152               45,107
Support Actions                       441                 ---

(Judi Zuckert, BFM/Boise).


Asterisks indicate new or revised entries:

October 11 - 13 - International Symposium on the Columbus Quincentennial,
Santa Fe, NM. Jointly sponsored by the NPS and the University of New
Mexico. Announced as an NPS training opportunity. Further information can
be obtained from the Spanish Colonial Research Center (FTS 474-8743 or
commercial 505-766-8743).

October 16 - 20 - Desert Parks Workshop, Tucson, Arizona. For further
information, contact Frank Bono at Albright.

October 16 - 20 - Southwest Regional Chief Rangers' Workshop, Hot Springs,

October 22 - 27 - Rendezvous XIII, joint meeting. Association of National
Park Rangers and Employee and Alumni Association, Arlington Resort Hotel and
Spa, Hot Springs, Arkansas.

October 24 - 27 - "The Scientific Challenges of NEPA: Future Directions
Based on 20 Years of Experience", symposium, Knoxville, Tennessee.
Sponsored by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Address inquiries to Dr.
Stephen Hildebrand, Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National
Laboratory, PO Box 2008, Oak Ridge, Tennessee 37831-6036 (615-574-7329).

*November 1 - 2 - Apostle Islands National Lakeshore's 11th Annual Research
Conference, Bayfield, Wisconsin. Address inquiries to Dr. Robert Brander,
Apostles Islands NL, Route 1, Box 4, Bayfield, WI 54814 (715-779-3397).

November 5 - 10 - "Homespun to High Tech: Interpreting for Urban Audiences",
workshop. National Association of Interpretation, St. Paul/Minneapolis,
Minnesota. Contact NAI, PO Box 1892, Fort Collins, CO 80522 (303-491-6434)

November 6 - 9 - Employee Enforcement Officers' Workshop, FLETC, Glynco,

November 6 - 8 - Regional Fire Coordinators' Meeting, Denver, Colorado
(tentative). Key topics will include FY 90 FIREPRO financial management, FY
90 recruitment, rewriting NPS-18 and an FMO orientation session for the
spring of 1990.

November 7 - 9 - "Symposium on the Interpretation of Literary and Visual
Arts Sites", Concord, Massachusetts. Sponsored by NARO Interpretive Skills
Team. The symposium will examine the relationship between the creative
process, writers and artists and their works, and the physical resources
through which they are interpreted. Contact David Day, NARO, Division of
Interpretation (617-223-5073).

November 10 - 11 - Fourth Annual Wilderness Emergencies Conference, Los
Abrigados Resort, Sedona, Arizona. Topics include wilderness improvisation
and rescue, management of backcountry trauma, long term care of the injured,
environmental illnesses, and survival and medical equipment. The
registration fee is $75 ($135 for physicians). For further information,
contact Sharon Harbeck, R.N., Flagstaff Medical Center (602-779-3366,
extension 4185).

November 13 - 17 - Law Enforcement for Managers, training session, FLETC,
Georgia. The course is targeted at the management level and is intended to
familiarize participants with recent changes in Federal law, NPS authority
and jurisdiction, policy and guidelines, and civil liability. Contact Bill
Supernaugh (FTS 230-2246 or 912-267-2246).

November 28 - 30 - Seasonal Law Enforcement Training Program (SLETP)
Curriculum Conference, FLETC, Georgia. School coordinators will meet with
NPS staff to review curriculum in light of NPS-9 revisions and Servicewide
needs. Field input and suggestions welcome. Contact Bill Supernaugh (FTS
230-2246 or 912-267-2246).

November 28 - 30 - "Interpretation of Critical Resource Issues", Sheraton
Ocean Park Inn, Eastham, Massachusetts. Sponsored by the NARO Interpretive
Skills Team. The workshop will focus on the issues and techniques involved
in the interpretation of critical cultural and natural resource management
issues. Contact David Day, NARO, Division of Interpretation (617-223-5073).

(Calendar appears in each Monday's morning report. If you know of a
conference, meeting or training session with Servicewide interest and
implications, please provide the specifics to Bill Halainen in Ranger


All hands on board.

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone:  FTS 343-4874/6039 or 202-343-4874/6039
Telefax:    FTS 343-5977 or 202-343-5977
SEAdog:     1/650 (Phone:343-6014; BAUD:2400)