- Subject: NPS Morning Report - Friday, October 13, 1989
- Date: Fri, 13 Oct 1989
Attention: Directorate
Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
CC: RAD Information Net
Day/date: Friday, October 13, 1989
NOTICE: There will be no morning report on Monday, October 16th.
89-318 - Crater Lake (Oregon) - Multiple Poaching Arrests
On October 12th, federal charges were filed against eight men accused of
poaching deer inside the park. All eight were caught more than a mile
inside the park's boundaries. Four of the men were charged with felony
poaching, a charge that could bring a five-year prison term, a $20,000 fine
and forfeiture of any vehicles and weapons employed in the incident. The
remaining four men were charged with misdemeanor poaching. (Doug Raeburn,
CR, CRLA, via UPI news report).
The NPS wildland fire situation report for October 5th to the 11th follows:
- Fire Danger:
MWR Low-High Extreme: Scotts Bluff NE
RMR Low-High Extreme: Bryce Canyon UT
SER Low-High
SWR Low-High Very High: Guadalupe Mountains TX
WRO Low-High Very High: Pinnacles CA
- Wildfires:
Region Park # Fires # Acres
Southeast Everglades FL 2 2.5
Southwest Big Thicket TX 1 0.1
Pacific NW Mt Rainier WA 1 0.7
Western Sequoia-Kings Cany CA 2 0.2
Yosemite CA 3 7.2
---- -----
Total 9 10.7
- Prescribed Natural Fire:
No prescribed natural fires are being conducted pending revision
and approval of area fire management plans.
- Prescribed Burns:
Western Sequoia-Kings Cany CA 2 55.0
- National Situation:
Sequoia-Kings Canyon is within its management prescription for prescribed
burning and is conducting two burns. The larger of the two, named
Crystal, is expected to reach 750 acres during four days of burning. The
Arrowhead Interagency Hotshot Crew is working on the burns.
- Fire Occurrence, Year-To-Date:
Fire Type # Fires # Acres
Wildfires 690 175,300
Natural Outs 83 2,104
Prescribed Natural Fires 0 ---
Prescribed Burns 101 46,830
False Alarms 67 ---
Mutual Aid by NPS 157 45,148
Support Actions 459 ---
(Report prepared by Judi Zuckert, BFM/Boise)
Ranger Activities in SWRO reports that the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals
has reversed the lower court's $7.5 million award in the Crider case. In
that case, which occurred in July of 1983, rangers at Padre Island had
stopped 18-year-old John Landry for speeding, then released him after citing
him for possession of a controlled substance, possession of alcohol by a
nunor, speeding and failure to carry liability insurance. Landry then left
the park, consumed substantial quantities of marijuana and alcohol, and hit
Randy Crider, who was on a motorcycle, head-on at a high rate of speed while
driving on a two-lane highway about 10 hours later. A judge later found the
rangers "negligent (in the) performance of their official law enforcement
duties" and awarded Crider $7.5 million in damages. (See the July/August,
1988, EXCHANGE for further details). In reducing the award amount to zero,
the Appeals Court stated that the lower court judge's decision was wrong
because the rangers did not have a duty to arrest under the circumstances.
The court also said that neither the rangers nor the government are liable
for injuries sustained to a third party after "an arrest is not made." We
are attempting to obtain a full copy of the court's ruling and will publish
it in an upcoming issue of EXCHANGE.
Halainen on leave through October 17th.
Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities
Telephone: FTS 343-4874/6039 or 202-343-4874/6039
Telefax: FTS 343-5977 or 202-343-5977
SEAdog: 1/650 (Phone:343-6014; BAUD:2400)