- Subject: NPS Morning Report - Friday, October 27, 1989
- Date: Fri, 27 Oct 1989
Attention: Directorate
Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
CC: RAD Information Net
Day/date: Friday, October 27, 1989
89-324 - Big Bend (Texas) - Employee Death
Armando Moreno, the maintenance foreman for the park's Castillon
subdistrict, died at his residence of an apparent heart attack on the late
on the morning of the 23rd. Earlier that day, Moreno had reported that he
was not feeling well and that he was preparing to see a doctor in Alpine.
Local EMT personnel attempted to revive him, but were unsuccessful in their
efforts. (Telefax report from Jim Walters, RAD/SWRO).
89-325 - Wind Cave (South Dakota) - Search for Missing Person
Around noon on the 22nd, R.C., 18, of Tallahassee, Florida, became
separated from a group of National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS) students
who were participating in a mock search inside the cave as part of a
training exercise. R.C. and a partner were working as part of a search team
when she became separated from him. At that time, the NOLS group was in an
undeveloped portion of the cave which has been partially explored and
mapped. R.C. had about two hours of fuel left in her carbide lamp and no
food or water. The NOLS groups searched for her, then notified rangers that
she was lost around 2 p.m. The park set up operations under the incident
command system and quickly conducted several hasty searches into adjoining
passages of the cave. When these proved unsuccessful, a full-scale search
was begun by four, four-person teams, and additional personnel, including
cave specialists from Mammoth Cave and Minnesota State Parks who were
familiar with Wind Cave, were summoned to provide further assistance.
Although R.C. was wearing polypro undergarments, coveralls and boots, the
cave's near 100 percent humidity and nearly constant 53 degree temperature
led to serious concerns about the possibility that she might suffer from
hypothermia. Late Monday evening, searchers heard tapping on a rock and
soon made voice contact with R.C.. She was at a point about 1,000 feet from
where she had last been seen. It took them until 2 a.m. to reach her and
guide her out. R.C. was in good shape and was not hypothermic. A total of
about 65 people participated in the search. (CompuServe message from John
Chapman, RAD/RMRO).
89-326 - Grand Canyon (Arizona) - Search for Missing Person
A major search has been initiated for J.B., 41, a fisherman who was
reported missing at Lee's Ferry on the 24th. Details to follow.
(CompuServe message from Herb Gercke, RAD/WRO).
89-237 - New River Gorge (West Virginia) - Special Event
On October 21st, the tenth annual Bridge Day was held on the New River Gorge
Bridge. Among other Bridge Day activities, parachutists traditionally jump
from the center span of the bridge and descend to New River Gorge 870 feet
below. This event is coordinated by the BASE Association, and over 450
jumpers registered to participate this year. The park, which controls the
river and adjacent land, including the landing zone, issued them a special
use permit for the event. On the day of the event, however, the New River
was 14 feet above its seasonal normal and covered the drop zone with 15 feet
of water. Although the BASE Association withdrew its support for the event
and the park revoked the special use permit, 48 people made "bandit" jumps
from the bridge. One of them, Tim Sell of Davis, California, was
apprehended when he intentionally jumped onto park land; six of the
remaining 48 attempted to hit a state road and landed 30 to 40 feet up in
trees in the park. All were rescued without injury. One jumper missed the
road and hit and caved in the roof of a personal vehicle belonging to a park
ranger. On the following day, another jumper was severely injured when he
conducted an illegal jump from the Glade Creek Bridge on 1-64 into the park.
He was medevaced to Charleston, and rangers are investigating the incident.
During the event on the 21st, rangers also rescued nine visitors whose
commercial raft flipped over in the Class V Fayette Station rapids.
(Telefax from Bill Blake, CR, NERI).
1) FIRE SITUATION - Planning Level I.
State Agency Area Fire Acres Contain
ND BIA Turtle Mountain Turtle Mt. Comp. 8,080 10/28
MN BIA/MN Red Lake Reservation 25,000 10/26
MN - Moose River 750 10/26
MN - Stafford 700 Yes
CA USFS/CA Cleveland NF Mateo 9,585 Yes
3) ANALYSIS - Windy, dry conditions in the north central states are
contributing to fire problems in the easter and northern Rockies.
4) PROGNOSIS - Containment delays are expected on going fires due to
forecasted gusty winds. Additional resources will probably be
mobilized for North Dakota.
(NIFCC Intelligence Section, 0900 MDT, 10/26/89).
1) We have been notified that the GPO contract printer in California who was
to print the 1990 Golden Eagle Pass has declared bankruptcy. GPO is
presently trying to find another printer. The delivery date for the passes
has been rescheduled from November 1st to the 22nd. There may be additional
complications involving the art work, however.
Ringgold on leave, Kreis on lieu day.
Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities
Telephone: FTS 343-4874/6039 or 202-343-4874/6039
Telefax: FTS 343-5977 or 202-343-5977
SEAdog: 1/650 (Phone:343-6014; BAUD:2400)