- Subject: NPS Morning Report - Thursday, November 2, 1989
- Date: Thurs, 2 Nov 1989
Attention: Directorate
Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
CC: RAD Information Net
Day/date: Thursday, November 2, 1989
89-331 - Fort Jefferson (Florida) - Follow-up on Ship Grounding
UPI reports this morning that the 'Mavro Vetranit' has caused "massive and
extensive" damage to the 200-year-old coral formations which it rammed on
Monday. Salvage workers began unloading fuel oil from the ship yesterday in
an attempt to prevent an oil spill. The off-loading was to have been
completed last night. The damage assessment was made by the Florida
Department of Natural Resources. A spokesman for the department said that
the entire top of the reef had been "shaved off" and that it now "looks like
a football field." Both state and federal attorneys think the ship lies
within their jurisdiction, and are considering civil actions against the
ship's owners. Although the Coast Guard believes that the ship ran aground
in international waters, they will convene a board of inquiry to investigate
the incident. (United Press International, 11/1/89).
89-332 - Stone's River (Tennessee) - Murder of Employee
On the morning of October 25th, the body of F.L.K., 36, an NPS
employee at Stone's River who lived in Murfreesboro, was found near his
truck on the side of a road in Nashville. F.L.K. apparently died as the
result of a gunshot wound. The Nashville Police Department is
investigating. No further information is yet available. (Maryanne Peckham,
STRI, via telefax from Capt. Steve Alscher, RAD/SERO).
89-333 - Cuyahoga Valley (Ohio) - Car Bombing
Around 2 a.m. on November 1st, park rangers responded to the report of a car
fire within 50 yards of park headquarters. Investigation revealed that the
vehicle, a 1989 Jeep Renegade which was reported stolen the previous day,
had been destroyed by a bomb. Park rangers and Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearm
(ATF) agents are investigating. Although Deputy Director Cables and Midwest
Region Deputy Director Schenk are currently visiting the park, there is no
known connection between their visit and the bombing. (Brian McHugh, CR,
CUVA, via CompuServe report from RAD/MWRO).
The NPS wildland fire situation report has been completed for the period
from October 12th to the 31st:
- Fire Danger:
MWR Low-High Extreme: Indiana Dunes IN, Scotts Bluff NE
PNR Low-High
RMR Low-High Very High: Rocky Mountain CO
Extreme: Bryce Canyon UT
SER Low-High
SWR Low-High Very High: Carlsbad Caverns NM
WRO Low-High Very High: Hawaii Volcanoes HI, Santa Monica CA
- Wildfires:
Region Park # Fires # Acres
Midwest Indiana Dunes IN 3 5
Isle Royale MI 1 1
Rocky Mtn Rocky Mountain CO 1 1
Southeast Big Cypress FL 7 462
Cape Hatteras NC 2 0.3
Everglades FL 1 0.5
Mammoth Cave KY 1 0.5
Natchez Trace MS 3 102
Western Sequoia-Kings Cany CA 1 0.1
Yosemite CA 2 0.2
---- -----
Total 22 572.6
- Prescribed Burns:
Midwest Indiana Dunes IN 1 30
Voyageurs MN 1 10
Southeast Big Cypress FL 1 9,000
Southwest Big Thicket TX 1 62
Western Sequoia-Kings Cany CA 1 + 2 carry-over 1,000
Yosemite CA 1 800
---- -----
8 10,902
- Prescribed Natural Fires:
No prescribed natural fires were conducted.
- National Situation:
The fall fire season in the Southeast, in conjunction with hunting
season, has led to numerous human-caused fires in southeastern states.
All have been suppressed with little difficulty. One fire of interest
occurred at Mammoth Cave, Kentucky, where a farmer attempting to
cremate a dead cow ignited a half-acre blaze. Parks in four different
regions were conducting prescribed burns in October.
Both NPS-supported interagency hotshot crews have been released for the
season; the Arrowhead crew worked a final fire at Camp Pendleton in
California. The only other personnel dispatches reported were a radio
coordinator from Sequoia-Kings Canyon who assisted with earthquake
recovery in San Francisco, and four firefighters from Bryce Canyon who
responded to a fire on Forest Service land north of that park.
- Fire Occurrence, Year-To-Date:
Fire Type # Fires # Acres
Wildfires 746 175,800
Natural Outs 77 1,595
Prescribed Natural Fires 0 ---
Prescribed Burns 112 56,253
False Alarms 71 ---
Mutual Aid by NPS 162 45,167
Support Actions 505 ---
(Prepared by Judi Zuckert, BFM/Boise).
Hodapp and Kreis on travel, Farabee at drug meeting in Rhode Island, Healy
at USPP conference.
Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities
Telephone: FTS 343-4874/6039 or 202-343-4874/6039
Telefax: FTS 343-5977 or 202-343-5977
SEAdog: 1/650 (Phone:343-6014; BAUD:2400)