MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           CC: RAD Information Net

Day/date: Monday, January 22, 1990


90-13 - Hawaii Volcanoes (Hawaii) - Rescue

Around 2:30 a.m. on January 18th, W.G., 28, of New York, was
partying with friends at a home in the town of Volcano when the group
decided to take a sauna at one of the many steam vents in the Steam Bluffs
area of the park. W.G. removed all of his clothes and approached the
vent near the north rim of Kilauea caldera, but lost his footing and fell
in, landing on a ledge about 25 feet below. After several fruitless efforts
to get him out, his friends sought help. Ranger rappelled down to W.G.
and brought him to the surface. He was taken to the dispensary at a nearby
military camp, where he was treated for numerous cuts and bruises and
released. (United Press report, 5 a.m. EST, 1/19/90).

90-14 - Great Smokies (North Carolina/Tennessee) - Search

On January 13th, the park received a phone call from the wife of a 34-year-old
Georgia man, saying that she'd received a letter from her husband
bearing a Knoxville postmark which stated that he planned to commit suicide
"in a high place." He was identified as a man who rangers had previously
contacted for illegal camping and had transported to Elkmont Campground.
The park issued an alert, impounded his vehicle, and searched it. The
search turned up an additional suicide note, a map with several of the
park's highest areas circled, an empty case for a long gun and equipment
used to load cap and ball pistols. A call to the man's wife revealed that
he'd left his rifle at home, but that he was apparently in possession of a
muzzle-loading pistol. The man was no longer at the campy round, so a dog
was employed to search trails radiating from Elkmont. At the same time, the
park's high points were checked, during which a ranger came upon the man on
the Little River Trail. He'd apparently taken a quantity of over-the-counter
medication and suffered a fall while hiking. He did not have the
pistol. He was led from the area and kept in custody until his wife arrived
and took him home. (CompuServe message from Great Smokies, 10:30 a.m. EST,


1) George Washington Memorial Parkway wants to start a program wherein
visitors will be able to deposit their glass and cans for recycling, and
would like to hear from any parks with existing programs. Contact Jane
Anderson or Bart Truesdell at FTS 285-2598, or write to them at George
Washington Memorial Parkway, c/o Turkey Run Park, McLean, VA 22101.


Memorandum: "Calendar Year 1989 Law Enforcement Statistical Report", signed
January 19th by the Associate Director, Operations, and sent to all regional
directors the same day. Reply due date is February 16th. Contains some
minor variations on information requested in last year's report.


Asterisks indicate new or revised entries:

February 12 - 16 - Alaska Regionwide LE Refresher, Hilton Hotel, Anchorage,
AK. All commissioned rangers in Alaska should attend.

February 13 - 15 - Workshop for Regional Resource Management Specialists,
Denver, CO. Contact John Chapman (303-641-2337), Gary Johnston (FTS 343-
8115) or Kathy Jope (FTS 215-597-5372).

February 25 - 28 - National Conference on Urban Entomology, University of
Maryland, College Park, Maryland. Contact Dr. Pat Zungoli, Department of
Entomology, Clemson university, Clemson, SC 29634-0365 (803-656-3111).

March 11 - 14 - Columbus Quintcentennial Conference, Santa Fe, NM. The
principal goal of the conference is to bring together in one place and at
one time representatives of as many organizations as possible that are or
will be planning special programs for or about 1992.
*March 12 - 15 - "River Recreation and Hydropower Planning", Bryson City,
NC. Check with your regional training officer for details.

March 12 - 16 - Second National Park Service Women's Conference, St. Louis,

March 12 - 16 - Concessions Evaluation and Pricing, training course, Yosemite
NP, CA. This 40-hour course is designed for NPS employees with concessions
responsibilities. Participants will complete rate studies of various concession
services and conduct actual on-site concession evaluations in accordance with
policy and current administrative procedures. The filing deadline is January
31st. Class size will be 20 people. For further information, contact your
regional training officer or Ann Baugh at Albright TC (FTS 602-638-2691).

March 12 - April 3 - Park medic training program, Samaritan Health Services,
Phoenix, Arizona. The 120-hour course is designed to prepare basic EMT's to
provide advanced pre-hospital care as a park medic. Those who complete the
course are eligible to take the national registry certificate examination
for I-EMT. Contact Julie Wurch at 602-495-4285.

March 16 - 21 - North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference,
Denver, CO. For further information, contact L.L. Williamson, Wildlife
Management Institute, 1101 14th Street, NW, Washington, DC 20005.

March 18 - 23 - Managing Volcanic Areas, workshop, Lassen Volcanic NP, CA.
Open to park managers, planners, regional and WASO staffers. The course
will focus on management of parks with both geothermal and volcanic
features. Costs are to be paid by benefitting accounts. Contact Frank
Buono, 602-638-2691.

March 19 - 23 - Fire Management for Managers, Poise, ID. Training course on
all aspects of wildland fire from superintendents' perspective. 36 hours.
Contact Paul Broyles at the Branch of Fire Management (FTS 554-1080 or 208-
334-1080) or Ann Baugh at Albright (602-638-2691) for further information.

March 19 - 23 - "Fire and the Environment: Ecological and Cultural
Perspectives", international symposium, Knoxville, TN. Contact program
Chair, Fire and Environment Symposium, P.O. Box 1701, University of
Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37901-1071.

*March 26 - 27 - "Situational Leadership", Holiday Inn 1776, Williamsburg,
VA. Eight hours. Official NPS training, sponsored by ANPR. $30 for ANPR
members; $45 for non-members. Tuition must be received by March 9th by
Patti Dienna, 143 South Third Street, Philadelphia, PA 19106. Training
precedes ANPR Rendezvous, March 27 - 29, on "The Employee in the 1990's:
Strategies for Success."

March 26 - 30 - Regional Uniform Coordinators* Meeting, Nashville, TN.

*April 2 - 6 - "Integrated Pest Management", National Emergency Training
Center, Emmitsburg, MD. Call Frank Buono at Albright (602-638-2691) for
further information. Applications must go through regional training

April 2 - 6 - Midwest Regional (Thief Rangers' Conference, Coralville, IA.
Contact J.J. McLaughlin, FTS 864-3475 or 402-221-3475.

*April 9 - 13 - "Planning Beyond Park Boundaries", Tucson, AZ. Open to
superintendents or assistant superintendents or parks with significant
external issues, or planning professionals working with such parks. Call
Ann Baugh at Albright (602-638-2691) for further information. Applications
must go through regional training officers.

*April 16 - 20 - "Wilderness Management for Managers", Albright EDC, AZ.
Open to regional wilderness coordinators and park superintendents, assistant
superintendents, chief rangers and chiefs of resource management. Call Dave
Karraker at Albright (602-638-2691) or Larry Belli at Chaco (505-988-6716)
for further information. Applications must go through regional training

*April 23 - April 26 - "Firearms Immobilization Certification Training for
Animal Management", Humboldt State University, Arcata, CA. Costs will be
charged to benefitting accounts. Call Frank Buono at Albright (602-638.
2691) for more information. Applications must go through regional training

*April 23 - May 4 - "Prescribed Fire for Burn Bosses", Wilcox, AZ. Check
with your regional training officer for details.

May 28 - June 1 - International Symposium on the Biology of Deer,
Mississippi State, MS. Contact Robert D. Brown, Department of Wildlife and
Fisheries, P.O. Drawer LW, Mississippi State, MS 39762.

May 29 - June 1 - National Grazinglands Weed Management Conference, Holiday
Inn Central, Omaha, NE. Contact Jenness Coffey, FTS 343-6380.

(Calendar appears in each Monday's morning report. If you know of a
conference, meeting or training session with Servicewide interest and
implications, please provide the specifics to Bill Halainen in Ranger


Dabney in Switzerland all week at meeting with Swiss travel organizations,
Coffey at Team Resources training session in Williamsburg all week. Wes
Kreis acting chief, Ranger Activities.

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone:  FTS 343-4874/6039 or 202-343-4874/6039
Telefax:    FTS 343-5977 or 202-343-5977
SEAdog:     1/650 (Phone:343-6014; BAUD:2400)