- Subject: NPS Morning Report - Tuesday, January 23, 1990
- Date: Tues, 23 Jan 1990
Attention: Directorate
Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
CC: RAD Information Net
Day/date: Tuesday, January 23, 1990
90-15 - Mount Rainier (Washington) - Air Crash with Two Fatalities
Around 6 p.m. on January 20th, a Piper Super Cub carrying R.M.,
53, and R.B., 47, of Tacoma, Washington, crashed inside the summit
crater of Mount Rainier. The victims were attempting to fly over the
summit, but their plane apparently did not have the power needed to clear
the peak. The crash activated the plane's emergency locator beacon, which
was picked up by the Seattle air traffic control center. Four rangers were
put aboard a Chinook helicopter from Fort Lewis the following morning and
ascended to the 14,400' Columbia Crest area of the crater, where the
wreckage was located. They discovered that R.M. had been killed on
impact, but that R.B. had lived long enough to exit the plane. The cause
of his death is unknown at this time. When found, the only upper garment he
had on was a T-shirt, although his jacket was lying nearby and he was only
40 yards from the summit steam vents. (William Larson, MORA, via CompuServe
message from Mark Forbes, RAD/PNRO, noon EST, 1/22/90; supplemental
information from United Press report, 1/21/90).
1) Dick Martin, the superintendent of Wrangell - St. Elias, has been
selected as the chief of the Branch of Resource and Visitor Protection in
Ranger Activities. He replaces Andy Ringgold, who is now the superintendent
of Cape Cod. Dick will EOD in late February or early March.
Dabney in Switzerland all week at meeting with Swiss travel organizations,
Coffey at Team Resources training session in Williamsburg all week, Loach at
meeting all morning. Wes Kreis acting chief. Ranger Activities.
Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities
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