MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           CC: RAD Information Net

Day/date: Thursday, March 22, 1990


90-43 - Great Smokies (North Carolina/Tennessee) - Incidents at
Job Corps Center

Just after midnight on March 19th, the spouse of a Job Corps employee whose
residence is near the center called a ranger at home and reported that a
Corpsman was at her house and that he was requesting the immediate
assistance of a ranger. Two park rangers responded, met the Corpsman and
took him back to the Job Corps Center. An interview with him revealed that
a group of Corpsman had been conducting an initiation and had in the process
threatened other Corpsmen. The latter left the center, recruited their own
group, and confronted the original group. During that confrontation, the
complainant was chased from the center. The groups were wearing colored
headbands and employed gang terminology, but the park reports that no
determination has yet been made as to whether actual gang activity is
occurring in the center. The center staff remained on duty throughout the
rest of the night, but no further incidents occurred. At 11 p.m. that
evening, however, rangers were again called to the center. They found that
two juvenile and one adult Corpsmen had been beaten, and that one of the
juveniles was seriously injured. An investigation into the two incidents is
being conducted, but there presently appears to be no connection among these
incidents and the drug arrests reported yesterday. (Bob Wightman, GRSM, via
CompuServe message to RAD/SERO and RAD/VJASO, 3 p.m. EST, 3/21/90).


1) REMINDER: The announcements for three positions in Ranger Activities are
now on the street:

* Natural Resource Specialist, GS-401-12/13 - WPO-90-28 - Departmentwide.
Closes on April 9th.

* Fire Management Officer	 (Chief, Branch of Fire Management), GM-401-13/14 -
WPO-90-26 - Governmentwide - Closes on April 2nd. This position has been
determined by OPM to be covered under 5 USC 833 6(c) for enhanced
retirement benefits. Please note that service is creditable only if the
incumbent transfers from a primary covered position or another secondary
position under which they have been covered.

* Park Ranger (Drug and ARPA Enforcement), GS-025-12/13 - WPO-90-27-
Departmentwide - Closes on April 4th.

For copies of these announcements, contact WASO Personnel at FTS 343-4164 or


Dabney in Denver, Loach and Healy at NIBRS meeting in Williamsburg, VA,
Coffey at NCR chief rangers' conference in Harpers Ferry.

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone:  FTS 343-4874/6039 or 202-343-4874/6039
Telefax:    FTS 343-5977 or 202-343-5977
SEAdog:     1/650 (Phone:343-6014; BAUD:2400)