MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           CC: RAD Information Net

Day/date: Thursday, April 12, 1990


90-4 - Hawaii Volcanoes (Hawaii) - Follow-up on Assault on Ranger

On January 7th, ranger Ralph Clyne was assaulted by B.W.P., 34,
when Clyne stopped him for suspicion of drunken driving on Chain-of-Craters
Road. B.W.P. grabbed Clyne by the throat and choked him into
unconsciousness before fleeing. Clyne was able to call for assistance when
he came to, however, and rangers subsequently established a road block and
stopped and arrested B.W.P. On March 28th, a Federal jury convicted B.W.P.
of assaulting a park ranger. He will be sentenced in U.S. District Court in
Honolulu on July 2nd, and faces a maximum three-year prison term. (Jim
Martin, CR, HAVO, via CompuServe message from Herb Gercke, RAD/WRO, 11 a.m.
EDT, 4/10/90).

90-59 - Sagamore Hill (New York) - Follow-up on Theft

The value of the Teddy Roosevelt revolver stolen from the park's museum has
now been placed at $1 million. The Service is offering a $5,000 reward for
its return. This is the second time the weapon has been stolen; in 1963, it
was taken from the main house but recovered when the thief apparently
panicked and tossed it into the nearby woods. The FBI is leading the
investigation. (UPI report, 4/10/90).

90-63 - Monocacy (Maryland) - Structural Fire

On April 10th, a vacant, pre-Civil War structure was destroyed by fire at
Monocacy National Battlefield, which is administered by Antietam. When the
local fire and rescue department arrived on the scene at 6 p.m., the
structure and approximately a half acre of surrounding grass were fully
engulfed in flames. The building, valued at about $10,000, was a total
loss. Arson is believed to have been the cause of the fire, as three
teenagers were seen fleeing from the area when the fire department arrived.
An investigation is being conducted with the assistance of the Washington
County (Maryland) fire marshall. (CompuServe message from Tony Sisto,
RAD/NCRO, 2 p.m. EST, 4/11/90).

90-64 - Big Bend (Texas) - Drug Arrest

On April 10th, Customs officials stopped a pickup driven by R.R.
of Elsa, Texas, near the Mariscal Crossing in the park. The truck, which is
owned by J.R. of Houston, was searched and found to contain 256.5
pounds of cocaine in hidden compartments. Customs was acting on a tip
received from the park which indicated that two vehicles would be crossing
the Rio Grande at that location. There was no sign of the second vehicle,
but an investigation is continuing. (Andy Ferguson, Acting CR, BIBE, via
CompuServe message from Bill Tanner, RAD/SWRO, 12:30 EDT, 4/10/90).

90-65 - Lake Mead (Nevada) - Fatality

J.C., 85, was sitting on the wall at Lake Mead overlook when he
spotted and attempted to catch a snake. In the process of that effort, he
lost his footing and fell 100 feet to his death. (Dispatch, LAME, via
CompuServe message from Herb Gercke, RAD/WRO, 5 p.m. EDT, 4/9/90).


No notes today.


- Division Chief: Dabney at Harpers Ferry (4/12).

- Branch of Resource & Visitor Protection: Coffey on AL	 (4/9-13), Farabee
  on AL (4/9-4/13).

- Branch of Fire: Botti in Hawaii to review and audit Hawaiian park fire
  programs (4/8-16), Broyles at RX-90 burn boss cadre meeting in
  Phoenix (4/11-14).

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone:  FTS 343-4874/6039 or 202-343-4874/6039
Telefax:    FTS 343-5977 or 202-343-5977
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