MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           CC: RAD Information Net

Day/date: Friday, April 13, 1990


90-61 - Joshua Tree (California) - Follow-up on Injury to Park Ranger

Ranger Grady Arrington, who was seriously injured in a one-car motor vehicle
accident outside of the park on April 9th, underwent emergency surgery late
on the 10th in which bone segments from his hip were transplanted to his
cervical vertebrae to bolster the fracture area. This was done to reduce
the swelling which was applying pressure to his spinal cord. His doctors
have stated that it is virtually certain that he will not be able to walk
again and are presently working to save feeling and control in his upper
body. (Paul Henry, CR, JOTR, via CompuServe message from Herb Gercke,
RAD/WRO, 4/11/90).

90-66 - Sequoia/Kings Canyon (California) - Employee Death

On the afternoon of the 10th, forestry worker T.J., 50, was pruning
a dwarf mistletoe infection from a sugar pine in Cedar Grove in Kings Canyon
when he fell 150 feet to the ground. T.J. received immediate attention
from several EMT-qualified employees. He remained conscious for about 30
minutes before succumbing, apparently to internal injuries and shock. He
was medevaced to the Valley Medical Center in Fresno, where he was
pronounced dead on arrival. T.J. was a Native American from Yosemite who
began work with the NPS in that park in March of 1963. He had been climbing
for most of his life and was considered to be a very experienced forestry
crew member. It is unclear at this point what caused the fall. Park
rangers and OSHA investigators will be investigating the incident. The park
conducted a critical incident stress debriefing for employees yesterday
morning. (Telephone reports from Chris Cameron, RAD/WRO, 4/12/90).


1) Carl Christensen has been selected as the new chief of the Branch of Park
Use and Emergency Services within the Division of Ranger Services in WRO.
Carl will be responsible for all protection activities other than fire, law
enforcement and aviation management. He will EOD on May 6th. [Phil Ward,


- Branch of Resource & Visitor Protection: Coffey on AL	 (4/9-13), Farabee
  on AL (4/9-4/13), Kreis on lieu day.

- Branch of Fire: Botti in Hawaii to review and audit Hawaiian park fire
  programs (4/8-16), Broyles at RX-90 burn boss cadre meeting in
  Phoenix (4/11-14).

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone:  FTS 343-4874/6039 or 202-343-4874/6039
Telefax:    FTS 343-5977 or 202-343-5977
SEAdog:     1/650 (Phone:343-6014; BAUD:2400)