- Subject: NPS Morning Report - Monday, April 23, 1990
- Date: Mon, 23 Apr 1990
Attention: Directorate
Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
CC: RAD Information Net
Day/date: Monday, April 23, 1990
90-69 - Glen Canyon (Arizona) - Fatality
J.F., 72, was on a dinner cruise on the "Canyon King" in Wahweap on
April 12th when his airway became blocked while eating. No one with him
knew the Heimlich maneuver, so no action was taken except to call for
assistance. Rangers arrived within nine minutes. Since an EMS course was
being conducted at Wahweap at the time, several EMT's and paramedics
responded. They removed the food, intubated J.F. and got some initial
response. He was taken to the Page Hospital and put on life support. On
the 19th, the life support was disconnected, as J.F. displayed no brain
activity. (Telephone report from J.T. Reynolds, RAD/RMRO, 11:30 a.m. EDT,
90-70 - Glen Canyon (Arizona) - Serious Injury
On April 19th, 17-year-old N.T. of Nagasaki, Japan, was visiting
Oak Canyon with the family she was living with in Show lew, Arizona. She
mounted a jet ski on the beach, and started out onto the water. At this
point, the canyon is about 30 yards wide, with the beach on one side and a
rock cliff on the other side. N.T. accelerated to between 20 and 25 mph
and ran straight into the canyon wall without slowing or turning. She
suffered a massive skull fracture, a T2 expression fracture, and numerous
broken ribs. The park's amphibious aircraft transported her to an
ambulance, which took her to the hospital in Page; she was then medevaced to
a hospital in Phoenix. N.T. is currently in the ICU there and is listed
in very critical condition. (Telephone report from J.T. Reynolds, RAD/RMRO,
11:30 a.m. EDT, 4/20/90).
1) Correction. On the April 19th morning report, there was a notice
regarding the physical fitness coordinator course at FLETC in July which
gave a number to call there. Please do not call that office directly for
info; you should instead contact the NPS office at FLETC at FTS 230-2246 or
912-267-2246 first. The course will cost $325, which includes lodging, per
diem and tuition. The NPS has two slots available. [Butch Farabee,
Memorandum: "Weapons Management", signed April 19th by the Associate
Director, Operations, and sent to all regional directors on April 20th.
Contains a request to survey parks to "determine the existence of surplus
weapons that are currently being stored" and a reminder of the importance of
surveying them.
Asterisk (*) indicates new entry; plus (+) indicates revised entry.
Brackets at end of entry indicate source of information:
April 27 - 29 - Site Revegetation Workshop, North Cascades NP, WA.
Sponsored by SCA. $275. For further information, contact Missi Booth Goss,
P.O. Box 31989, Seattle, WA 98103 (206-547-7380).
April 30 - May 11 - "RX-90: Prescribed Fire for Burn Bosses", Chiricahua NM,
Willcox, AZ. Priority will be given to new fire management officers and
prescribed fire specialists who have not yet met new NPS prescribed fire
qualifications. The dates are one week later than previously listed.
Nominations should be sent to Chuck Scott, Saguaro NM (FTS 762-6680,
commercial 602-670-6680), by February 23rd. [Paul Broyles, Branch of Fire
May 7 - 11 - North Atlantic Regional Chief Rangers' Conference, Eastham, MA.
Contact Capt. Dale Dickerhoof (FTS 223-5077, 617-223-5077) far further
information. [Dennis Burnett, CACO].
May 8 - 10 - Water Rights Workshop, Fort Collins, CO. The workshop will
deal with NPS water rights issues for field managers and central office
personnel who are engaged in water rights filings and adjudications. Frank
Buono at Albright is the coordinator. Contact your regional training
officer for further information. [Ann Baugh, Albright].
May 13 - 18 - DOI Annual Safety and Occupational Health Seminar, Delta Court
of Flags, Orlando, FL. Professional and collateral duty safety personnel
and managers are encouraged to attend. The registration deadline is April
13th. Inquiries should be made to Bill Andrle, USGS, FTS 959-7556 (703-648-
7556). [WASO Safety].
May 14 - 18 - Design for Parks, Cape Cod NS, MA. Arm Baugh at Albright is
the coordinator. Contact your regional training officer for further
information. [Ann Baugh, Albright].
May 16 - 19 - Third Symposium on Social Science in Resource Management,
College Station, TX. Dr. Jim Gramann is the coordinator. For further
information or details on registration, write Third Symposium on Social
Science in Resource Management, Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism
Sciences, Texas ASM University, College Station, TX 77843-2261 (409-845.
4920). [Chris White, CPSU, Texas ASM]
May 21 - 25 - NPS Minerals Management, Denver, 00. Frank Buono at Albright
is the coordinator. Contact your regional training office for further
information. [Ann Baugh, Albright].
May 21 - 25 - ARPA Training, Saratoga NHB, Stillwater, NY. 40 hours.
Funded by FLETC. [Jim Loach, RAD/WASO]
May 22 - 23 - Western Region Peer Counselor Training, Tucson, Arizona. Herb
Gercke (FTS/Commercial 415-556-1866) is the coordinator. [Herb Gercke, WRO]
May 28 - June 1 - International Symposium on the Biology of Deer,
Mississippi State, MS. Contact Robert D. Brown, Department of Wildlife and
Fisheries, P.O. Drawer LW, Mississippi State, MS 39762.
May 29 - June 2 - "Response '90: Pointe to the Future", 19th Annual NASAR
conference and Exposition, The Pointe at South Mountain, Phoenix, AZ. Pre-
conference training courses will be offered on a number of topics, including
leadership for emergency response team leaders, ICS-SAR planning section
chief, wilderness medicine, and PLB's. For further information, contact
NASAR, P.O. BOX 3709, Fairfax, VA 22038 (703-352-1349). [NASAR]
May 29 - June 1 - National Grazinglands Weed Management conference, Holiday
Inn Central, Omaha, NE. Contact Jenness Coffey, FTS 343-6380.
* June 19 - 22 - NEPA Symposium and Fifteenth Annual Conference of the
National Association of Environmental Professionals (NAEP), Marriott-
Riverwalk, San Antonio, TX. For further information, call NAEP at 703-660.2364.
October 13 - 19 - "Natural Areas and Yosemite: Prospects for the Future",
Yosemite (10/13-14) and Sheraton Conference Center, Concord, CA (10/15-19).
Sponsored by The Natural Areas Association, Yosemite NP, and The Yosemite
Fund. Inquiries should be directed to Coordinator, NA/Yosemite Centennial
Symposium, GGNRA, Fort Mason Building 201, San Francisco, CA 94123 (415-556-
1009). [Jenness Coffey, RAD/WASO]
* November 12 - 15 - "Resource Technology 90", International Symposium an
Advanced Technology in Natural Resource Management, Washington, D.C. For
more information, contact conference coordinator Janette Evans at 303-226-
1688. Harvey Fleet, NPS-GIS, DSC, is coordinating the "Parks and Protected
Areas" segment of the session. [Kathy Jope, RAD/MARD]
November 12 - 17 - Sixth Conference an Research in the National Parks and
Equivalent Reserves, Westin Paso Del Norte Hotel, El Paso, TX. Sponsored by
George Wright Society. For further information, call the 1990 Conference
Committee at 415-556-1866. [George Wright Forum].
November 13 - 16 - "Agency and Interagency Response to Natural and
Technological Disasters", Sixth Annual Environmental Roundtable, Interlaken
Resort and Spa, Lake Geneva, WI. Sponsored by MWRO, DOI's Office of
Environmental Affairs (Chicago), USFS (Region 9) and EPA (Region 5). For
further info, contact John Townsend, FTS 864-3475. [John Townsend, MWRO]
(Calendar appears in each Monday's morning report. If you know of a
conference, meeting or training session with Servicewide interest and
implications, please provide the specifics to Bill Halainen in Ranger
- Division Chief: Dabney at USFWS law enforcement review commission meeting,
Arlington, VA (4/23-26).
- Branch of Resource & Visitor Protection: loach in Alaska (4/23-27).
- Branch of Fire: Gale instructing on ICS and fire management at Albright
Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities
Telephone: FTS 343-4874/6039 or 202-343-4874/6039
Telefax: FTS 343-5977 or 202-343-5977
SEAdog: 1/650 (Phone:343-6014; BAUD:2400)