MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           CC: RAD Information Net

Day/date: Monday, June 25, 1990

                     *** IMPORTANT NOTICE ***

All flags are to be lowered to half staff today until sunset in honor of
Korean War Remembrance Day per authority of Presidential proclamation.


90-153 - Olympic (Washington) - Structural Fires

On June 23rd, a fire of unknown origin completely destroyed the park's
entrance station at Soleduck. A second fire burned the outside wall of park
headquarters, but was extinguished before it could cause any significant
damage. An investigation is underway. Arson is suspected. (Telephone
report from Maureen Finnerty, Superintendent, OLYM, to Walt Dabney,
RAD/WASO, 6/23).

90-154 - Yellowstone (Wyoming) - Animal Incident

According to an Associated Press story this morning, 71-year-old H.K.
received bruises and a gash on her right side after being butted by
a bison near Old Faithful on the 21st. H.K. was reported to have been
photographing an eruption when a large bison slowly ambled toward her,
knocked her down, then walked away. This was the second reported bison
injury in the park this year. Earlier, a West German man was bruised when
he was butted by a bison. (AP story, 6/22).


1) FIRE SITUATION - Preparedness Level II

One geographic area experiencing high fire danger. Numerous Class A, B,
and C fires occurring and a potential exists for escapes to larger
(project) fires. Minimal mobilization of resources from other geographic
areas occurring. The potential exists for mobilizing additional
resources from other geographic areas.


State  Agency      Area             Fire                    Acres  Status

FL     FL        State             Unnamed fire             36,000  MN

NM     FWS       Seviletta NWR     Marikay                     600  Yes
       USFS      Santa Fe NF       Sypher - T2                 110  Yes
                                   Pedro                       285  Yes
       BLM       Las Cruces        Mary-Toy                    500  Yes
                                  *Claunch                     515  Yes         
                 Roswell          *Hagerman                    532  CN 6/24
       NPS       Guadalupe Mts.    No Rain                      77  CL 6/30
       NM        State            *Turkey                      600  CN 6/24
                 State            *Corona                      600  Yes

TX     NPS       Lake Meredith     Big Canyon                7,300  CL 6/30
                                  *Plum                      1,100  CN 6/25

CA     CA        Ventura County   *Pole                        250  CN 6/24
       USFS      Cleveland NF     *Bedford                     150  None
       CDF           ---          *Highway                     150  CN 6/24


- Fires - Asterisk indicates newly reported fire. T1 and T2 indicate
  assigned Type I and Type II Teams.
- Status - Containment/control dates are estimates; CN means
  contain, CL means control, MN means the fire is being monitored; "none"
  means no estimate; "yes" means the fire has been contained.
- Agencies - All BLM areas are districts; CDF is California
  Department of Forestry.


- Big Canyon Fire (Lake Meredith) - The fire has been contained and
should be controlled today. Close out for the Type II team will
occur this afternoon.

- Plum Fire (Lake Meredith) - The fire should be contained this
morning and controlled by Sunday. The air tankers and lead plane
assigned to the fire were released over the weekend.

4) FIRE ACTIVITY - 110 fires for 205 acres in past 24 hours.

5) FIRE DANGERS - The following parks are experiencing high to
extreme fire danger this morning:

       High                Very High                 Extreme

Mesa Verde              Zion                       Bryce Canyon
Big Cypress             Carlsbad Caverns           Colorado
Scotts Bluff            Guadalupe Mountains        Big Bend
Bandelier               El Malpais                 Lake Meredith
Padre Island            Grand Canyon               Walnut Canyon
Hawaii Volcanoes        Lava Beds                  Tonto
Saguaro                 Pinnacles                  Chiricahua
Great Basin             Sequoia/Kings              Coronado
                        Chiricahua                 Chaco Culture
                        Whiskeytown                Aztec Ruins
                                                   Casa Grande
                                                   Organ Pipe Cactus
                                                   El Morro

6) ANALYSIS - Extreme conditions continue to be reported throughout
the Southwest. National parks report the following this morning:

* Big Cypress - The park reports that summer weather patterns
are now well established and water levels are slowly rising.

* Carlsbad Caverns - Thunderstorms in the area started the
Thayer Fire on BLM lands on the park's north boundary last
night. Park crews were assisting in suppression efforts.

* Guadalupe Mountains - Thousand-hour fuels are still at
nine percent.

* Lava Beds - The park continues to monitor the Butte Fire,
which is now being mopped up on the south side of the park.

* Yosemite - The park has two prescribed fires underway - the
50-acre Mariposa Grove 10 and the 10-acre YV 13A.

7) PROGNOSIS - Fire activity is expected to increase in California,
Colorado and the Southwest because of lightning activity which
occurred yesterday afternoon.

(NPS National Wildland Fire Summary, 0430 MDT, 6/25/90; NICC Intelligence
Section, Daily Situation Report, 1630 MDT, 6/24/90; NICC Intelligence
Section, Fire Management Situation Report, 0530 MDT, 6/25/90).


1) SERO advises us that a police department in Florida has found an NPS
badge with the number 196 on the back. Anyone with information on where the
badge might have come from should contact Capt. Steve Alscher, RAD/SERO.


- Division Chief: No travel scheduled.

- Branch of Resource & Visitor Protection: Loach on AL (6/18-7/9);
  Farabee in Alaska for aviation program evaluation (6/24-6/30);
  Henry on SL; Halainen in Nashville for meeting with R&R Uniforms

- Branch of Fire: Bund in meetings with regional fire coordinators
  in RMR (6/25), PNRO (6/26) and AR (6/29).

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone:  FTS 268-4874/6039 or 202-208-4874/6039
Telefax:    FTS 268-5977 or 202-208-5977
SEAdog:     1/650