- Subject: NPS Morning Report - Thursday, August 30, 1990
- Date: Thurs, 30 Aug 1990
Attention: Directorate
Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
CC: RAD Information Net
Day/date: Thursday, August 30, 1990
90-253 - Rock Creek Park (D.C.) - Follow-up on Assault to USPP Officer
Officer James Culver, who was assaulted in the park late on the evening of
August 12th, has lost the sight in his left eye. Although Culver remains in
serious condition, he was released from Washington Hospital Center last week
to return to his family home in Pittsburgh for additional medical care. He
also suffered a broken jaw, bruises on his brain and facial and skull
fractures. A federal grand jury has returned indictments against H. and
J.S., charging them each with four counts related to the assault.
(Washington Post. 8/29).
90-278 - Denali (Alaska) - Follow-up on Mudslides
Continuing rain and wet snow are keeping several rock and mud slide areas
active along the park road, which will remain closed to the public at
Teklanika River (mile 30) until conditions change. Only necessary park
administrative travel is being allowed, and is being conducted with the
assistance of road crews. Shuttle and tour buses are operating up to the
river and are turning around and returning from that point. The campgrounds
at Igloo Creek and Wonder Lake will remain closed until the road opens, and
no backcountry permits are being issued for areas beyond the river. The
campgrounds at Riley Creek, Savage River, Sanctuary River and Teklanika
River remain open, as do all other visitor facilities in the park's entrance
area. (CompuServe message from George Wagner, PIO, DENA, 8/29).
90-288 - Glen Canyon (Utah/Arizona) - Propane Barge Fire
At about 4 p.m. on the 26th, an ARA Leisure Services employee was filling
small portable propane tanks on a 24-foot pontoon barge at the Bullfrog
Marina Complex when a fire broke out. The fire was contained after an hour-
long effort by six NPS and four ARA employees using a park fire truck and an
ARA fire boat. The pontoon barge, motor, electric welder and approximately
40 propane tanks were lost in the fire; the total estimated loss is placed
at about $20,000. A bulk propane truck which was near the barge during the
filling operation was not damaged. There were no injuries. The fire was
probably caused by venting propane settling around the electric welder,
which was being used as a generator to power the bulk truck's propane pump.
(CompuServe message from Larry Clark, CR, GLCA, 8/29).
90-289 - Grand Teton (Wyoming) - Car Clouts
On August 25th, five daylight car clouts occurred at trail heads and
isolated parking lots in the park. Entry was gained by throwing a large
rock through windows on each of the vehicles. Items stolen included $400 in
cash, cameras, a briefcase, children's books, food, bike panniers, a tool
box, sleeping bags, therma-rest pads and a backpack stove. In one case, the
subjects returned to the trail head several hours later and broke into
another vehicle. Two other vehicles were also entered in the same fashion
elsewhere in Teton County on that date. There are two possible suspects/
vehicles that area parks should watch for:
* A tan or cream-colored, American-made, four-door sedan - possibly a Ford
or Dodge with Colorado plates. Male occupant, 35-45 years old, dark
hair with sideburns, clean shaven, round face, dark rim glasses.
* A faded blue, 1970's vintage, windowless blue van with no roof ladder or
spare tire and carrying a windsurf board with a rolled-up red, white and
blue sail on top. Driven by a male in his mid-20's with blonde hair and
a California surfer haircut, about 6' tall and 170 - 180 pounds.
(CompuServe message from GRTE, 8/29).
90-290 - Fire Island (New York) - Arrest for Attempted Rape
On the afternoon of August 13th, a 30-year-old woman was sexually assaulted
while walking along the south portion of the Smith Point nature trail. She
was eventually able to fend off her assailant, though, and fled to the
nearby visitor center. Park rangers and local police officers responded and
began a search of the area. A police helicopter assisted in the effort.
The search proved fruitless and was called off at sunset. Rangers were able
to get a good description of the man from both the victim and a witness,
however. On the 15th, rangers were summoned to the beach at Smith Point to
meet people who said they could identify the suspect, who was reported to be
lying on the beach there. The rangers arrested the man, identified as 26-
year-old D.D. of Patchogue, New York, and transported him to a
precinct office in Patchogue, where D.D. confessed to the assault. He was
to be arraigned in federal court on the 16th. (Telefax from J. Roll, FIIS,
One geographic area experiencing high fire danger. Numerous Class A, B, and
C fires occurring and a potential exists for escapes to larger (project)
fires. Minimal mobilization of resources from other geographic areas
occurring. The potential exists for mobilizing additional resources from
other geographic areas.
State Agency Area Fire 8/29 8/30 Status
CO NPS Dinosaur Split 93 133 CN 9/1
BLM Craig Diamond 100 160 CN 8/30
ID BLM Boise *Pig Tail - 600 None
AK FWS Galena Zone A-204 150,000 150,000 None
- Fires - Asterisk indicates newly reported fire (on this
report). T1 and T2 indicate assigned Type I and Type II Teams.
- Status - The following abbreviations are employed:
* NR - No report received * MS - Modified suppression strategy
* CN - Contained * MN - Being monitored
* CL - Controlled * None - No estimate of containment
* CS - Confinement strategy * Yes - Fire has been contained
- Dinosaur (Colorado) - The Split Fire burned another 40 acres yesterday.
The confinement date may have to be moved back from September 1st.
A red flag watch has been issued for the area for Thursday. Two fire
monitors and a helicopter have been committed to the fire.
- Yosemite (California) - No change from yesterday's report.
- Denali (Alaska) - No change from yesterday's report.
4) NATIONAL FIRE ACTIVITY - 145 fires for 929 acres in past 24 hours.
High Very High Extreme
Bighorn Canyon Sequoia/Kings Great Basin
Golden Gate Isle Royale
Rocky Mountain Dinosaur
Yosemite Grand Canyon
Indiana Dunes Theodore Roosevelt
Bryce Canyon Natchez Trace
Pinnacles Joshua Tree
Point Reyes Zion
Santa Monica Hawaii Volcanoes
Scotts Bluff
Cumberland Island
Resource August 28 August 29
Firefighters 131 131
Monitors 0 0
Overhead personnel 38 34
Type I crews 0 0
Engines 7 7
Helicopters 6 6
7) ANALYSIS - Minor fire activity is taking place in the West and Southeast.
Fire dangers remain high to extreme in Utah, Nevada, Colorado and
8) PROGNOSIS - Fire activity is expected to increase in several areas of the
West and Southeast due to the possibility of fires started by people
during the upcoming holiday weekend.
(Telefax report from Beth Gale, Branch of Fire, Boise, 1700 MDT, 8/29; NICC
Intelligence Section, Fire Management Situation Report, 0530 MDT, 8/30).
1) Tonight, CBS News' "48 Hours" (8 p.m. EDT and PDT, 7 p.m. CDT and MDT)
will focus on the Grand Canyon. According to their preliminary press
release, the highlights will include a trip down the Colorado, the debate
over the effects of the Glen Canyon Dam on the river and canyon, and search
and rescue operations - which are described as "the round-the-clock efforts
to help tourists not just enjoy the canyon - but survive it."
- Division Chief: No travel scheduled.
- Branch of Resource & Visitor Protection: Coffey on SL (8/27-8/31);
Marriott at ARPA meeting in San Antonio (8/27-8/31); Henry on SL
- Branch of Fire: Beth Gale on detail to Branch from Shenandoah (8/27-9/7).
Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities
Telephone: FTS 268-4874/6039 or 202-208-4874/6039
Telefax: FTS 268-5977 or 202-208-5977
CompuServe: WASO-RANGER (Branch of R&VP); WASO-FIRE-WO (Branch of Fire)
SEAdog: 1/650