MORNING REPORT

Attention: Directorate
           Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
           CC: RAD Information Net

Day/date: Friday, August 31, 1990


90-276 - Grand Canyon (Arizona) - Follow-up on Vice Presidential Visit

Marilyn Quayle, the vice president's spouse, was thrown from her raft when
it hit Lava Falls rapid last weekend. Quayle, who was wearing a life
jacket, was pulled back into the raft and was not injured. Lava Falls is
considered to be one of the roughest stretches of river in the park.
(Associated Press reports, 8/30 and 8/31).

90-291 - Noatak (Alaska) - Bear Mauling

At 3 a.m. on August 26th, H.P., 64, of Anchorage, was mauled by a
grizzly bear while camping on Eli River. H.P. was in his sleeping bag in a
tent when the incident occurred. The grizzly, which was described as "an
old skinny bear", tore through the tent and the bag. H.P.'s right arm was
dislocated and he suffered puncture wounds in his abdomen and back and minor
scratches on his right arm, shoulder and back. H.P. was discovered about 12
hours later by J.W., a Kotzebue hunting guide, who flew him to
Kotzebue, where he was immediately medevaced by jet to Providence Hospital
in Anchorage. According to H.P., there was no food in his tent at the time
of the incident. H.P. was on a photographic trip and was not hunting.
(Warren Rigby, CR, NOAT, via CompuServe message from RAD/ARO, 8/30).

90-292 - Gulf Islands (Florida/Mississippi) - MVA with Fatality

At 1:30 a.m. on August 30th, A.W., 22, of Gulf Breeze, Florida, was
driving eastbound on Fort Pickens road when her car left the roadway and
rolled over several times in the dunes. She was medevaced by Life Flight to
a Pensacola hospital, where she died during surgery. Rangers and Florida
State Patrol officers are investigating the incident. (Gene Phillips, GUIS,
via telefax from Capt. Steve Alscher, RAD/SERD, 8/30).



One geographic area experiencing high fire danger. Numerous Class A, B, and
C fires occurring and a potential exists for escapes to larger (project)
fires. Minimal mobilization of resources from other geographic areas
occurring. The potential exists for mobilizing additional resources from
other geographic areas.


State  Agency      Area             Fire                      8/30       8/31  Status

CA     USFS      Sierra NF        *Savage - T2                   -        550  CN 9/1
                 San Bernadino NF *Swarthout                     -        115  Yes

CO     NPS       Dinosaur NM       Split                       133        133  CN 9/1
       BLM       Craig             Diamond                     160        160  Yes
                 Grand Junction   *Coffee Pot                    -        175  CN 9/1

ID     BLM       Boise             Pig Tail                    600       1,084  Yes


- Fires - Asterisk indicates newly reported fire (on this
  report). T1 and T2 indicate assigned Type I and Type II Teams.
- Status - The following abbreviations are employed:

  * NR - No report received      * MS - Modified suppression strategy
  * CN - Contained               * MN - Being monitored
  * CL - Controlled              * None - No estimate of containment
  * CS - Confinement strategy    * Yes - Fire has been contained


- Sequoia/Kings (California) - The 35-acre Avalanche 1 fire has spotted
across its containment lines, so a 10-person hand crew has been committed
to the fire. Activity within lines has increased due to higher
temperatures and wind speeds.

4) NATIONAL FIRE ACTIVITY - 219 fires for 25,009 acres in past 24 hours.


       High                Very High                 Extreme

Bighorn Canyon           Sequoia/Kings              Great Basin
Golden Gate              Zion                       Colorado
Rocky Mountain           Dinosaur                   Natchez Trace
Yosemite                 Joshua Tree                Hawaii Volcanoes
Indiana Dunes            Theodore Roosevelt
Bryce Canyon             Grand Canyon
Point Reyes
Santa Monica
Scotts Bluff
Cumberland Island
Death Valley


  Resource            August 29    August 30

Firefighters               131          121
Monitor                      0            0
Overhead personnel          34           30
Type I crews                 0            1
Engines                      7            7
Helicopters                  6            6

7) ANALYSIS - Fire activity is continuing throughout the Western and
Southeastern states. More areas are reporting very high to extreme
conditions each day.

8) PROGNOSIS - The potential exists for increased activity during the
upcoming holiday weekend. No resource shortages are anticipated.

(Telefax report from Beth Gale, Branch of Fire, Boise, 1700 MDT, 8/30; NICC
Intelligence Section, Fire Management Situation Report, 0530 MDT, 8/31).


- Division Chief: No travel scheduled.

- Branch of Resource & Visitor Protection: Coffey on SL (8/27-8/31);
  Henry on SL (indefinite); Martin on AL (8/31); Kreis on lieu day (8/31);
  Farabee on AL (8/31).

- Branch of Fire: Beth Gale on detail to Branch from Shenandoah (8/27-9/7).

Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities

Telephone:  FTS 268-4874/6039 or 202-208-4874/6039
Telefax:    FTS 268-5977 or 202-208-5977
CompuServe: WASO-RANGER (Branch of R&VP); WASO-FIRE-WO (Branch of Fire)
SEAdog:     1/650