- Subject: NPS Morning Report - Thursday, September 20, 1990
- Date: Thurs, 20 Sep 1990
Attention: Directorate
Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
CC: RAD Information Net
Day/date: Thursday, September 20, 1990
90-312 - Delaware Water Gap (New Jersey/Pennsylvania) - Followup on
On the evening of the 11th, J.T. of Arlington,
Virginia, and D.B., of Newark, Delaware, were arrested
in a cornfield in the park while attempting to harvest some
marijuana which was being grown among the corn rows. Upon
further investigation, rangers determined that J.T.'s real
name was E.E., and that he had previously been
arrested for a variety of offenses, including assault,
possession of marijuana, resisting arrest, theft, and breaking
and entering. Earlier on the 11th, D.B. and E.E. had
flown into Mount Pocono airport from Vermont, where they both
live, then had rented a car and driven to the cornfield. FBI
agents, who are providing assistance on this case, subsequently
seized the airplane, which belongs to D.B.. A detention
hearing was held on the 14th. E.E. is being held without
bond; D.B. was released to the custody of his parents, who
posted the $100,000 bond through a lien on their residence.
Indictments were being sought from a grand jury in Scranton
yesterday. The investigation continues in an attempt to link
several local people to the marijuana field and to determine
whether or not D.B., E.E. or any of these individuals
are connected with another nearby marijuana patch which was
raided on the 11th by state police. (Telefax from Hal Grovert,
CR, DEWA, 9/19).
90-317 - Gateway (New York) - Two Homicides
Early on the morning of September 15th, a female jogger on the
beach in the park's Fort Tilden Unit discovered the body of a
partially clothed male. Park Police and NYPD officers responded.
There were no visible signs of injury on the body, but other
evidence suggested that the man had been killed. On the
following morning, a man walking his dog on Plumb Beach found a
body wrapped in a sheet. The victim had been trussed with two
electric cords and TV antenna wire. His only apparent injury
was a bloody nose. The second body was found about two miles
from the first. Although the two incidents may be related, it
is considered unlikely that they are linked. (Telephone report
from Maj. Dale Dickerhoof, USPP, GATE).
No reports today.
One geographic area experiencing high fire danger. Numerous
Class A, B, and C fires occurring and a potential exists for
escapes to larger (project) fires. Minimal mobilization of
resources from other geographic areas occurring. The potential
exists for mobilizing additional resources from other geographic
State Agency Area Fire 9/19 9/20 Status
UT USFS WasatchCache NF Strongs Canyon 150 170 Yes
AZ FWS Havasu NWR *BW Delta 280 CN 9/19
CO USFS White River NV Ute Creek T2 200 200 NR
GA FWS Okefenokee NWR Shorts T2 2,620 2,620 None
Fires - Asterisk indicates newly reported fire (on this
report). T1 and T2 indicate assigned Type I and Type II Teams.
Status - The following abbreviations are employed:
* NR No report received * MS Modified suppression strategy
* CN Contained * MN Being monitored
* CL Controlled * None No estimate of containment
* CS Confinement strategy * Yes Fire has been contained
3) NATIONAL FIRE ACTIVITY 131 fires for 782 acres in past 24
High Very High Extreme
El Malpais Cumberland Island Cape Cod
Golden Gate Natchez Trace Joshua Tree
Hawaii Volcanoes
Lassen Volcanic
Point Reyes
Resource 9/18 9/19
Firefighters 156 125
Monitors 3 1
Overhead personnel 55 50
Type I crews 3 0
Engines 9 9
Helicopters 6 5
6) ANALYSIS Only minor fire activity is being reported.
7) PROGNOSIS No resource shortages expected.
(Telefax from Marla Mino, Branch of Fire, Boise, 1530 MDT, 9/19;
NICC Intelligence Section, Fire Management Situation Report,
0530 MDT, 9/20).
Division Chief: Dabney at ranger work force meeting in Minneapolis
Branch of Resource & Visitor Protection: Coffey on SL (9/17-9/21).
Branch of Fire: Hurd in Acadia (9/17-9/21); Gale in Shenandoah to review
fire management program, work on MAR allrisk training and attend ICS
working team meeting (9/159/26); Broyles in Shenandoah for all-risk
and ICS meetings and in Washington for NWCG meeting (9/16-9/26); Erskine
at NWCG meeting in Maine (9/17-9/23); Clark instructing at extreme
fire behavior seminar (9/17-9/22); Marla Mino on detail to Branch from Big
Cypress (9/10-9/24).
Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities
Telephone: FTS 268-4874/6039 or 202-208-4874/6039
Telefax: FTS 268-5977 or 202-208-5977
CompuServe: WASO-RANGER (Branch of R&VP); WASO-FIRE-WO (Branch of Fire)
SEAdog: 1/650