- Subject: NPS Morning Report - Monday, November 5, 1990
- Date: Mon, 5 Nov 1990
Attention: Directorate
Regional and Park Chief Rangers, USPP, BIFC, FLETC
CC: RAD Information Net
Day/date: Monday, November 5, 1990
90-397 - New River Gorge (West Virginia) - Death of Employee
A memorial service for Ron Gibbs, who was killed in a one-car accident on
October 27th, was held last Thursday evening in Oak Hill, West Virginia.
Ron was a 24-year-veteran of the National Park Service and the first
historian for New River Gorge National River. A trust fund for the study of
military history is being established in his name. Specific information on
how to contribute to the fund will appear in the morning report later this
week. (Telefax from Meg Weesner, NERI, 11/1).
90-398 - Acadia (Maine) - Breaking and Entering
On the evening of October 26th, ranger Peter Jordan discovered a window
broken and the front door ajar on an unoccupied government residence. After
a Southwest Harbor PD backup unit arrived, the building was searched and
evidence was found which indicated that people were using the quarters
without authorization. Rangers Jordan and George Leone again checked the
building on the following evening and found an 18-year-old male, J.N.,
and 16-year-old female within. Leone searched J.N. and found 199
rounds of Super X .22 caliber ammunition on his person. Upon further
questioning, the rangers learned that J.N. had hidden a rifle and knife in
the building's loft, where the two had been hiding. The rangers also
discovered that J.N. had inflicted about $500 in damages to the building
and a nearby NPS restroom. J.N. was arrested on state criminal trespass
and negligence charges and federal criminal trespass, mischief and weapons
possession charges. The weapon and other related items had allegedly been
stolen by J.N. from a residence in an adjacent community. (George Leone,
ACAD, via telefax from John Lynch, RAD/NARO, 11/1).
Blue Ridge (North Carolina/Virginia) - The park is now at the leading edge
of the southward movement of the gypsy moth. The park has a large natural
area with one endangered species and several Category Two species which
could be affected by gypsy moth defoliation or pesticides used to treat the
moths. The Forest Service and local groups have expressed an interest in
seeing the park take more action on the gypsy moths. (Susan Savage, Wildlife
and Vegetation, WASO)
1) A Wisconsin family has asked us for help in locating a family member
known to be travelling in parks in the eastern United States. They need to
inform him of two deaths in the family. The person sought is Dennis Bonn,
who is conducting a study of migratory birds and fall leaf colors. He is
accompanied by his wife and had informed the family that his travel plans
included a varying pattern of visits to areas ranging from New England to
the Missouri/Arkansas border region. Bonn is using two motor vehicles, both
with Wisconsin tags - a 1983 Tioga motorhome (Wisconsin 45922) and a 1983
Buick Skyhawk station wagon (Wisconsin FMD 905). If you make contact with
Bonn, please ask him to call 608-437-3539. (Duncan Morrow, PA/WASO)
Asterisk (*) indicates new entry; plus (+) indicates revised entry.
Brackets at end of entry indicate source of information:
* November 6 - 8 - Alaska Region Chief Rangers' Workshop, Anchorage, AK.
Focus on search and rescue and loss control management. [Rich O'Guin,
November 5 - 9 - Fish Genetics and Broodstock Management, Wellsboro, PA. US
Fish and Wildlife Service course. $230 tuition. Call Mike Coffey at FTS
343-8135 for further information. [Mike Coffey, WASO]
November 8 - 10 - "The Spanish Missionary Heritage of the United States",
Fountain Plaza Hotel, San Antonio, TX. For registration information, please
write to Quincentenary Committee, San Antonio Missions NHP, 2202 Roosevelt
Avenue, San Antonio, TX 78210 or call either Racinda Meno or Dr. Art Gomez
at 512-229-5701.
November 9 - 10 - Fifth Annual Wilderness Emergencies Conference, Sedona,
AZ. Sponsored by Flagstaff Medical Center. For more information, contact
Sharon Harbeck, EN, PreHospital Care (Coordinator, Flagstaff Medical Center,
P.O. Box 1268, Flagstaff, AZ 86002 (602-779-3366, ext. 4185). [Flagstaff
Medical Center]
November 11 - 14 - "Wildlife Conservation In Metropolitan Environments: A
National Symposium on Urban Wildlife," Stouffer Five Seasons Hotel, Cedar
Rapids, IA. Sponsored by the National Institute for Urban Wildlife. For
further information, contact John Dennis (FTS 343-8128) or Gary Johnston
(FTS 343-8115) in WASO. [Jen Coffey, RAD/WASO]
November 12 - 15 - "Resource Technology 90: Second International Symposium
on Advanced Technology in Natural Resource Management," Washington, D.C.
For more information, contact conference coordinator Janette Evans at 303.
226-1688. Harvey Fleet, NPS-GIS, DSC, is coordinating the "Parks and
Protected Areas" segment of the session. [Kathy Jope, RAD/MARO]
November 12 - 17 - Sixth Conference on Research in the National Parks and
Equivalent Reserves, Westin Paso Del Norte Hotel, El Paso, TX. Sponsored by
George Wright Society. For further information, call the 1990 Conference
Committee at 415-556-1866. [George Wright Forum].
November 13 - 16 - "Agency and Inter-agency Response to Natural and
Technological Disasters", Sixth Annual Environmental Roundtable, Interlaken
Resort and Spa, Lake Geneva, WI. Sponsored by MWRD, DCT's Office of
Environmental Affairs (Chicago), USFS (Region 9) and EPA (Region 5). For
further information, contact John Townsend, FTS 864-3475. [John Townsend,
+ November 13 - 15 - Fundamentals of Search and Rescue, Newington, CT.
CANCELLED. [John Lancos, GATE]
November 27 - 30 - Annual regional recreation fee and reservation system
coordinator training, Department of Interior. Benefitting account pays
travel and per diem. Contact Wes Kreis, FTS 268-4205. [Wes Kreis, RAD/WASO]
November 30 - December 2 - Managing the Search Function, Charleston, WV.
Sponsored by NASAR. Call 703-352-1349 for further information. [NASAR]
December 3 - 7 - Fish Tracking Techniques, Panama City, FL. US Fish and
Wildlife Service course. $230 tuition. Call Mike Coffey at FTS 343-8135
for further information. [Mike Coffey, WASO]
December 7 - 9 - Managing the Search Function, Lincroft, NJ. Sponsored by
NASAR. Call 703-352-1349 for further information. [NASAR]
December 10 - 14 - FMO Workshop, Stouffer Madison Hotel, Seattle, WA. The
session begins at 8 a.m. on Monday and concludes at noon on Friday. All
regional and park full-time FMD's and regional and park full-time clerks
should attend. For more information, contact Doug Erskine at the Branch of
Fire (208-334-1055 or FTS 554-1055). [Rick Gale, FIRE]
December 10 - 14 - Archeological Resource Protection, FLETC, Glynco, GA.
For application procedures, contact your regional training office. [Carole
December 17 - 18 - Karst Research Conference, Mammoth Cave NP, Kentucky.
The park's water quality monitoring program will be presented and discussed,
and presentations on current karst research will be made by outside
researchers. For further information, contact Superintendent, Mammoth Cave
NP, Mammoth Cave, Kentucky, ATTN: Division of Science and Resource
Management (502-758-2251). [George Gregory, MACA]
* January 10 - March 25 - Basic Law Enforcement for Land Management Agencies
Training Program, FLETC, Glynco, GA. Funded by LEEDC/FLETC. For
application procedures, contact your regional training office. [Carole
January 14 - 18 - Critical Issues: Museum Security and Fire Protection,
Washington, D.C. This 40-hour course is designed for regional and park
curators and chiefs of ranger activities divisions. It will include
identification of security and fire threats, making assessments, operating
procedures, sources of assistance, hardware systems and technical
specifications and costs of museum security and fire protection. Contact
your park or regional training officer for an application. For further
information, contact Dave Dahlen at Mather EDC (FTS 925-6215 or 304-535-
6215). [Dave Dahlen, Mather]
January 22 - Helicopter Operation Specialist and Pilot Workshop, Anaheim,
CA. Tentative. Sponsored by CAS. Please contact Butch Farabee at FTS 268-
4188 for further information. [Butch Farabee, RAD/WASO]
(Calendar appears in each Monday's morning report. If you know of a
conference, meeting or training session with Servicewide interest and
implications, please provide the specifics to Bill Halainen in Ranger
- Division Chief: No travel scheduled.
- Branch of Resource & Visitor Protection: Henry in meeting with aircraft
overflight study contractor (11/5); entire staff at staff retreat at
Wolf Trap (11/8-11/9).
- Branch of Fire: Botti at FIREPRO review in SHEN, NERI, FRSP and APCO
(11/3-11/7); Gale at Frijole Fire review in GUMO (11/6-11/8); Norum
consulting with SEKI on research and prescribed fire prescriptions
(11/5-11/9); Rutter, Brown and Wise at FFS training in Seattle
Prepared by WASO Division of Ranger Activities
Telephone: FTS 268-4874/6039 or 202-208-4874/6039
Telefax: FTS 268-5977 or 202-208-5977
CompuServe: WASO-RANGER (Branch of R&VP); WASO-FIRE-WO (Branch of Fire)
SEAdog: 1/650